This project aims to provide the missing PHP enumerations support:
* @extends Enum<string>
final class Suit extends Enum
/** @use AutoDiscoveredValuesTrait<string> */
use AutoDiscoveredValuesTrait;
public const HEARTS = 'H';
public const DIAMONDS = 'D';
public const CLUBS = 'C';
public const SPADES = 'S';
It will leverage integration of the main PHP frameworks and also provide bridges with other libraries when relevant.
📢 This project used to emulate enumerations before PHP 8.1.
If you're interested into extending PHP 8.1 enumeration capabilities, reusing some specific features of this lib,
have a look at the 2.x documentation.
You can also consult this issue to follow objectives & progress for the V2 of this lib.
- Why?
- Features
- Installation
- Usage
- Integrations
An enumeration is a strong data type providing identifiers you'll use in your application. Such a type allows libraries and framework integration, which this package will provide when relevant.
Show more about enums
An enumeration is a data type, enclosing a single value from a predictable set of members (enumerators). Each enumerator name is a single identifier, materialized by a PHP constant.
Using an enum class provides many benefits:
- Brings visibility in your code
- Provides Type Hinting when using the enum class
- Centralizes enumeration logic within a class
- Defines utility methods or minor logic owned by your enumeration
- Helps to describe how to read, serialize, export [, ...] an enumeration
- Allows common libraries and frameworks integrations.
Enumerations are not options and are not meant to replace constants. Designing an enum type should be done by keeping your domain in mind, and should convey a strong meaning on your application logic.
Wrong use-cases:
- A set of options used by a library or a method.
- An unpredictable set of elements.
- An non-reusable set of elements inside the application.
- Long sets of elements (languages, locales, currencies, ...)
- Holding variable data inside the enum type (use an intermediate value object holding the data and the enum instance instead).
Valid use-cases:
- Suit, civility, predictable roles and permissions, ...
- A set of supported nodes in an importer, or a set of predefined attributes.
- In a game: predefined actions, movement directions, character classes, weapon types, ...
- Any other set of restricted elements.
Why another library ?
provides a base enum implementation as a class, inspired from\SplEnum
. However, it doesn't provide as many features nor integrations as we wish to.commerceguys/enum
only acts as a utility class, but does not intend to instantiate enumerations. Hence, it doesn't allow as many features nor integrations with third-party libraries and frameworks. Manipulating enums as objects is also one of the first motivations of this project.yethee/BiplaneEnumBundle
is the first library we got inspiration from. But it was designed as a Symfony Bundle, whereas we opted for a component first approach. Integrations are then provided in a dedicatedBridge
namespace and are not restricted to Symfony.
Finally, we used to create similar classes from scratch in some projects lately.
Providing our own package inspired from the best ones, on which we'll apply our own philosophy looks a better way to go.
- Base implementation for simple, readable and flagged (bitmask) enumerations based on the BiplaneEnumBundle ones.
- Symfony Form component integration with form types.
- Symfony Serializer component integration with a normalizer class.
- Symfony Validator component integration with an enum constraint.
- Symfony VarDumper component integration with a dedicated caster.
- Symfony HttpKernel component integration with an enum resolver for controller arguments.
- Doctrine integration in order to persist your enumeration in database.
- Faker enum provider to generate random enum instances.
- An API Platform OpenApi/Swagger type for documentation generation.
- JavaScript enums code generation.
$ composer require elao/enum
In a Symfony app using Flex, the Elao\Enum\Bridge\Symfony\Bundle\ElaoEnumBundle
bundle should be registered automatically.
Declare your own enumeration by creating a class extending Elao\Enum\Enum
use Elao\Enum\Enum;
* @extends Enum<string>
final class Suit extends Enum
public const HEARTS = 'H';
public const DIAMONDS = 'D';
public const CLUBS = 'C';
public const SPADES = 'S';
public static function values(): array
return [
Get an instance of your enum type:
$enum = Suit::get(Suit::HEARTS);
You can easily retrieve the enumeration's value by using $enum->getValue();
📝 Enum values are supposed to be integers or strings.
📝 It's recommended to make your enums classes
, because it won't make sense to extend them in most situations (unless you're creating a new base enum type), and you won't need to mock an enum type.
