Little OpenCV program written in C++ that augments glasses onto a persons face.
โ The following instructions are for Ubuntu 20.04. A similiar process will work for other platforms. โ
$ sudo snap install cmake --classic
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install libopencv-dev python3-opencv
Install requirements mentioned above
$ sudo apt install build-essential # If no compiler already installed
$ git clone
$ cd /path/to/shady/project
$ mkdir cmake-build-release && cd cmake-build-release && cmake ../
$ cmake --build .
$ ./shady
Install requirements mentioned above
Download Release v1.0.0
# Decompress the downloaded release zip file
$ cd /path/to/shady/release/filese
$ ./shady
The Shady program will launch a window showing a stream from your machine's webcam. It will scan for faces and augment readers and sunglasses onto faces that are found.
Press the ENTER
key to swap between reading glasses and sunglasses.
Press and hold the ESC
key to terminate the program.
This post by LearnOpenCV helped get me up to speed for this project.