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Decision: Next steps for improving search

Britta edited this page Nov 18, 2022 · 38 revisions
Thing Info
Relevant features Search
Date started 2022-04-04
Date finished 2022-08?
Decision status done
Summary of outcome We decided to stick with Postgres... but as of 2022-11, we're looking at this again.


We want to provide excellent resources & regulations search for our users. Our current technology, Postgres full text search, has limitations and is a bit fussy.

Core questions

How can we better support the sophisticated types of searches that our users need to do?

Can we reduce the amount of work needed to support them?

What we know

Helpful things about current search system

  • Results are granular at the level of a regulation section, which makes sense to our audience.
  • Search query keywords are highlighted in bold on the results page, which is helpful for quickly deciding which result to click on.
  • Searching for a regulation section citation number (like 433.112) reliably brings up that section as the first result, which is what people expect.

Functionality that we need

For users:

  • Quoted phrases / phrase matching: when I search for a quoted phrase (such as "State Medicaid Manual"), the results feature sections that match that specific phrase.
  • Plurals (stemming): when I search for terms that have equivalent meaning to me in singular or plural form (such as "person" and "persons"), search results include sections that have terms in both of those forms.
  • Verb tenses (stemming): when I search for terms that have equivalent meaning to me in different forms of the verb (such as "assess" and "assessed"), search results include sections that have terms in all of those forms.
  • Search by part: when I search for a term, I want to be able to restrict my search results to a specific part of the regulations.
  • Search supplemental content (by keyword and/or citation): I want to be able to search supplemental content by keyword (document name and title) or citation (search for a section number and see the associated content) or both (search for a section number and a keyword, expecting a keyword search that is filtered to items associated with that section). See Supplemental content search stories.

For the team:

  • Log search terms so that we can analyze them to improve the system

Notes as of 2022-11-17:

We now have most of those things! We don't have "search by part" yet. Other things we now want:

  • More boolean operators: we currently only have "hospital AND clinic", but users have asked for the ability to search for "hospital OR clinic", "hospital -clinic" (NOT), etc.


  • Ability to do autocomplete for common terms
  • Ability to "annotate" a resource item with hidden keywords, to mitigate the downsides of only using titles and descriptions in our index for resources
  • Our users would love full-text search for resources, but this would be a big piece of work

Related need: thesaurus

In research, our users have described the frustration of searching for a term they use frequently that does not match the term for that concept in the regulations.

We want to help our users navigate common synonyms and abbreviations. This does not need to happen within the search engine itself. For example, we could compile a thesaurus by hand and use it to suggest alternate search queries.

Note: as of 2022-11-17, we made this, and it works!

Things we need to decide + options for them

What technology should we use? What do we need to do to support these use cases?

Related stories: "Search Results" Epic in JIRA.

Option: Existing Postgres full text search on AWS RDS

We already have this in place. See Django full text search documentation + PostgreSQL textsearch documentation.

In April 2022, we were trying to figure out if Postgres full text search on AWS RDS would be sufficient for our needs, since we believed it would be the most efficient option.

In August 2022, we said:

We have fully embraced the built-in search functionality that Postgres offers. The Postgres documentation is good at explaining how the text search works. I would highly recommend reading through it (and even running the queries locally) to understand how search and lexeme parsing works. When implementing search we did make one kind of unobvious/arbitrary choice to use ts_rank for unquoted queries and ts_rank_cd for quoted queries. The differences are not super clear, but they are described on the documentation page linked above.

Update 2022-11-17


  • We already have it in place, and it supports most of the "functionality that we need" list above
  • Commonly-used solution, not rare/unusual/specialized.
  • We can customize the algorithm, such as applying regular expressions to parse out elements of queries, and weighting various aspects in various ways.
  • Not expensive for CMS.



  • Want to figure out how to get additional boolean options. We have AND and phrase search, but our users have also asked for OR, and NOT would be helpful too. The built-in "websearch" option would support this, but it's unclear whether using it would help us overall.

Option: Amazon OpenSearch Service

This is derived from Elasticsearch. Not entirely interoperable with Elasticsearch, but similar. Amazon documentation. "How to use Elasticsearch with Django" article (May 2019).

January 2022 research spike notes. We started trying it out, but it was going to take a fair bit of work to set up. We found a simpler way to do what we were looking for at the time (synonyms).


  • Managed service
  • Fancy
  • Interesting ranking options: "If a distinctive keyword appears more frequently in a document, BM-25 assigns a higher relevance score to that document...Learning to Rank is an open-source plugin that lets you use machine learning and behavioral data to tune the relevance of documents."


  • Complicated to set up
  • Expensive
  • May be overpowered for our needs

Option: Running database off an EC2 instance


  • Could maybe work around the constraints of AWS RDS


  • Annoying to maintain
  • More expensive for CMS; when we inquired with our CMS partners about setting this up, they asked if we had investigated and other less-expensive options


Updated 2022-11-17


  • We wouldn't have to maintain everything ourselves.
  • Our current tech lead is very familiar with this tool.
  • Free to CMS.


  • We talked with the team in April 2022 and tried it out, but it was difficult to get it fully working.


  • It typically relies on the site being indexable by Bing, but we don't want the site to be fully indexable until it's fully public. It also has another non-Bing option that we may be able to use. We didn't try that.

Questions we researched in April 2022

Can it match current functionality?

  • Can it index our regulation text and provide helpful results?
    • Our results are limited to subpart pages, so we can’t really compare them to the live site, because we need section-level results to have relevant results.
      • We would need to give it section pages in the site map.
    • Our HTML page titles only give the part number and subpart letter, not any keywords, which isn’t sufficient context for search results. We’d need to change this if we were sticking with this kind of search.
      • In our current search results, we provide the part name and section name, which are both very helpful.
  • If you search for a citation, does it return that citation as the top result?
    • Not with subpart search - section search would probably work better.
  • Can it do keyword search of the titles/names/etc in the supplemental content database (not the content of the documents)?
    • We tried to get this working - we set up /sitemap.xml, which includes URLs like /supplemental_content/2216/ for individual pieces of supplemental content, so that these items could be indexed.
    • We couldn't get it working.
  • Can we retain our thesaurus/synonym-matching feature? (Screenshot above)
    • Sure, assuming we integrated as a backend for our custom interface.

Can it fulfill other things we want?

  • Can it index the contents of the documents linked in the supplemental content database?
    • Not sure
  • Would it allow for filtered searches of supplemental content, such as by category?
    • Not sure
  • What else does it do that could be helpful for us? (For example: automated tracking of top search queries, Federal Register document search, "Best Bets".)
    • We already track queries in Google Analytics.
    • It’s interesting that it automatically returns results from the CMS video channel and the Federal Register, but they aren’t very relevant - I’d rather simply incorporate any relevant videos and rules into our database so that we can make sure that all the results we’re providing via search are relevant.
    • Our synonym/thesaurus feature is a bit like Best Bets, and we could expand on it without using Best Bets.

If we wanted to look into this further, we'd need to do these things for a second iteration that would enable better testing:

  • Index section pages (would mean that we’d have to revive section pages)
  • Get indexing of supplemental content working
  • Turn off video and FR results







User research

Usability studies



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