💡 You can also use the
to automagically guess values from the constants defined in your enum, so you don't have to implementEnumInterface::values()
use Elao\Enum\Enum;
use Elao\Enum\AutoDiscoveredValuesTrait;
* @extends Enum<string>
final class Suit extends Enum
use AutoDiscoveredValuesTrait;
public const HEARTS = 'H';
public const DIAMONDS = 'D';
public const CLUBS = 'C';
public const SPADES = 'S';
The AutoDiscoveredValuesTrait
also allows you to discover values from other classes.
Given the following class holding constants:
namespace MangoPay;
final class EventType
public const KycCreated = "KYC_CREATED";
public const KycSucceeded = "KYC_SUCCEEDED";
public const KycFailed = "KYC_FAILED";
You can create an enum from it by overriding the AutoDiscoveredValuesTrait::getDiscoveredClasses()
namespace App\Enum;
use Elao\Enum\Enum;
use Elao\Enum\AutoDiscoveredValuesTrait;
* @extends Enum<string>
final class MangoPayEventType extends Enum
/** @use AutoDiscoveredValuesTrait<string> */
use AutoDiscoveredValuesTrait;
protected static function getDiscoveredClasses(): array
return [self::class, MangoPay\EventType::class];
# Usage:
Sometimes, enums may be displayed to the user, or exported in a human readable way.
Hence comes the ReadableEnum
use Elao\Enum\ReadableEnum;
* @extends ReadableEnum<string>
final class Suit extends ReadableEnum
public const HEARTS = 'H';
public const DIAMONDS = 'D';
public const CLUBS = 'C';
public const SPADES = 'S';
public static function values(): array
return [
public static function readables(): array
return [
self::HEARTS => 'Hearts',
self::DIAMONDS => 'Diamonds',
self::CLUBS => 'Clubs',
self::SPADES => 'Spades',
The following snippet shows how to render the human readable value of an enum:
$enum = Suit::get(Suit::HEARTS);
$enum->getReadable(); // returns 'Hearts'
(string) $enum; // returns 'Hearts'
If you're using a translation library, you can also simply return translation keys from the ReadableEnumInterface::readables()
use Elao\Enum\ReadableEnum;
* @extends ReadableEnum<string>
final class Suit extends ReadableEnum
// ...
public static function readables(): array
return [
self::HEARTS => 'enum.suit.hearts',
self::DIAMONDS => '',
self::CLUBS => 'enum.suit.clubs',
self::SPADES => 'enum.suit.spades',
Using Symfony's translation component:
# translations/messages.en.yaml
enum.suit.hearts: 'Hearts' 'Diamonds'
enum.suit.clubs: 'Clubs'
enum.suit.spades: 'Spades'
$enum = Suit::get(Suit::HEARTS);
// get translator instance...
$translator->trans($enum); // returns 'Hearts'
If you want to extract and update the translations automatically using the translation extractor command you can use the provided custom extractor:
# config/packages/elao_enum.yaml
# mandatory, provides the namespace to path mappings where to search for ReadableEnum (will also search subdirectories)
App\Enum: '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Enum'
domain: messages # optional, specifies the domain for translations
filename_pattern: '*.php' # optional, specifies the filename pattern when searching in folders
ignore: [] # optional, specifies the folders/files to ignore (eg. '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Enum/Ignore/*')
Choice enums are a more opinionated version of readable enums. Using the ChoiceEnumTrait
in your enum, you'll only
need to implement a choices()
method instead of both EnumInterface::values()
and ReadableEnum::readables()
use Elao\Enum\ChoiceEnumTrait;
use Elao\Enum\ReadableEnum;
* @extends ReadableEnum<string>
final class Suit extends ReadableEnum
/** @use ChoiceEnumTrait<string> */
use ChoiceEnumTrait;
public const HEARTS = 'hearts';
public const DIAMONDS = 'diamonds';
public const CLUBS = 'clubs';
public const SPADES = 'spades';
public static function choices(): array
return [
self::HEARTS => 'Hearts',
self::DIAMONDS => 'Diamonds',
self::CLUBS => 'Clubs',
self::SPADES => 'Spades',
It is convenient as it implements the two values
& readables
methods for you, which means you don't have to keep it in sync anymore.
