Secure "IT" with Azure Key Vault Presentation Demo Application for Code PaLOUsa 2018
Key Vault brings a new level of security by moving passwords and other sensitive information out of configuration files and into the Key Vault. You will learn how to securely retrieve sensitive information from Azure Key Vault using an X509 Certificate using both Powershell and a C# console application.
Implementation steps include:
Creating an Azure Active Directory Application Id
Creating a self signed X509 certificate (Certificate Authority issued certificate is recommended over a self-signed certificate)
Create pvk and cer files (seperate private and public keys) makecert -r -pe -n "" -a sha512 -len 4096 -b 01/01/2018 -e 12/31/2029 -sv MyTestCert.pvk MyTestCert.cer
convert pvk and cer files into pkx file (private and public key combined) pvk2pfx -pvk MyTestCert.pvk -spc MyTestCert.cer -pfx MyTestCert.pfx -po PasswordHere
Installing the self signed certificate on the server or workstation
Assigning permissions to access the certificate
Associating the certificate's public key with the Azure Application Id
Creating an Azure Key Vault
Granting permission to the Azure Application Id
Storing secrets in the Azure Key Vault
Retrieving the secret from the vault using Power Shell
Retrieve the TenantId from the Azure Portal for use with Power Shell
Retrieving secrets from the vault using C# Console Application