Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, the offspring of David, as preached in my gospel, for which I am suffering, bound with chains as a criminal. But the word of God is not bound!
ἀλλʼ ὁ λόγος τοῦ θεοῦ οὐ δέδεται
—Second Timothy 2:8–9 ESV, NA28
This repository contains a Python program for installing and maintaining FaithLife's Logos Bible (Verbum) Software via Wine.
This program is created and maintained by the FaithLife Community and is licensed under the MIT License.
The main program is a distributable executable binary and contains Python itself and all necessary Python packages.
When running the program, it will attempt to determine your operating system and package manager. It will then attempt to install all needed system dependencies during the installation of Logos. When the installation is finished, it will place two shortcuts on your computer: one will launch Logos directly; the other will launch the Control Panel.
To access the GUI version of the program, double-click the executable in your file browser or on your desktop, and then follow the prompts.
The program can also be run from source and should be run from a Python virtual environment. See below.
For an installation guide with pictures and video, see the wiki's Install Guide.
In Summary:
chmod +x ./oudedetai
DIALOG=tk ./oudedetai
NOTE: You can run Ou Dedetai using the Steam Proton Experimental binary, which often has the latest and greatest updates to make Logos run even smoother. The script should be able to find the binary automatically, unless your Steam install is located outside of your HOME directory.
If you want to install your distro's dependencies outside of the script, please see the System Dependencies wiki page.
Soli Deo Gloria