I wanted a single place to store my most common receipes in my meal prep routine. I was getting tired of looking at various websites while I was walking in the store and keeping a running list in my head. This is to serve as a central place of my favorite and easy receipes. Lots of them are 6 ingredients or less and can be put together in a few minutes with minimal kitchen equipment needed.
- Front-End application was build with Vue.js.
- Backend is hosted with google firebase.
- Hosting is with google firebase. https://franks-cookbook.firebaseapp.com/#/
- Styled with Buefy. https://buefy.github.io
- Able to display current recepies in the database.
- Able to go to the recipe specific page for more information.
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# login to firebase
firebase login
# initalize firebase config
* Set public to ./dist
firebase init
# Deploy code to production: https://franks-cookbook.firebaseapp.com
npm run build
firebase deploy
- Optimize for mobile
- Offer a shopping list option
- Press to check off shopping list item.
- Add average cost
- Add average servings
- Add nutrition information
- Add aisle location for ingredients.
- Add labels (slow cooker, no heating required, grilling possible, high protein, high fiber)
- update with bulma instead of materialize
- add images
- Add description
- Add gif images on recipe page.
- Market it by posting on imgur