The SimpleChoiceEnum
base class allows you to benefit from both choice enums conveniency along with enumerated values auto-discoverability through public constants:
use Elao\Enum\SimpleChoiceEnum;
* @extends SimpleChoiceEnum<string>
final class Suit extends SimpleChoiceEnum
public const HEARTS = 'hearts';
public const DIAMONDS = 'diamonds';
public const CLUBS = 'clubs';
public const SPADES = 'spades';
In addition, it'll provide default labels for each enumerated values based on a humanized version of their constant name
(i.e: "HEARTS" becomes "Hearts". "SOME_VALUE" becomes "Some value").
In case you need more accurate labels, simply override the SimpleChoiceEnum::choices()
Flagged enumerations are used for bitwise operations. Each value of the enumeration is a single bit flag and can be combined together into a valid bitmask in a single enum instance.
use Elao\Enum\FlaggedEnum;
final class Permissions extends FlaggedEnum
public const EXECUTE = 1;
public const WRITE = 2;
public const READ = 4;
// You can declare shortcuts for common bit flag combinations
public const ALL = self::EXECUTE | self::WRITE | self::READ;
public static function values(): array
return [
// Only declare valid bit flags:
public static function readables(): array
return [
static::EXECUTE => 'Execute',
static::WRITE => 'Write',
static::READ => 'Read',
// You can define readable values for specific bit flag combinations:
static::WRITE | static::READ => 'Read & write',
static::EXECUTE | static::READ => 'Read & execute',
static::ALL => 'All permissions',
Get instances using bitwise operations and manipulate them:
$permissions = Permissions::get(Permissions::EXECUTE | Permissions::WRITE | Permissions::READ);
$permissions = $permissions->withoutFlags(Permissions::EXECUTE); // Returns an instance without "execute" flag
$permissions->getValue(); // Returns 6 (int)
$permissions->getFlags(); // Returns [2, 4] (=> [Permissions::EXECUTE, Permissions::WRITE])
$permissions = $permissions->withoutFlags(Permissions::READ | Permissions::WRITE); // Returns an instance without "read" and "write" flags
$permissions->getValue(); // Returns Permissions::NONE (0). Note: NONE is defined in parent class, FlaggedEnum.
$permissions->getFlags(); // Returns an empty array
$permissions = Permissions::get(Permissions::NONE); // Returns an empty bitmask instance
$permissions = $permissions->withFlags(Permissions::READ | Permissions::EXECUTE); // Returns an instance with "read" and "execute" permissions
$permissions->hasFlag(Permissions::READ); // True
$permissions->hasFlag(Permissions::READ | Permissions::EXECUTE); // True
$permissions->hasFlag(Permissions::WRITE); // False
Enumeration values are singletons (exact term in this case actually is multiton): it means you'll always get the exact same instance for a given value. Thus, in order to compare two instances, you can simply use the strict comparison operator in order to check references:
Suit::get(Suit::HEARTS) === Suit::get(Suit::SPADES); // False
Suit::get(Suit::HEARTS) === Suit::get(Suit::HEARTS); // True
Permissions::get(Permissions::ALL) === Permissions::get(
Permissions::READ | Permissions::WRITE | Permissions::EXECUTE
); // True
You can also override the EnumInterface::equals(EnumInterface $enumToCompare)
in order to implement your own logic to determine if two instances should be considered the same.
The default implementation compares both enum type (the class) and value.
Suit::get(Suit::HEARTS)->equals(Suit::get(Suit::SPADES)); // False
Suit::get(Suit::HEARTS)->equals(Suit::get(Suit::HEARTS)); // True
Lastly, you can simply compare an instance with a value by using the EnumInterface::is($value)
Suit::get(Suit::HEARTS)->is(Suit::SPADES); // False
Suit::get(Suit::HEARTS)->is(Suit::HEARTS); // True
Inspired from myclabs/php-enum, you can use shortcuts to instantiate your enumerations, thanks to PHP's __callStatic
magic method:
Suit::HEARTS(); // Returns an instance of Suit with the HEARTS value
We recommend you to use this method, if and only if, you and your team use an IDE (e.g PhpStorm) able to interpret the @method
tag in class definitions. Then, you can benefit from IDE completion by declaring the following:
* @extends ReadableEnum<string>
* @method static Suit HEARTS()
* @method static Suit DIAMONDS()
* @method static Suit CLUBS()
* @method static Suit SPADES()
final class Suit extends ReadableEnum
public const HEARTS = 'hearts';
public const DIAMONDS = 'diamonds';
public const CLUBS = 'clubs';
public const SPADES = 'spades';
// ...
