Susan Howard, ESR Laurie Padman, ESR Lana Erofeeva, OSU
ESR and Oregon State University (OSU) create and serve global and regional barotropic tide models (where currents are depth-averaged).
The Tide Model Driver (TMD) toolbox runs in a user’s current Matlab installation. TMD allows a user to access specific tide models, output harmonic constants (amplitudes and phase for sea surface height and current components; and tidal current ellipse properties), and to make tidal predictions.
TMD 2.5 includes two components: (1) a set of scripts for accessing tidal fields and making predictions; and (2) a graphical user interface (GUI) for quickly browsing tide fields, zooming in on regions of interest, and selecting points and time ranges for predictions of specific variables.
TMD works with:
- Arctic and Antarctic models available from ESR’s web page (
- Global and regional models provided by OSU ( in binary format with all constituents in a single file.
Alternatives to the MATLAB TMD toolbox:
FORTRAN: A Fortran version of this package is made available through OSU: OSU Tidal Prediction software (OTPS)
PYTHON: pyTMD, created by T. C. Sutterley, is a Python-based tidal prediction software package, based on our MATLAB TMD package, that reads OTIS and GOT formatted tidal solutions for calculating ocean and load tides.