Simple graphical interface to control Rosbag recording.
Current only compatible with ROS kinetic as it is dependent on Qt-Ros and Qt-Create.
Ensure the package is built and its devel/setup.bash
has been sourced. Then launch the interface by the following command
rosrun ros_logger_gui
If a default list of topic is configured, launch the interface by the following command
roslaunch ros_logger_gui ros_logger_gui.launch
Edit config/topics.yaml
and list desired topics as a yaml list of strings. Examples below show acceptable formats
Single line array
topics : ["/mavlink/from", "/mavros/battery", "/diagnostics"]
topics :
- "/mavlink/from"
- "/mavros/battery"
- "/diagnostics"
Even if one or more listed topics are non-existent, or if data is not published, recording of other published data will not be affected.