The Field-Aligned Mesh Extrusion (fame) tool generates meshes for Tokamaks with elements aligned with magnetic field lines. Currently this work is highly experimental. Full documentation is hosted on GitHub Pages.
You can generate simple 2D and 3D meshes with the fame-simple
command. Run fame-simple --help
, fame-simple 2d --help
, and
fame-simple 3d --help
for more information.
In order to produce a mesh for a tokamak you will need data on its
equilibrium magnetic field in the G-EQDSK format. Start by opening
that file with the
hypnotoad GUI and playing
with various settings until you have a poloidal mesh you are happy
with. Make sure that you do not tick the "Non-Orthogonal"
option. Save your settings to a YAML file called something like
. Then use fame-hypnotoad
to generate the 3D
mesh. Use the --help
option for information on the configurations
If you would like to
visualise a Nektar++ mesh in file mesh.xml
, run
FieldConvert test_geometry.xml test_geometry.vtu:vtu:highorder
Note that this requires Nektar++ to have been compiled with VTK support. If it has not been, approximate meshes can be produced using
FieldConvert test_geometry.xml test_geometry.vtu
NESO-fame is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Unlike other NEPTUNE/NESO projects, NESO-fame does not use a permissive license, because it depends on hypnotoad which has strong copyleft.