This repository is a fork of a i96751414's project with minor changes. Many thanks for this project.
This add-on creates a virtual repository for Kodi. This way, one does not need to use a GitHub repository for storing add-ons zips when all that information is already accessible from each add-on repository.
It works by setting an HTTP server which has the following endpoints:
Endpoint | Description |
---|---|{port}/addons.xml | Main xml file containing all add-ons information |{port}/addons.xml.md5 | Checksum of the main xml file |{port}/{addon_id}/{asset_path} | Endpoint for serving add-ons assets/zips |{port}/update | Endpoint for updating repository entries and clearing caches |
Get the latest release from github. Then, install from zip within Kodi.
In order to know which repositories to proxy, the virtual repository needs to be provided with a list of add-on entries. An example can be found here. Each entry must follow the following schema (also available as json schema):
Property | Required | Description |
id | true | Add-on id. |
username | true | GitHub repository username. |
branch | false | The github repository branch. If not defined, it will be either 1) the commit of the latest release, 2) the respective tag, 3) the repository default branch, or 4) if all the previous are unable to fetch, "main" branch. |
assets | false | Dictionary containing string/string key-value pairs, where the key corresponds to the relative asset location and the value corresponds to the real asset location. One can also set "zip" asset, which is a special case for the add-on zip. If an asset is not defined, its location will be automatically evaluated. Note: assets are treated as "new style" format strings with the following keywords - id, username, repository, ref, system, arch and version (version is available for zip assets only). |
asset_prefix | false | Prefix to use on the real asset location when it is automatically evaluated. |
repository | false | GitHub repository name. If not set, it is assumed to be the same as the add-on id. |
tag_pattern | false | The pattern for matching eligible tags. If not set, all tags are considered. |
token | false | The token to use for accessing the repository. If not provided, the repository must have public access. |
platforms | false | Platforms where the add-on is supported. If not set, it is assumed all platforms are supported. |