A cave-delving puzzle game for the OLPC
Academic Free Liscence (AFL) v3.0
- Jennifer Dziuba
- TJ Miller
- Ralph Bean (threebean)
- David Gay (oddshocks)
threebean found that on Fedora 17, he had to do the following stuff to get pygame to stand up correctly in a virtualenv:
$ sudo yum -y install pygame pygame-devel $ mkvirtualenv --system-site-packages pyCaveExplorer (pyCaveExplorer) $ python setup.py develop
Then I could run the game by typing:
(pyCaveExplorer) $ explore-the-cave
learn pygame
make grid
- decide resolution
- tag for current square
- tag for goal square
- tags for lit squares
- tags for unlit squares
- tags for blocked squares
- lightbulb object
- battery object
- treasure object
- way to track which squares are electrically connected
- mirrors ?
grid generator
create genrator that randomly populates grid
create solver to check if grid is valid
- re-create grid if invalid
create stat tracking interface
- incorporate with Journal
Teach fourth grade electricity and magnetism http://schools.nyc.gov/Documents/STEM/Science/K8ScienceSS.pdf
Some concepts:
- battery is placeable, but then anchored in place
- player gets certain number of lights per level
- infinite lengths of wire
- lights are placeable, but then anchored in place
- there are mirrors in the grid that will direct light in certain directions
Lighting Strategies:
the player can quickly light an area in series, using one wire.
- provides average lighting
- requires less "commands"
- can short out the battery
the player can take more time to light the area in parallel.
- provides better lighting
- requires more "commands"
- will not short out the battery