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Repository files navigation


  • Python 3.12 or higher
  • uv


As Netlify doesn't support Python past 3.8, the template can't be used with Netlify. Only GitHub Page is officially supported.


  1. Click on "use this template"
  2. Create the new repository from the template
  3. Generate a new GH token with the repo and workflow scope
  4. In Settings > Secrets and variables > actions
  • Click on "New repository secret"
  • Name: GH_TOKEN
  • Value: <your token>

Template generation

  1. In Actions, go "Generate Website" and click on "Run workflow".
  2. Fill the items and click on "Run workflow"
  3. Wait for the workflow to finish

If the auto-merging is not enabled:

  • Read and validate the pull request, merge it.
  • You can now go into "Publish" and click on "Run workflow" to publish the website.

Enabling publishing with GH-Pages

In the Settings, go into Pages and:

  • Set the source to "Deploy from a branch"
  • Select the gh-pages branch, from root:



You can't publish a private repository as a public page in the free tier of GitHub. But you can use a private submodule as your docs folder and publish it as a public page. If so, don't forget to set the GH_TOKEN secrets and enable the submodules in the deploy.yml file with setting FETCH_SUBMODULE: true