Application ->> Shifu: Call Instruction
Shifu ->> mock Device: Retrieve raw data
mock Device ->> Shifu: raw data
Shifu->>WasmEdge: Call WasmEdge Function to wash data
WasmEdge ->> Shifu: washed data
Shifu ->> Application: washed data
"datetime":"2022-08-18 19:43:34",
"datetime":"2022-08-18 19:43:34",
if temperature > 28 exception = 温度过高; else exception = 温度正常
if humidity > 82 exception = 湿度过高; else exception = 湿度正常
"datetime":"2022-08-18 19:43:34",
"datetime":"2022-08-18 19:43:34",
pushd shifu && make buildx-build-image-deviceshifu-http-http && popd
docker build -f mockDevice/dockerfile -t mockdevice:v0.0.1 .
Run docker image and expose 8099 port:
docker run -p 8099:8099 -itd mockdevice:v0.0.1
You can write the rules in wasmEdge/js-func/src/js/run.js.
TODO: You Should Edit js's line 9 and 10 to modify the threshold
Build wasm image with edited Javascript file:
docker build -t wasm:v0.0.1 -f wasmEdge/js.dockerfile .
Load wasm image into kind cluster:
kind create cluster
kind load docker-image wasm:v0.0.1
kubectl apply -f wasmEdge/k8s
You can use the following command to check if your wasmEdge is running:
kubectl get pod -n wasmedge
install Shifu into kind cluster
kubectl apply -f shifuConfig/shifu_install.yml
You can now use the following command to check your shifu is installed
kubectl get pod -n shifu-crd-system
Install deviceShifu to communicate with the mockDevice. Remember to modify the IP address first. Below is a code snippet from shifuConfig/task3. Edit the address
field accordingly.
sku: "E93"
connection: Ethernet
address: ""
kind load docker-image edgehub/deviceshifu-http-http:v0.0.6
kubectl apply -f shifuConfig/task3
You can use the following command to check if your deviceshifu is running:
kubectl get pod -n deviceshifu
First, create a nginx pod:
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx:1.21
kubectl get pod
After nginx is running, you can the following command to enter the nginx pod
kubectl exec -it nginx bash
you can now use the following command to get deviceinfo by deviceshifu
curl http://deviceshifu-demodevice-service.deviceshifu.svc.cluster.local/get_info