This is the official source code repository for the Elmer FEM software suite.
Elmer is a tool that can solve a large number of partial differential equations making it an ideal tool for multiphysical problems. It includes models for structural mechanics, fluid dynamics, heat transfer, electromagnetics and beyond. Elmer can be used from PCs to massively parallel HPC platforms.
Official home at CSC:
Elmer community:
Elmer/Ice community:
Pre-compiled builds: WSL distro, Windows Installers, VirtualBox VM
Ubuntu Launchpad: PPA
Compilation: Linux/Ubuntu, Nix, Windows/msys2, macOS
Docker: GitHub, nwrichmond/elmerice: Docker Hub
Manuals and Tutorials (about 900 pages!): PDF
List of references for citing Elmer: White Papers
phpBB Discussion forum, preferred place for questions with long history!
Youtube, webinars and random animations
Discord, generic random discussions on engineering software.
ElmerUpdates, low traffic mailing list