- This is a simple 3D cube project that allows the user to rotate the cube using their mouse.
- The project is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- The HTML code defines the structure of the project.
- There is a container element that wraps the cube element, which has six child elements representing each face of the cube.
- Each face has a unique class name and text content indicating which face it is.
- The CSS code defines the styles for the project.
- The container has a margin, width, height, and perspective properties.
- The cube has position, width, height, user-select, cursor, transition, and transform-style properties.
- Each face has position, width, height, text-align, line-height, font-size, font-weight, color, opacity, and transform properties.
- The JavaScript code allows the user to rotate the cube using their mouse.
- There are event listeners for mouse down, mouse up, and mouse move events.
- The onMouseDown function sets a flag to indicate that the mouse is being dragged and saves the initial mouse position.
- The onMouseUp function clears the dragging flag.
- The onMouseMove function calculates the change in mouse position and updates the current rotation of the cube based on this change.
- The updateCubeRotation function updates the transform property of the cube element to apply the current rotation.
The project contains the following files:
- index.html: The HTML code for the project.
- style.css: The CSS code for the project.
- script.js: The JavaScript code for the project.
- If you would like to contribute to the project, feel free to create a pull request with your changes. Any contributions are welcome!