Client-Server application for reporting and querying information about surface irregularities (potholes).
- Display a list of all events recorded by the server within a certain radius of the user's location.
- Allow the user to start an event recording session where the client connects to the server, receives threshold parameters, and reports the position and value of each new event to the server.
- Enable the user to view nearby events on a map.
- The server is concurrent and can handle an arbitrary number of clients simultaneously.
- The server logs key operations (new connections, disconnections, client requests) to standard output.
- Detailed documentation for both the client and server.
- The server is implemented in C on a UNIX/Linux platform and is hosted online on Microsoft Azure (access restricted).
- The client is developed in Java for the Android platform and utilizes acceleration sensors.
- Communication between the client and server is handled via TCP or UDP sockets.
- Apart from UNIX system calls, the server uses only the standard C library.
Install Pothles with git
git clone
afther this go in "Server" folder, whe have two ways to compilate and run server:
- Using gcc command.
- Using makefile (only server not starter).
With gcc:
gcc -o <name_starter> Other/startserver.c Other/utils.c -lsqlite
gcc -o <name_server> server.c Other/utils.c -pthread -lsqlite
With makefile:
make makefile clean all [valgrind || start]
(you should have "Valgrind" because it run a script that check memoryleaks)
if you don't have "Valgrind" ignore the last word and use "start".
Run the server:
The client installation require an upload server ip and port in the "", a little substitution.
©️ GNU General Public License (GPL), more details here.
Documentation - here the documentation.
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