It's memcache. You've seen it before. Now it's injectable to the DIC, and you don't have to write all this junk yourself. And it should also work with Amazon ElasticCache, as well as the MySQL Memcache Interface (new in MySQL 5.6).
The groundwork is also laid out for building alternate cache interfaces quickly - such as APC caching, or your own home-rolled filesystem cache.
Add this to your deps file:
And then run the update vendors script:
bin/vendors install
Register the namespace like so:
# app/autoload.php
$loader->registerNamespaces( array(
'Beryllium' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',
) );
Add it to your AppKernel (this example assumes that CacheBundle is located in src/Beryllium/CacheBundle):
# app/AppKernel.php
$bundles = array(
new Beryllium\CacheBundle\BerylliumCacheBundle(),
Configure your server list in parameters.ini:
beryllium_cache.client.servers[""] = 11211
And then you should be good to go:
$this->get( 'beryllium_cache' )->set( 'key', 'value', $ttl );
$this->get( 'beryllium_cache' )->get( 'key' );
You might want to set up a service alias, since "$this->get( 'beryllium_cache' )" might be a bit long.
For a command line report of CacheClient statistics (assuming the cache client has a ->getStats method, which is not an interface requirement), you can do the following:
app/console cacheclient:stats
Example Output:
Servers found: 1 Host: Usage: 0% (0.01MB of 64MB) Uptime: 344976 seconds (3 days, 23 hours, 49 minutes, 36 seconds) Open Connections: 15 Hits: 26 Misses: 29 Helpfulness: 47.27%
Or, for extended information (the raw stats array), you can run with debugging enabled:
app/console cacheclient:stats --debug
Help is available, although brief:
app/console help cacheclient:stats
Currently there aren't any unit or functional tests. So that needs to be worked on.
More cache client implementations could be useful, if it turns out there's a demand for them.
And yes, the documentation needs to be more thorough as well. I've made some improvements, but it's still spotty at best.
Beyond that, who knows what the future might hold.
MySQL InnoDB+Memcached API:
Amazon ElastiCache: