This project aims to centralise an interface for open-source based intranets - it aims to provide an administrator-friendly interface that would translate requirements into actions needed to be performed on:
- Nextcloud installation,
- LDAP server, and
- more to come.
The project is aimed to assist large organizations in managing their intranets. Such organizations typically make heavy use of groups - a group may indicate for example
- Geographical location (city, country, ...),
- division (Legal, HR, Engineering, ...),
- projects one is involved in,
- services one needs for work (git, accounting software, ...).
Membership in a group usually means that one should have access to a shared Nextcloud folder, Rocket.Chat room, calendar, and access rights. This would mean adding a corresponding LDAP group memberships, and configuring those services either according to the LDAP setup, or according to their REST APIs. This project aims to do exactly that - according to a predefined schema, enable addition of new users, modification and removals in an automated way, hiding the complexity of the REST API and LDAP schemas behind a sleek interface.
You can use the client to connect to a nextcloud instance and perform basic operations.
For example, the snippet below adds a new user alice
to groups accounting
and users
cd src
python cli/ creds.ini add_user alice alices_password -g accounting -g users
The creds.ini
file contains credential info, typically like this:
url = http://localhost
user = uname
password = pass
Check in src/web