Train and deploy a news classifier based on ULMFit.
- Live version:
- Blog post:
To run the application, we can use the pre-build docker image available on Docker Hub and simply run the following command
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 imadelh/news:v1
The application will be available on The user can run a customized Gunicorn command to specify number of workers or an HTTPS certificate.
- Requirements
To reproduce results reported in the blog post, we need to install the requirements in our development environment.
# Open requirement.txt and select torch==1.1.0 instead of the cpu version used for inference only.
# Then install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Hyper-parameter search
After completing the installation, we can run parameters search or training of sklearn models as follows
# Params search for SVM
cd sklearn_models
python3 --model svc --exp_name svmsearch_all --data dataset_processed
# Params search for LR
python3 --model lreg --exp_name logreg_all --data dataset_processed
The parameters space is defined in the file sklearn_models/
. The outputs will be saved in the logs folder.
- Training
Training a model for a fixed set of parameters can be done using sklearn_models/
# Specify the parameters of the model inside and run
python3 --model svc --exp_name svc_all --data dataset_processed
The logs/metrics on test dataset will be saved in sklearn_models/logs/
and the trained model will be saved in sklearn_models/saved_models/
To reproduce/train ULMFit model, the notebooks available in ulmfit/
are used. Same requirements are needed as explained before. We will need a GPU to fine-tune LM models, this can be done using Google Colab.
Notebook contents:
- data preparation
- Fine-tune ULMFit
- Train ULMFit classifier
- Predictions and evaluation
- Exporting the trained model
- Inference on CPU
To be able to run the training, we need to specify the path to a folder where the training data is stored.
- Locally:
Save data from data/
, then specify the absolute PATH in the beginning of the notebook.
# This is the absolute path to where folder "data" is available
PATH = "/app/analyse/"
- Google Colab:
Save the data in Google drive folder, for example files/nlp/
# The folder 'data' is saved in Google drive in "files/nlp/"
# While running the notebook from google colab, mount the drive and define PATH to data
from google.colab import drive
# then give the path where your data is stored (in google drive)
PATH = "/content/gdrive/My Drive/files/nlp/"
- Train ULMfit on balanced dataset
- Train ULMFit on full dataset
Performance of ULMFit on the test dataset data/dataset_inference
(see end of 02_ulmfit_all_data.ipynb
for the definition of test dataset).
# ULMFit - Performance on test dataset
precision recall f1-score support
micro avg 0.73 20086
macro avg 0.66 0.61 0.63 20086
weighted avg 0.72 0.73 0.72 20086
Top 3 accuracy on test dataset:
Trained model is available for download at:
This project is a very basic text classifier. Here is a list of other features that could be added
- Feedback option to allow the user to submit a correction of the prediction.
- Fine-tune the model periodically based on new feedbacks.
- Compare performance to other language models (BERT, XLNet, etc).
Imad El Hanafi