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Applaudo Test

Esta es una prueba técnica para entrar a la empresa Applaudo, consta de consumir la API "" que esta trae una serie de anime y manga y asi poder mostrarlos.

Comenzando 🚀

Para correr el proyecto solamente se necesita clonar el repositorio y después hacer:

cd ApplaudoSMBS && yarn install

Para que corra en iOS puedes hacer :

yarn ios

Para que corra en android puedes hacer:

yarn android

Listo podrás estar corriendo la aplicación en tu dispositivo.

Requerimientos cumplidos y no cumplidos 🛠️

Requerimientos básicos

  • ✅ Create a home screen with information about yourself (include a photo, personal and professional information)
  • ✅ In another screen, you will display a list of Anime Series (​Anime only​, not Manga).
  • ✅ Store favorites series include the delete function. (You will need to create a new screen to display the favorites, store them locally, no API required)
  • ✅ Scrollable view of all Anime series, when tapped leads to a detail view
  • ✅ You should load more results as you scroll. (​Use paginated results​)
  • ✅ You should also be able to perform a ​search using the API​.
  • ✅ It must look well on ​portrait​ on phones at least.
  • ✅ The detail view must show the anime's image and show the following information: titles, synopsis, popularityRank, ratingRank, posterImage, coverImage, episodeCount, episodeLength.
  • ✅ Must work on Android/iOS. (If you have any issue to compile the iOS version, let us know).
  • ✅ For the YouTube video link; redirect to YouTube app.

Requerimientos de bonus

  • ✅ Display both series types: ​Anime and Manga.
  • ✅ Add ​Typescript​ language in your application.
  • ❌ Add ​GraphQL ​(instead of REST Api). (
  • ✅ Use ​offline​ ​persistence​. (Show to the user when app is offline)
  • 🟡 It must look well on ​landscape​ on phones at least.
  • ✅ Launch App’s Icon and Splash Screen
  • ❌ Tests. (Jest, Unit Tests, etc )
  • ✅ Transition animations.
  • ✅ Share the series name to all applications available. Any UI improvements are welcome
  • 🟡 Generate .apk and/or .ipa file of your app.


  • ✅ Cumplido
  • ❌ No cumplido
  • 🟡 Falto algo

Autor ✒️

  • Ing .Edzon Bolivar Santos



Prueba técnica para Applaudo






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