TrackMyPet is a proof of concept of a Sigfox enabled GPS tracked intended to show the last known position of your equiped pet (OK, a big pet, like a pony or a cow; don't try with your hamster).
TrackMyPet is based on the following technologies :
- GPS Tracker : Ardunio board with Sigfox modem (named Akeru, homemade battery shield and MTK3339 GPS module.
- Play! 2.2 application hosted on Heroku Server and Kinvey datastore for GPS data persistence.
Head over to the related GitHub repository!
The server part provides a map with a pin on the last know position of the GPS tracker. It's made of three main parts:
- A Kinvey datastore to store GPS coordinates sent by the tracker. You should create a datastore collection named “hackerz” to store these data, or will have to adapt server code to use the new name.
- A Play! 2.2 application. To fit it to your needs, you'll have to declare two system variable: “APP_KEY” which will contain you Kinvey datastore APP_KEY (seriously), and “MASTER_KEY” which will contain you Kinvey datastore MASTER_KEY (here am I, captain obvious). If you changed datastore collection name, you'll have to edit
file and replace “hackerz” by the new name in “dataStoreURL” variable. - An account on, which is the service which receive Sigfox messages, and will redirect them to your Play! application. You'll have to create a new Akeru data source with the following settings:
- Name: everything you want
- Modem number: the four characters device ID visible on a sticker on the metal casing of the Sigfox modem
- PAC: the id you got when you bought your Akeru board
- Data format: latitude::float:32 longitude::float:32
- Forwarding URL: the URL of your installation of the Play! application
If you want a cheap hosting for the application, head over Heroku.
You can see “live action” here
Head over to the related GitHub repository!