An async/await friendly Chrome debugging client with TypeScript support, designed with automation in mind.
- Promise API for async/await (most debugger commands are meant to be sequential).
- Launches Chrome with a new temp user data folder so Chrome launches an isolated instance. (regardless if you already have Chrome open).
- Opens an ephemeral remote debugging port so you don't need to configure a port.
- A TypeScript codegen for API autocomplete and tooltips with documentation for the debugger protocol
- Cleans up processes and connections at end of session.
import { createSession } from "chrome-debugging-client";
// import protocol domains "1-2", "tot", or "v8"
import { HeapProfiler } from "chrome-debugging-client/dist/protocol/tot";
createSession(async (session) => {
// spawns a chrome instance with a tmp user data
// and the debugger open to an ephemeral port
const process = await session.spawn("canary", {
additionalArguments: ['--headless'],
windowSize: { width: 640, height: 320 }
// open the REST API for tabs
const client = session.createAPIClient("localhost", process.remoteDebuggingPort);
const tabs = await client.listTabs();
const tab = tabs[0];
await client.activateTab(;
// open the debugger protocol
const debuggerClient = await session.openDebuggingProtocol(tab.webSocketDebuggerUrl);
// create the HeapProfiler domain with the debugger protocol client
const heapProfiler = new HeapProfiler(debuggerClient);
await heapProfiler.enable();
// The domains are optional, this can also be
// await debuggerClient.send("HeapProfiler.enable", {})
let buffer = "";
heapProfiler.addHeapSnapshotChunk = (evt) => {
buffer += evt.chunk;
await heapProfiler.takeHeapSnapshot({ reportProgress: false });
await heapProfiler.disable();
return JSON.parse(buffer);
}).then((data) => {
}).catch((err) => {
By default, this tool launches Chrome Canary. It may error if it cannot find the executable. For this and other reasons, you can configure the executable path like so:
// example for macOS
let browser = await session.spawnBrowser('exact', {
executablePath: '/Users/someone/Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Canary'