You define the behavior states of the component, and then animate between them.
ref={ref => ( = ref)}
{ backgroundColor: 'gray' }, // state 0
{ backgroundColor: 'green' }, // state 1
{ opacity: 0.5 }, // state 2
{ rotate: '45deg' } // state 3
// ..; // animates box's backgroundColor from gray to green; // animates the opacity of the -now- green box from 1 to 0.5; // rotates the faded green box 45 degrees, starting from 0[1, 2, 3]); // plays a sequence of behavior states, colorize then fade then tilt
More demos available here.
yarn add react-native-behavior
type behavior = {
config?: { // goTo() default configuration
mode?: 'spring' | 'timing', // default = 'spring'
callback?: Function, // to be executed after animating to a new state
...AnimatedSpringOptions, // excluding toValue, useNativeDriver (see React Native docs)
...AnimatedTimingOptions // excluding toValue, useNativeDriver (see React Native docs)
initialState?: number, // default = 0
states: Array<{
backgroundColor?: string, // default = 'transparent'
height?: number, // no percentages, default = null
opacity?: number, // [0, 1], default = 1
rotate?: string, // e.g. '45deg', default = '0deg'
scale?: number, // default = 1
translateX?: number, // default = 0
translateY?: number, // default = 0
width?: number, // no percentages, default = null
rotateX?: string, // e.g. '45deg', default = '0deg'
rotateY?: string, // e.g. '45deg', default = '0deg'
scaleX?: number, // default = 1
scaleY?: number, // default = 1
}>, // minimum two states required
style?: Object, // default = {}, AnimatedViewStyle (see React Native docs)
enableGestures?: boolean, // simple swipe up/down/left/right and pressed/long pressed
onGesture?: Function, // e.g. gesture => console.log(gesture)
indices?: Array<number>, // can be used with custom drivers to define custom state keys/values
clamp?: boolean, // default = false, prevent animations from exceeding their ranges
swipeVelocityThreshold?: number, // default = 0.3
swipeDistanceThreshold?: number, // default = 10
animatedNativeValue?: AnimatedValue, // default = new Animated.Value(0), use a custom native driver
animatedValue?: AnimatedValue, // default = new Animated.Value(0), use a custom driver
// animatedNativeValue and animatedValue should be used together, different instances of Animated.Value
// animatedNativeValue is needed for opacity, rotate, scale, translateX and translateY
// animatedValue is needed for backgroundColor, height and width
children?: any // the behavior component can enclose other components, can enclose another behavior too
// methods
behavior.goTo(index: number | Array<number>, config?: Object = {}) // animate to a specific behavior state
behavior.index // to retrieve current state index
Available here.