Otherwise, simply implement the static methods yourself.
You can store the raw value of an enumeration in the database, but still manipulate it as an object from your entities by creating a custom DBAL type, from scratch.
However, this library can help you by providing abstract classes for both string and integer based enumerations.
This configuration is equivalent to the following sections explaining how to create a custom Doctrine DBAL type for your enums.
suit: App\Enum\SuitEnum # Defaults to `{ class: App\Enum\SuitEnum, type: string }` for string based enum (translates to VARCHAR)
another: { class: App\Enum\AnotherEnum, type: enum } # string based enum with SQL ENUM column definition
permissions: { class: App\Enum\Permissions, type: int } # values are stored as integers. Default for flagged enums.
activity_types: { class: App\Enum\ActivityType, type: json_collection } # values are stored as a json array of enum values.
roles: { class: App\Enum\Role, type: csv_collection } # values are stored as a csv (Doctrine simple_array) of enum values.
It'll actually generate & register the types classes for you, saving you from writing this boilerplate code.
A default value in case of null
from the database or from PHP can be configured with the default
class: App\Enum\SuitEnum
default: !php/const App\Enum\SuitEnum::UNKNOWN
You can also default to SQL ENUM
column definitions by default for all types by using:
enum_sql_declaration: true
Beware that your database platform must support it. Also, the Doctrine diff tool is unable to detect new or removed values, so you'll have to handle this in a migration yourself.
First, create your DBAL type by extending either AbstractEnumType
(string based enum), AbstractEnumSQLDeclarationType
(if you want to use SQL ENUM
column definition for string enums) or AbstractIntegerEnumType
(integer based enum, for flagged enums for instance):
use Elao\Enum\Bridge\Doctrine\DBAL\Types\AbstractEnumType;
* @extends AbstractEnumType<Suit>
final class SuitEnumType extends AbstractEnumType
public const NAME = 'Suit';
protected function getEnumClass(): string
return Suit::class;
public function getName(): string
return static::NAME;
Then, you'll simply need to register your DBAL type:
// in bootstrapping code
// ...
use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type;
Type::addType(SuitEnumType::NAME, SuitEnumType::class);
To convert the underlying database type of your new "Suit" type directly into an instance of Suit
when performing schema operations, the type has to be registered with the database platform as well:
$conn = $em->getConnection();
$conn->getDatabasePlatform()->registerDoctrineTypeMapping(SuitEnumType::NAME, SuitEnumType::class);
# config/packages/doctrine.yaml
suit: App\Doctrine\DBAL\Types\SuitEnumType
When registering the custom types in the configuration, you specify a unique name for the mapping type and map it to the corresponding fully qualified class name. Now the new type can be used when mapping columns:
class User
/** @Column(type="suit") */
private Suit $Suit;
Two methods allow to set a default value if null
is retrieved from the database, or before persisting a value:
abstract class AbstractEnumType extends Type
// ...
* What should be returned on null value from the database.
* @return mixed
protected function onNullFromDatabase()
return null;
* What should be returned on null value from PHP.
* @return mixed
protected function onNullFromPhp()
return null;
Override those methods in order to satisfy your needs.
When using enum objects as parameters in a query made with Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder
the enum objects are cast to database values using the __toString()
as the parameter type can not be inferred correctly.
Either explicitly use enum value instead of an instance,
or pass the registered DBAL type as the 3rd parameter in setParameter()
to allow the query builder to cast the object to the database value correctly.
