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RPExpand: Software for Riesz projection expansion of resonance phenomena.


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The software RPExpand is designed to give an easy and efficient access to modal expansions of electromagnetic fields in optical resonators based on Riesz projections [1]. Given the solutions of scattering problems, individual contributions of eigenmodes to the target quantity are made accessible. These measurables do not need to be linear in the electric or magnetic field but can be based on quadratic forms [2] or related to the far field [3], which enables for direct comparisons to experimental data. Results can be directly visualized with a built-in plot function and a comprehensive control of the error is available. The expansion can be compared to solutions of the scattering problem at selected real-valued frequencies and to results with reduced numbers of integration points. If only few modes are present in the spectral region of interest, the implementation of a contour integral method [4] for nonlinear eigenvalue problems makes it possible to extract all modal informations from one single contour without the need to solve the eigenvalue problem beforehand. An advantage of contour integral methods is parallelizability. This has been exploited providing an interface to the finite element method (FEM) solver JCMsuite. The interface handles the parallel submission of jobs keeping the interaction with the solver as easy as possible while allowing advanced users to exploit its full capabilities.


Get a copy of the two class folders and the directory containing post processes of JCMsuite used to derive the target quantities from the electric field:

  • @Scattering (interface to JCMsuite)
  • @RieszProjection
  • postprocesses

and add their parent directory to your matlab path or copy them to the directory from which your scripts are executed.


Comments explaining the usage of classes and functions can be displayed using the help function. E.g., help RieszProjection will print a short description and a list of properties and methods, which are linked to more detailed instructions on the corresponding items. Detailed examples are provided to make you familiar with the functionalities and to serve as a guideline for setting up your own projects. Additionally, the following sections of this README summarize the prerequisites needed in order to use this code with the FEM solver JCMsuite.

The class 'RieszProjection' can be used independently of JCMsuite. An example is given in the script 'quantumExample.m'. This example runs very fast, does not require an installation of JCMsuite and covers the most important features of the code. Therefore it is recommanded to run this script to get familiar with RPExpand.


RPExpand has been tested with MATLAB R2018b under Linux but should be independent of the platform. The class 'RieszProjection' is independent of JCMsuite. You can provide an interface to any software capable to solve the scattering problem at complex frequencies. This interface must have the form of a callable object. A rather complex example is the class 'Scattering' which is the interface to JCMsuite whose version should be 4.4.0 or higher. A much simpler example is provided in the file 'quantumExample.m'. There, the interface is a function handle. Input and output of such a custom interface are described in more detail in the section 'Notes on a usage independent of JCMsuite' at the end of this README.

Install JCMsuite

The current release can be downloaded following this link. Please follow the installation and activation instructions provided there. A 14 day trial licence is available free of charge. It does not allow for the parallel computation of different scattering problems, however, multi threading is supported. Nevertheless, you need to start a daemon.

Start a daemon

As a prerequisite for the usage of RPExpand the matlab interface to JCMsuite must be set up and and a daemon has to be started. A minimal example given a personal laptop or desktop machine is:

% Set up thirdparty support
jcm_root = '/path/to/local/installation/JCMsuite.x.x.x'

% shutdown a possibly running daemon

% register a new resource
options = struct(...
                 'Hostname', 'localhost', ...
                 'Multiplicity', 1, ...
                 'NThreads', 2, ...

If you have access to a remote machine via ssh, you can provide the corresponding hostname, user name, etc. For information about additional parameters or the usage of a queue or a cluster, please read the daemon command reference.

If you have access to a license which allows for the parallel submission of different jobs, you can increase the multiplicity to a value larger than one depending on the available kernels of the computer. The parameter 'NThreads' refers to the number of threads per job.

Custom project requirements

This section gives a brief overview on the creation of a directory hosting a scattering project of JCMsuite compatible with the present code. It must contain the following files:

The trailing 't' at the file extentions marks template files, which are used for parameter substitution. Whereas in the last two cases it is optional, the first to files must contain predefined parameters. A minimal project file is:

Project {
    Electromagnetics {
        TimeHarmonic {
            Scattering {
                PML {
                FieldComponents = Electric
                Accuracy {
                    FiniteElementDegree = %(finiteElementDegree)e

The parameters 'pml' and 'finiteElementDegree' will be set by the program. The former as the perfectly matched layers (PML) must be the same for each integration point. The latter, as this way it can be conveniently set in the script and as some post processes require this information in order to determine the integration order. If there exists a file 'pml.log' in the project directory, the PML will be based on the parameters in this file, otherwise it will be created with the first scattering problem. As the scattering problem has to be solved for many different frequencies, the source file must contain the definition Omega = %(omega)e.

Custom parameters can be passed to the FEM solver via the property 'keys' of Scattering. Please refer to the parameter reference and the documentation of the matlab interface of JCMsuite. Further details are provided in the examples.

