This script is executed every minute on my NAS via the task scheduler. Requests data from BioWin2 and sends it to graphite, a time-series database. This data is then visualized with Grafana.
Fill in your Host IPs, passwords and ports for your host machines in the three python files. Also you must change the paths for the debug files.
Replace the file
with your own. You find them under http://<WINDHAGER_IP>/res/xml/. -
To get all OIDS and convert them to a usable graphite metric path, you have to execute the script
once. This creates/updates the fileoids_metrics.txt
, which will be read from the main script. -
Execute the main script
Optional script for only requesting specific datapoints (more reliable):
Fill in the specific datapoints you want to request in
Execute the script
Here I also use Loki to get my logs into Grafana.