I.E, given:
class Card
* @ORM\Column(type="suit", length=255)
protected ?Suit $suit = null;
Use one of the following methods:
private function findByType(?Suit $suit = null): array
$qb = $em->createQueryBuilder()
->from('Card', 'c')
->where('c.suit = :suit');
// use a value from constants:
$qb->setParameter('param1', Suit::SPADES);
// or from instances:
// PHP >= 8: Use the value of the enum instance, but check for NULL
$qb->setParameter('suit', $suit?->getValue());
// PHP < 8: Use the value of the enum instance, but check for NULL
$qb->setParameter('suit', $suit ? $suit->getValue() : null);
// Use the 3rd parameter to set the DBAL type
$qb->setParameter('suit', $suit, 'suit');
// […]
You can store enumeration values as string or integer in your MongoDB database and manipulate them as objects thanks to custom mapping types included in this library.
This configuration is equivalent to the following sections explaining how to create a custom Doctrine ODM type for your enums.
Suit: App\Enum\SuitEnum # Defaults to `{ class: App\Enum\SuitEnum, type: single }`
another: { class: App\Enum\AnotherEnum, type: collection } # values are stored as an array of integers or strings
It'll actually generate & register the types classes for you, saving you from writing this boilerplate code.
First, create your ODM type by extending either AbstractEnumType
(single value) or AbstractCollectionEnumType
(multiple values):
use Elao\Enum\Bridge\Doctrine\ODM\Types\AbstractEnumType;
* @extends AbstractEnumType<Suit>
final class SuitEnumType extends AbstractEnumType
protected function getEnumClass(): string
return Suit::class;
Then, you'll simply need to register your custom type:
// in bootstrapping code
// ...
use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Types\Type;
Type::addType('suit', SuitEnumType::class);
# config/packages/doctrine_mongodb.yaml
suit: App\Doctrine\ODM\Types\SuitEnumType
When registering the custom types in the configuration, you specify a unique name for the mapping type and map it to the corresponding fully qualified class name. Now the new type can be used when mapping columns:
use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Mapping\Annotations\Field;
class User
/** @Field(type="suit") */
private Suit $Suit;
An argument value resolver allows to seamlessly transform an HTTP request parameter (from route/attributes, query string or post parameters, in this order) into an enum instance by type-hinting the targeted enum in controller action.
The Elao\Enum\Bridge\Symfony\HttpKernel\Controller\ArgumentResolver\EnumValueResolver
is automatically registered by the Symfony Bundle.
The Elao\Enum\Bridge\Symfony\Serializer\Normalizer\EnumNormalizer
is automatically registered by the Symfony Bundle
and allows to normalize/denormalize any enumeration to/from its value.
Simply use the EnumType
use Elao\Enum\Bridge\Symfony\Form\Type\EnumType;
use MyApp\Enum\Suit;
// ...
$builder->add('suit', EnumType::class, [
'enum_class' => Suit::class,
// ...
$form->get('suit')->getData(); // Will return a `Suit` instance (or null)
Only the enum_class
option is required.
You can use any ChoiceType
option as usual (for instance the multiple
The field data will be an instance of your enum. If you only want to map values, you can use the as_value
use Elao\Enum\Bridge\Symfony\Form\Type\EnumType;
use MyApp\Enum\Suit;
// ...
$builder->add('suit', EnumType::class, [
'enum_class' => Suit::class,
'as_value' => true,
// ...
$form->get('suit')->getData(); // Will return a string value defined in the `Suit` enum (or null)
You can restrict the list of proposed enumerations by overriding the choices
use Elao\Enum\Bridge\Symfony\Form\Type\EnumType;
use MyApp\Enum\Suit;
// ...
$builder->add('suit', EnumType::class, [
'enum_class' => Suit::class,
'choices' => [
// or:
$builder->add('suit', EnumType::class, [
'enum_class' => Suit::class,
'as_value' => true,
'choices' => [
Suit::readableFor(Suit::HEARTS) => Suit::HEARTS,
Suit::readableFor(Suit::SPADES) => Suit::SPADES,
Usually, when expecting data to be enum instances, choices must be provided as enum instances too, while when expecting enumerated values, choices are expected to be raw enumerated values.
The choices_as_enum_values
allows to act differently:
- if
, theEnumType
will expect choices to be raw values. - if
, theEnumType
will expect choices to be enum instances.
