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Gas Consumption

The decryption process involves 5 contracts. Below is a breakdown of each contract and their respective gas consumption:

1. IBE Contract (Hashing)

  • Functionality: Verifies the correctness of the ciphertext based on the Boneh-Franklin Identity-Based Encryption (BF-IBE) algorithm. It calculates a hash over the message and sigma, multiplies it by P, and verifies that the result matches the U component in the ciphertext.
  • Gas Consumption: 1,587,984
    • Key Contributor: Scalar and G1 point multiplication, consuming 1,366,619 gas.

2. IBE Contract

  • Functionality: Decrypts the ciphertext and recovers the message (which is the symmetric key for the second layer of encryption). It leverages the IBE Contract (Hashing) for ciphertext validation.
  • Gas Consumption: 1,743,116 (1,587,984 of this comes from the IBE Contract (Hashing))
    • Note: The majority of the gas consumption comes from the hashing contract.

3. ChaCha20 MAC Contract

  • Functionality: Computes the MAC for the ciphertext header using the key and ciphertext body.
  • Gas Consumption: 72,533
    • Note: Minimal gas usage.

4. ChaCha20 Decryption Contract

  • Functionality: Performs symmetric key decryption using the provided key and returns the plaintext.
  • Gas Consumption: 54,799
    • Note: Minimal gas usage.

5. Decryption Interface Contract

  • Functionality: Serves as the main interface for the decryption process. It accepts the decryption key and ciphertext, invoking the appropriate contracts to perform the full decryption.
  • Gas Consumption: 9,187,356
    • Breakdown:
      • IBE, MAC, and ChaCha20 contracts: As described above.
      • 1,564,170: Deserializing the decryption key.
      • 5,444,972: Pairing operation.
      • 458,773: Deserializing the ciphertext.

Arbitrum Contracts Documentation: [to be updated...]

This documentation provides an overview of the contracts used for decryption on the Arbitrum platform. To accommodate the contract size limit on Arbitrum, the decryption functionality is distributed across six distinct contracts, each responsible for a specific aspect of the decryption process.

Overview of Contracts


  • Purpose: Stores a list of custom contracts and facilitates the communications with the FairyRing through passing the key requests and submiting the keys to the corresponding contracts.

Key Functions in registry-contract

  • Functionality:


    • Function: Adds a contract along with its owner and corresponding encryption condition to the list


    • Function: Returns the owner and condition of a contract based on its address


    • Function: Returns a list of all registered contracts


    • Function: This function gets a contract address and calls its check_condition function to to check if the condition is met or not.
    • Returns: string memory: If the condition was met, it will be returned but if it is not met, an empty string will be returned.


    • Function: This function gets a condition and its corresponding decryption key, then loops over the list of the registered contracts to find the contract with that condition and submits the key to that contract.


  • Purpose: Acts as the central contract coordinating the decryption process and interfacing with other necessary contracts.
  • Functionality:
    • Main Function: decrypt
    • Parameters:
      • uint8[] memory c: The ciphertext to be decrypted.
      • uint8[] memory skbytes: The aggregated decryption key in bytes format.
      • address ibe_contract: Address of the IBE (Identity-Based Encryption) contract.
      • address decrypter_contract: Address of the decrypter helper contract.
      • address mac_contract: Address of the MAC (Message Authentication Code) contract.
    • Returns: uint8[] memory: The decrypted data.
    • Additional Notes: The function accepts the addresses of three helper contracts as parameters. These addresses could alternatively be hardcoded.


  • Purpose: Executes IBE decryption to retrieve the file key from the ciphertext.
  • Dependencies:
    • ibe-contract-pairing: Performs the pairing operation.
    • ibe-contract-hashing: Conducts the hashing process.
  • Note: Pairing and hashing are implemented in separate contracts to manage contract size limitations. The address of the two helper contracts are hardcoded in ibe-contract.


  • Function: Executes Chacha20Poly1305 decryption using the file key obtained through IBE decryption.


  • Function: Computes the header MAC (Message Authentication Code) of the ciphertext for verification in the decrypter-contract.


This section outlines the process for testing the functionality of the Arbitrum Contracts, specifically focusing on an auction contract scenario.


In order to test the functionality, a basic implementation of an auction contract has been included in custom-contract.

Key Functions in custom-contract


  • Function: Initializes the contract by setting various parameters and addresses.
  • Parameters:
    • address registry, address decrypter, address ibe_contract, address decrypter_contract, address mac_contract: Addresses of the helper contracts and necessary components.
    • uint128 deadline, uint128 id, uint128 fee: Auction-specific parameters.
  • Usage: Called at the beginning to set up the auction environment.


  • Function: Allows submission of an encrypted bid.
  • Parameters:
    • uint8[] memory tx: The encrypted bid data.
    • string calldata condition: The condition for bid submission.
  • Returns: uint8[] memory: The status of the bid submission.
  • Usage: Participants use this to submit their bids in encrypted form. The condition is assumed to be the concatenation of the id and the deadline of the auction in this example contract.