Expand a custom quantity

Currently the following quantities are available for expansion:

  • the total field
  • dipole emission and normalized decay rate of a point source
  • electromagnetic field energy flux
  • electric field energy
  • power radiated to the far field and photon collection efficiency
  • radiation pattern

The electromagnetic field energy flux density is currently integrated over the boundaries of the computational domain, i.e., the result gives the dipole emission. Yet, it can be easily adapted to expand, e.g., the energy flux between two neighboring domains. The radiated power together with the dipole emission is used to get the dipole power collection efficiency. The imaginary part of the expansion of the electric field energy can be used to investigate the absorption of a given domain.

If you want to expand a quantity which is currently not available, you can either contact us or add a new post process to the existing ones. Doing the latter, the following paragraph will give you some guidance.

For an efficient integration, not the total field is integrated along the contours but the target quantities, which often are scalars. An array must be flattened to the size nx1 for integration and can be reshaped to its original size afterwards. This has been done for the expansion of the radiation pattern. The name of the quantity must match the name of the jcmpt-file located in the directrory 'postprocesses'. It is defined in JCMsuite with the primitive 'OutputQuantity' or, in cases where the integrand is a python expression, 'IntegralName'. If a scalar is returned, the creation of the new jcmpt-file is all you need to do. If the result needs further post processing this can be done in the methods 'updateDerivedQuantities' and 'getReferenceSolution', below the comment % Extract numeric results. Please be aware that you can only expand holomorphic expressions. For the visualization of your result you can add a new private method which is called by 'plot'.

Notes on a usage independent of JCMsuite

If you want to use your own software to solve the linear systems at the abszissae, you can still use the class 'RieszProjection'. The integration is based on quadrature rules of the form:

\begin{equation*} I(\omega_0) = \sum_i c_i(\omega_0) f(\omega_i) \end{equation*}

Using the method 'getContours' you generate the weights c_i(\omega_0) and the frequencies omega. All you have to provide are the function values f(\omega_i), e.g., solutions of the second order Maxwell's equation:

\begin{equation*} \nabla \times \mu^{-1}\nabla\times\bf{E}(\bf{r},\omega)-\omega^2\epsilon(\omega)\bf{E}(\bf{r},\omega)=i\omega\bf{J}(\bf{r}). \end{equation*}

Usually, it is not necessary to integrate the total field. RPExpand is designed to evaluate the target quantities at the integration points and, subsequently, to integrate them seperately. As quantities based on quadratic forms require solutions of the two independent function values f(\omega_i) and f(-\omega_i) = f^(\omega_i^), the solution of the partial differential equation (the scattering problem) and the postprocess to extract the quantity of interest must be done in two independent steps.

The interface to your favourite solver must be defined as a callable meeting the following criteria:

The frequencies which discretize the contours are saved in a cell array 'contours' with size (1, n) where n is the number of contours. Each element is a complex double array of shape (k,m), which corresponds to a contour. Here, k is the number of nodes per subinterval. Unless using higher order quadrature methods, there is only one interval, i.e., m = 1 and k is the total number of integration points. In a first step, this cell array is passed to your function, which is expected to return a cell array of size (1, n) or (n, 1) whose elements are objects of size (1, k*m), e.g., a cell array containing numeric arrays, each of them representing the solution of a partial differential equation. In a second step, each element of the returned cell vector is passed to your custom function a second time with some additional arguments: v = f(sc_results,quantity,keys). The additional arguments 'quantity' and 'keys' define the quantity which has to be exctracted from the results returned previously and additional meta data (e.g., about the shape), respectively. The quantity is defined as a 'char' vector (e.g., 'ElectricFieldEnergy') and the last argument is a scalar struct. The returned value 'v' is expected to be a cell containing numeric arrays of size (d, k*m), where d is a custom number, which in many cases will be one, but can be larger as the examples for the expansion of the radiation pattern shows. In the case of a quantity quadratic in the solutions of the scattering problems, the first input is of size (n, 2) and the second column contains the solutions of the conjugated scattering problems. Otherwise it is of shape (n, 1). An example for a function meeting the described criteria is given in the file 'quantumExample.m' which implements the quantum transition problem in 1D.

In a last step, you have to edit the constant properties 'linearQ' and 'quadraticQ'. Insert all quantities available for expansion. This way, depending on whether they are linear or quadratic in f(\omega_i), either one or two function values are passed and a call of the method 'expand' without argument will suggest the available expansions.


[1] L. Zschiedrich et al., Phys. Rev. A, vol. 98, p. 043806 (2018)

[2] F. Binkowski et al., Phys. Rev. B, vol. 100, p. 155406 (2019)

[3] F. Binkowski et al., Phys. Rev. B, vol. 102, p. 035432 (2020)

[4] F. Binkowski et al., J. Comput. Phys., vol. 419, p. 109678 (2020)


RPExpand: Software for Riesz projection expansion of resonance phenomena.








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