This library is in preview, and is subject to change.
This is a PowerShell library/module that is designed to aid Evobis customers in managing their tenant.
These cmdlets aren't meant to be used for automations, but rather as a way to provide a simple interface to the more complex tasks that are often needed when working with development across Microsoft 365, such as managing permissions that don't yet have a GUI provided by Microsoft.
Read the getting started guide to get started with the library.
Simply run the following command in a PowerShell 7.X+ session:
irm "" | iex
See the full list of cmdlets in the cmdlets docs.
Please review the changelog for release details on all library changes.
Since this is a library intended for internal use, we don't expect any contributions, but if you find any issues, please report them to your consultant at Evobis, or feel free to fork the repository, and provide a fix, we'll be happy to look over your contributions.
If you find any issues, please contact your consultant at Evobis.