  • Function: Submits the aggregated key for decrypting the bids.
  • Parameters:
    • uint8[] memory k: The aggregated decryption key.
  • Returns: bool
  • Usage: Used to submit the key for decryption.


  • Function: Decrypts a transaction.
  • Parameters:
    • Vec<u8> tx: The transaction to decrypt.
    • Vec<u8> key: The decryption key.
    • Address ibe_c: The address of the IBE (Identity-Based Encryption) contract.
    • Address dec_c: The address of the decryption contract.
    • Address mac_c: The address of the MAC (Message Authentication Code) contract.
  • Returns: Result<Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>>: Returns the decrypted transaction as a Vec<u8> on success, or an error on failure.
  • Usage: This function is used for decrypting a transaction using the provided key, and the relevant addresses for IBE, decryption, and MAC contracts. It checks if the contract is initialized before proceeding with the decryption process.


  • Function: Returns the winner of the bid.
  • Parameters: None.
  • Returns: Result<String, Vec<u8>>: Returns the winner bid as a String on success, or an error on failure.


  • Function: Checks if the bidding process is finished.
  • Parameters: None.
  • Returns: Result<bool, Vec<u8>>: Returns true if the bidding process is finished, or an error as a Vec<u8> on failure.

Testing Procedure

  1. Script for Simplification:

    • Location: test-script folder.
    • Function: Automates the deployment of contracts, encryption of bids, and execution of test case. I also runs the FairyRing and the client. This script gets the private key of a wallet as input. The wallet needs to have some stylus testnet tokens to be able to perform the contract developments and calls. To get the token, the testnet faucet at Arbitrum Stylus Testnet Faucet can be used.
  2. Pre-requisites:

    • Repositories: encrypter, FairyRing (arbitrum branch), fairybridge, and ShareGenerator.
    • Requirement: These repositories need to be built and located alongside the ArbitrumContracts directory for the test to function properly.
  3. Execution:

    • The script initializes the custom-contractand submits two encrypted bids. These steps are included in the example code of the test-script/custom-test. The script then runs the chain and the client which connects to the custom-tcontract and sends key request to the chain when the condition is met. The keys need to be manually submitted to the chain but after the aggregation, the client fetches the key from the chain and submits it to the contract. After the key submission, the dec function can be called for decrypting the bids. Due to the high gas usage, this function can be called through call() instead of send().
    • Note: In the current test setup, two bids are submitted. The bid values can be modified through changing the values on lines 97 and 99 of the script. Moreover, the condition for the encryption and decryption is hardcoded as 14-56 assuming the id = 1 and deadline = 456. In order to modify this, the value should be changed on lines 91, 97, and 99 of the script. Also, on lines 107-108, 114, and 120 of the example. (test-script/custom-test/examples/

Benchmarking Analysis

In this section, we explore the gas requirements for decrypting data of various sizes, focusing on the distinctions between on-chain decryption and off-chain decryption followed by on-chain submission of the decrypted data.

On-chain Decryption

The graph below shows the gas requirements for decrypting different data sizes directly on the blockchain.

Required Gas for Different Data Sizes (on-chain decryption)

Off-chain Decryption and On-chain Submission of Plain Data

In contrast, the following graph presents the gas requirements when decryption is performed off the blockchain, with only the resulting plain data being submitted on-chain.

Required Gas for Different Data Sizes (off-chain decryption and on-chain submission of plain data)

Local Stylus testing with custom precompile for decryption

In order to test using the local stylus with the pairing precompile, clone the modified version of stylus from [email protected]:Fairblock/local_stylus.git. Then rename the contracts-modified folder to contracts. To run the chain, follow the below instructions inside the stylus directory:

cd nitro-testnode/
./test-node.bash --init --dev --blockscout

Once the chain is running, first, deploy the registry contract using the commented lines on the test-script/ script. Then, run the test-script/ to setup the fairyring and the bridge. The fairyring will have one validator star by default. Then use the test-script/ script to deploy the custom contract and perform a test. The test first registers the custom contract in the registry contract. Then, submits two ciphertexts each encryption a bid value to the custom contract. Note that for simplicity, the keyshare and MPK values are currently hardcoded in the script. After running the test, the new contract will be seen in the logs of the bridge meaning that it is monitored and once the condition is met, a key request tx will be sent to the fairyring. ( in the test case, the custom contract will immediately claim that the condition has been met while in the real use case, it might require some time until the condition is met) In the test example, for simplicity, there is only one validator submitting the decryption key. After the key submission, the bridge will notice the key and relay it to the custom contract through the registry contract. The current custom contract is implemented so that the key submission function will decrypt all ciphertexts and return the winning bid.


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