#Engine Engine is a powerful, lightweight utility for selecting document elements using Javascript and CSS selectors.
Read the docs for more details.
##Change log ###Version 2
- CSS Level 4 Selectors!
- :any-link
- :local-link
- :matches
- :not
- :nth-match
- :nth-last-match
- [attr="VaLuE" i]
- Extension selectors
- [attr!=value]
- [.prop=value] (property selector)
- [attr="^va.{2}e$" r] (regular expression)
- [attr={0}] (reference)
- :{0} / :{wow} (ad hoc pseudo selectors)
- :contains (ability to specify case-insensitivity/regexp)
- :has
- :referenced-by
- Complete code rewrite
- Depends on querySelector and querySelectorAll, meaning it runs in IE8+ and other modern browsers
- Dropped IE6-7 support
- Dropped selector caching
- The complete package weighs in at ~7KB minified (~3KB gzip)
- More robust parser which closely follows the W3 CSS selector grammar
- New API methods
- engine.addFilter
- engine.addTransformer
- engine.anb
- engine.getSelector
- engine.translate
- grunt.js script which allows modular builds
- Devs can roll their own version without IE8 support or with only the selector support they need.
- Documentation
- Unit tests
- Modified MIT/X11 license