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The Configuration File

glowredman edited this page Apr 18, 2021 · 3 revisions

The configuration file can be found at ./config/NEI/wherearetheores.json in the modpack directory. You can edit it with your favorite text-editor. When you first start the game it should look like this:

  "showDebug": false,
  "textOffset": 20,
  "lineHeight": 9,
  "tooltipOffsetX": 8,
  "tooltipOffsetY": -12,
  "ores": {
    "oreCoal": {
      "Overworld": [
        "Max Vein Size: 17",
        "Attempts per Chunk: 20",
        "Y-Level: 0 to 127"
    "oreQuartz": {
      "Nether": [
        "Max Vein Size: 14",
        "Attempts per Chunk: 16",
        "Y-Level: 10 to 117"
    "oreIron": {
      "Overworld": [
        "Max Vein Size: 9",
        "Attempts per Chunk: 20",
        "Y-Level: 0 to 63"
    "oreDiamond": {
      "Overworld": [
        "Max Vein Size: 8",
        "Attempts per Chunk: 1",
        "Y-Level: 0 to 15"
    "oreRedstone": {
      "Overworld": [
        "Max Vein Size: 8",
        "Attempts per Chunk: 8",
        "Y-Level: 0 to 15"
    "oreEmerald": {
      "Overworld": [
        "Max Vein Size: 1",
        "Attempts per Chunk: 3 to 9",
        "Y-Level: 4 to 31",
        "This Ore generates only in Hills!"
    "oreLapis": {
      "Overworld": [
        "Max Vein Size: 7",
        "Attempts per Chunk: 1",
        "Y-Level: 0 to 30",
        "This Ore is normally distributed!"
    "oreGold": {
      "Overworld": [
        "Max Vein Size: 9",
        "Attempts per Chunk: 2",
        "Y-Level: 0 to 31"

So what does this mean?

  • "showDebug": false controlls whether or not the mod should print debug information to the console / log file.
  • "textOffset": 20 controlls how many pixels below the top of the GUI the text area starts.
  • "lineHeight": 9 controlls how much the individual lines are spaced (including the text itself). This only applies to the text displayed in the recipe GUI, not the tooltips of the individual lines!
  • "tooltipOffsetX": 8 and "tooltipOffsetY": -12 control the X and Y distance from the cursor to the uper left corner of the tooltip.
  • "ores": {...} holds all the different recipes. When it's removed, none of the recipes will work.
  • "oreCoal": {...} is one recipe object. You can make a list of them to register multiple recipes. It's identified by a String which is also used to determine, for which ores this recipe is. You can use either an oreDictionary entry (like in the basic config), or a list of items. In the later case, you have to prefix [, so that the mod knows, that this is not an oreDictionary entry. If you want to have multiple item names as identifier, you have to sepperate them with a semicolon (;). Valid item names are: itemName (only for Minecraft items), itemName:meta (only for Minecraft items), modID:itemName and modID:itemName:meta. Example: "[minecraft:apple;coal:0;coal:1;minecraft:dye:4" will register the recipe for Apples, Coal, Charcoal and Lapis Lazuli. Important: each item may only be referenced once! This includes oreDict-entries (e.g. [minecraft:log:2 cannot be used if logWood is already used).
  • "Overworld": [...] is one line on the recipe screen. It is intended for the dimension but you can put anything here, like e.g. the biome. The value is a String Array. Each entry is one line in the tooltip, which will be displayed when hovering over the dimension name. If you leave it empty, no tooltip will be displayed. These lines are intended for details about the ore's generation behaviour but, again, you can put anything you want there. Both the dimension name and details support unicode symbols and Minecraft formatting codes.
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