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Tool for packaging output from encore job with shaka packager


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Encore packager

Wrapper for packaging output of an encore transcoding job with Shaka Packager.

Kan be run either as a CLI or as a service. In the latter case it will listen for messages on a redis queue and package the output of the transcoding job referenced by the message.


shaka packager needs to be installed. Unless the shaka executable is named packager and is in PATH, the path to the executable must be provided as an environment variable SHAKA_PACKAGER_EXECUTABLE.



Running as a service

Environment variables

Variable Description Default value
REDIS_URL URL to the redis server redis://localhost:6379
REDIS_QUEUE Name of the redis queue to listen to packaging-queue
HOST Hostname or IP address to bind to for healtchechk endpoint
PORT Port to bind to for healtchechk endpoint 8000
DISABLE_HEALTCHECK Disable the healthcheck endpoint false
SHAKA_PACKAGER_EXECUTABLE Path to the shaka packager executable packager
PACKAGE_OUTPUT_FOLDER Base folder for output, actual output will be in a subfolder named from the job id packaged
PACKAGE_CONCURRENCY Number of concurrent packaging jobs 1
PACKAGE_LISTENER_PLUGIN Optional path to a javascript file containing a custom listener for packaging event, see below
ENCORE_PASSWORD Optional password for the encore instance user user
OSC_ACCESS_TOKEN Optional OSC access token for accessing Encore instance in OSC
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID Optional AWS access key id when PACKAGE_OUTPUT_FOLDER is an AWS S3 bucket
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Optional AWS secret access key when PACKAGE_OUTPUT_FOLDER is an AWS S3 bucket
npm run start

Custom packager listener

To implement a custom listener that reacts to package events, provide a path to a javascript file in the PACKAGE_LISTENER_PLUGIN environment variable. Example file below, not all methods need to be defined.

export function onPackageDone(url) {
  console.log(`Package done: ${url}`);

export function onPackageFail(msg, err) {
  console.log(`Package fail: ${msg}, ${err.message}`);

export function onPackageStart(url) {
  console.log(`Package start: ${url}`);




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  • Further development of this component
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Eyevinn Technology is an independent consultant firm specialized in video and streaming. Independent in a way that we are not commercially tied to any platform or technology vendor. As our way to innovate and push the industry forward we develop proof-of-concepts and tools. The things we learn and the code we write we share with the industry in blogs and by open sourcing the code we have written.

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