This project depends on node.js. I found instructions for installing node.js on OS X at the Team Tree House blog. In a nutshell:
- Install XCode via the app store
- Install Homebrew via the terminal:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
- Install Node via Homebrew:
brew install node
- Afterwards I had to fix permissions in the node_modules folder
sudo chown -R <username>:admin /usr/local/lib/node_modules
Once node.js is installed: - Get the planet source:
git clone
- Navigate to the newly created
directory - Install the dev dependencies:
npm install
To compile the coffeescript into javascript whenever a .coffee file is changed:
- Install coffee-script globally:
npm install -g coffeescript
- In a new terminal window, navigate to the project directory
coffee -wcm src/*.coffee spec/*.coffee
To run unit tests:
- Install Firefox (Or change the karma.conf.js file to use Chrome or whatever.)
karma run
To run unit tests whenever you save a file:
- Install a bunch of dependencies globally:
npm install -g jasmine karma karma-jasmine karma-chrome-launcher
- In a new terminal window:
karma start
To serve the project locally:
- Install the global dependencies:
npm install -g connect serve-static
- In a new terminal window:
node server.js
- In your favorite browser, navigate to
To reload the project in the browser whenever a file is saved:
- Install yet more global dependencies:
npm install -g supervisor reload
- Start the file watcher:
(you cannot have thenode server.js
command running while doing this. Navigate to localhost:8080/src/index.html. Using -d or -s to specify the index page seems to prevent the debugger from accessing the .coffee files.)