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Efficent platform for inference and serving local LLMs including an OpenAI compatible API server.


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candle vLLM

Continuous integration

Efficient, easy-to-use platform for inference and serving local LLMs including an OpenAI compatible API server.


  • OpenAI compatible API server provided for serving LLMs.
  • Highly extensible trait-based system to allow rapid implementation of new module pipelines,
  • Streaming support in generation.
  • Efficient management of key-value cache with PagedAttention.
  • Continuous batching.

Develop Status

Currently, candle-vllm supports chat serving for the following models.

Model ID Model Type Supported Speed (A100, BF16)
#1 LLAMA/LLAMA2/LLaMa3 71 tks/s (7B)
#2 Mistral TBD TBD
#3 Phi (v1, v1.5, v2) TBD TBD
#4 Phi-3 (3.8B, 7B) 99 tks/s (3.8B)
#6 StableLM TBD TBD
#7 BigCode/StarCode TBD TBD
#10 Google Gemma TBD TBD
#11 Blip-large (Multimodal) TBD TBD
#12 Moondream-2 (Multimodal LLM) TBD TBD

Demo Chat with candle-vllm (71 tokens/s, LLaMa2 7B, bf16, on A100)


See this folder for some examples.

Step 1: Run Candle-VLLM service (assume llama2-7b model weights downloaded)

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
sudo apt install libssl-dev
sudo apt install pkg-config
git clone [email protected]:EricLBuehler/candle-vllm.git
cd candle-vllm
cargo run --release -- --port 2000 --weight-path /home/llama2_7b/ llama7b --repeat-last-n 64

Step 2:

Option 1: Chat with ChatUI (recommended)

Install ChatUI and its dependencies:

git clone [email protected]:guoqingbao/candle-vllm-demo.git
cd candle-vllm-demo
apt install npm #install npm if needed
npm install n -g #update node js if needed
n stable #update node js if needed
npm i -g pnpm #install pnpm manager
pnpm install #install ChatUI dependencies

Launching the ChatUI:

pnpm run dev # run the ChatUI

Option 2: Chat completion request with HTTP post

curl -X POST "" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
     -d '{
           "model": "llama7b",
           "messages": [
               {"role": "user", "content": "Explain how to best learn Rust."}
           "temperature": 0.7,
          "max_tokens": 128,
          "stop": {"Single":"</s>"}

Sample response:

{"id":"cmpl-53092967-c9cf-40e0-ae26-d7ac786d59e8","choices":[{"message":{"content":" Learning any programming language requires a combination of theory, practice, and dedication. Here are some steps and resources to help you learn Rust effectively:\n\n1. Start with the basics:\n\t* Understand the syntax and basic structure of Rust programs.\n\t* Learn about variables, data types, loops, and control structures.\n\t* Familiarize yourself with Rust's ownership system and borrowing mechanism.\n2. Read the Rust book:\n\t* The Rust book is an official resource that provides a comprehensive introduction to the language.\n\t* It covers topics such","role":"[INST]"},"finish_reason":"length","index":0,"logprobs":null}],"created":1718784498,"model":"llama7b","object":"chat.completion","usage":{"completion_tokens":129,"prompt_tokens":29,"total_tokens":158}}

Option 3: Chat completion with with openai package

In your terminal, install the openai Python package by running pip install openai. I use version 1.3.5.

Then, create a new Python file and write the following code:

import openai

openai.api_key = "EMPTY"

openai.base_url = "http://localhost:2000/v1/"

completion =
            "role": "user",
            "content": "Explain how to best learn Rust.",
    max_tokens = 64,

After the candle-vllm service is running, run the Python script and enjoy efficient inference with an OpenAI compatible API server!

Usage Help

For general configuration help, run cargo run -- --help.

For model-specific help, run cargo run -- --port 1234 <MODEL NAME> --help

For local model weights, run cargo run --release -- --port 2000 --weight-path /home/llama2_7b/ llama7b --repeat-last-n 64, change the path when needed.

For kvcache configuration, set kvcache_mem_cpu and kvcache_mem_gpu, default 4GB CPU memory and 4GB GPU memory for kvcache.

For chat history settings, set record_conversation to true to let candle-vllm remember chat history. By default, candle-vllm does not record chat history; instead, the client sends both the messages and the contextual history to candle-vllm. If record_conversation is set to true, the client sends only new chat messages to candle-vllm, and candle-vllm is responsible for recording the previous chat messages. However, this approach requires per-session chat recording, which is not yet implemented, so the default approach record_conversation=false is recommended.

For chat streaming, the stream flag in chat request need to be set to True.

Report issue

Installing candle-vllm is as simple as the following steps. If you have any problems, please create an issue.


The following features are planned to be implemented, but contributions are especially welcome:



Efficent platform for inference and serving local LLMs including an OpenAI compatible API server.







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