#ast-generator AST-generator project creates an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) for each file of a Java project, translates them to graph models and inserts them to Neo4J (Graph Distributed DB) instance.
Compilers, like java (javacc), often use an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) for the following bullets:
- AST summarizes grammatical structures without including all the details of the derivation.
- ASTs are kind of intermediate representation which helps the compilation procedure
- Visualisation of Abstract Syntax Tree
Ast-generator project builds a basic AST for a Java project, using javaparser project
###Installation / Running
To run this project you have to create a file (config.properties) under the resource file (like the screenshot below) with the Neo4J instance credentials
host = x.x.x.x
neo4j_username = username
neo4j_password = password
####Running with Maven
mvn clean install
mvn -Dexec.args="path_to_project URL_Of_project" -Dexec.mainClass="com.elasticthree.ASTCreator.ASTCreator.ASTCreator" exec:java
URL_Of_project parameter is useful for Neo4j stats. If you don't have an unique URL, you can pass the same value as path_to_project
Using the following bullets you will see the graphs using Neo4j browser
Go to Neo4j browser
Run this command
START n=node(*) RETURN n;
- Visualization of results
- Query for Total number of Java Code lines and total number of Repos in Neo4j instance
MATCH (nodes:Repo) RETURN SUM(nodes.linesOfJavaCode) as TotalJavaCode, count(nodes) as TotalNodes;
We present some important and practical queries on AST datasets !
######Query1: Returns all the parameters of a specific method "name"
Match (m:Method) -[:HAS_PARAMETER]-> (p:Parameter)Where m.name = "name" return p.name as Name, p.type as Type;
######Query2: Returns all the parameters from a method, whch has annotation '@Override'
Match (m:Method) -[:HAS_PARAMETER]-> (p:Parameter) MATCH (m:Method) -[:HAS_ANNOTATION]-> (ann:Annotation) Where ann.name = "@Override" return p.name as Name, p.type as Type;
######Query3: Returns all the methods, whch has parameter type "type"
Match (m:Method) -[:HAS_PARAMETER]-> (p:Parameter) Where p.type = "type" return m.name as Name, m.package as Package;