By default, this option is set to the same value as as_value
Simply use the FlaggedEnumType
(which extends EnumType
use Elao\Enum\Bridge\Symfony\Form\Type\FlaggedEnumType;
use MyApp\Enum\Permissions;
// ...
$builder->add('permissions', FlaggedEnumType::class, [
'enum_class' => Permissions::class,
// ...
$form->get('permissions')->getData(); // Will return a single `Permissions` instance composed of selected bit flags
Same options are available, but on the contrary of the EnumType
, the multiple
option is always true
and cannot be set to false
(You'll always get a single enum instance though).
The library provides a Elao\Enum\Bridge\Symfony\Validator\Constraint\Enum
constraint which makes use of Symfony's built-in Choice
constraint and validator internally.
To use the constraint, simply provide the enum class
# config/validator/validation.yaml
- Elao\Enum\Bridge\Symfony\Validator\Constraint\Enum: MyApp\Enum\Suit
If the property value is not an enum instance, set the asValue
option to true in order to simply validate the enum value:
# config/validator/validation.yaml
- Elao\Enum\Bridge\Symfony\Validator\Constraint\Enum:
class: MyApp\Enum\Suit
asValue: true
You can restrict the available choices by setting the allowed values in the choices
# config/validator/validation.yaml
- Elao\Enum\Bridge\Symfony\Validator\Constraint\Enum:
class: MyApp\Enum\Suit
- spades
- !php/const MyApp\Enum\Suit::HEARTS
The choice
option only accepts enum values and normalize it internally to enum instances if asValue
is false
You can also use a callback
# config/validator/validation.yaml
- Elao\Enum\Bridge\Symfony\Validator\Constraint\Enum:
class: MyApp\Enum\Suit
callback: 'allowedValues'
Where allowedValues
is a static method of MyApp\Enum\Suit
, returning allowed values or instances.
Any other Choice option (as multiple
, min
, ...) is available with the Enum
By requiring this package and if symfony/var-dumper
is installed, an EnumCaster
is registered automatically to enhance enum instances dump output.
For instance, here's what it'll look like when dumping a flagged enum instance:
use Elao\Enum\Tests\Fixtures\Enum\Permissions;
HTML output | CLI output |
![]() |
![]() |
The PhpEnums library provides an Elao\Enum\Bridge\Faker\Provider\EnumProvider
to generate fixtures.
Its constructor receives a mapping between class aliases and your Enum classes' FQCN as first parameter:
use Elao\Enum\Bridge\Faker\Provider\EnumProvider;
$provider = new EnumProvider([
'Civility' => Namespace\To\MyCivilityEnum::class,
'Suit' => Namespace\To\MySuitEnum::class,
The provider exposes two public methods:
EnumProvider::enum(string $enumValueShortcut): EnumInterface
in order to generate a deterministic enum instanceEnumProvider::randomEnum(string $enumClassOrAlias): EnumInterface
in order to generate a random enum instanceEnumProvider::randomEnums(string $enumClassOrAlias, int $count, bool $variable = true, int $min = 0): array
in order to generate an array of random (unique) enum instances
If you're using the nelmio/alice package and the bundle it provides in order to generate fixtures, you can register the Faker provider by using the nelmio_alice.faker.generator
# config/services.yaml
- Civility: Namespace\To\MyCivilityEnum
Suit: Namespace\To\MySuitEnum
tags: ['nelmio_alice.faker.provider']
The following example shows how to use the provider within a Yaml fixture file:
civility: <enum(Civility::MISTER)>
# You can use enums outside of map if you specify full path to Enum class:
Suit: <enum("App\Model\Enum\Suit::HEARTS">
# You can use the pipe character in order to combine flagged enums:
permissions: <enum(Permissions::READ|WRITE>
civility: <randomEnum(Civility)>
Suit: <randomEnum("App\Model\Enum\Suit")>
permissions: <randomEnum(Permissions)>
refers to a constant defined in theCivility
enum class, not to a constant's value ('mister' string for instance).
The library provides an Elao\Enum\Bridge\ApiPlatform\Core\JsonSchema\Type\ElaoEnumType
to generate a OpenApi (formally Swagger) documentation based on your enums. This decorator is automatically wired for you when using the Symfony bundle.
In the form/fields section, set the type to the FQCN of the EnumType and configure it appropriately with type_options.
- { property: language, type: 'Elao\Enum\Bridge\Symfony\Form\Type\EnumType', type_options: { enum_class: 'App\Entity\Enum\LanguageEnum', required: true, }, label: 'Language', help: 'Select language from the drop down above'}
To ensure the listing is working, set the type to text. For this to work, the enum must be a readable enum.
- { property: language, label: 'Language', type: 'text'}
However, it won't translate in case you use translation keys as readable values, nor null values.
A solution for this is to create a custom template templates/easyadmin/enum.html.twig
, like:
{% if value is empty %}
{{ include(entity_config.templates.label_null) }}
{% else %}
{{ value|trans }}
{% endif %}
and use it like this:
- { property: language, label: 'Language', template: easyadmin/enum.html.twig }
Instead of using the ChoiceField, use a TextField and configure it to use the EnumType
public function configureFields(string $pageName): iterable
return [TextField::new('answerType')->
setFormTypeOptions(['enum_class' => AnswerTypeEnum::class])
This library allows to generate JS code from your PHP enums using a command:
bin/elao-enum-dump-js --lib-path "./assets/js/lib/enum.js" --base-dir="./assets/js/modules" \
"App\Auth\Enum\Permissions:auth/Permissions.js" \
This command generates:
- library sources at path
containing the base JS classes - enums in a base
Simple enums, readables & flagged enums are supported.
Note that this is not meant to be used as part of an automatic process updating your code. There is no BC promise guaranteed on the generated code. Once generated, the code belongs to you.
You can configure the library path, base dir and enum paths in the bundle configuration:
base_dir: '%kernel.project_dir%/assets/js/modules'
lib_path: '%kernel.project_dir%/assets/js/lib/enum.js'
App\Common\Enum\SimpleEnum: 'common/SimpleEnum.js'
App\Common\Enum\Suit: 'common/Suit.js'
App\Auth\Enum\Permissions: 'auth/Permissions.js'
Then, use the CLI command to generate the JS files:
bin/console elao:enum:dump-js [--lib-path] [--base-dir] [<enum:path>...]
The EnumExtension exposes static methods of the enum classes through the following Twig functions:
enum_get($class, $value)
enum_accepts($class, $value)
enum_readable_for($class, $value)
Method | Static | Returns | Description |
get($value) |
Yes | static | Returns the instance of the enum type for given value. |
values() |
Yes | int[]|string[] | Should return any possible value for the enumeration. |
accepts($value) |
Yes | bool | True if the value is acceptable for this enumeration. |
instances() |
Yes | static[] | Instantiates and returns an array containing every enumeration instance for possible values. |
getValue() |
No | int|string | Returns the enumeration instance value. |
equals(EnumInterface $enum) |
No | bool | Determines whether two enumerations instances should be considered the same. |
is($value) |
No | bool | Determines if the enumeration instance value is equal to the given value. |
Method | Static | Returns | Description |
readables() |
Yes | string[] | Should return an array of the human representations indexed by possible values. |
readableFor($value) |
Yes | string | Get the human representation for given enumeration value. |
getReadable() |
No | string | Get the human representation for the current instance. |
__toString() |
No | string | Allows to convert the instance to the human representation of the current value by casting it to a string. |
Method | Static | Returns | Description |
accepts($value) |
Yes | bool | Same as before, but accepts bit flags and bitmasks. |
readableForNone() |
Yes | string | Override this method to replace the default human representation of the "no flag" value. |
readableFor($value, string $separator = '; ') |
Yes | string | Same as before, but allows to specify a delimiter between single bit flags (if no human readable representation is found for the combination). |
getReadable(string $separator = '; ') |
No | string | Same as before, but with a delimiter option (see above). |
getFlags() |
No | int[] | Returns an array of bit flags set in the current enumeration instance. |
hasFlag(int $bitFlag) |
No | bool | True if the current instance has the given bit flag(s). |
withFlags(int $flags) |
No | static | Computes a new value with given flags, and returns the corresponding instance. |
withoutFlags(int $flags) |
No | static | Computes a new value without given flags, and returns the corresponding instance. |