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Second Order Spectral Projection (SP2) for Electronic Structure Calculations.


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ExaSP2 is a reference implementation of typical linear algebra algorithms and workloads for a quantum molecular dynamics (QMD) electronic structure code. The algorithm is based on a recursive second-order Fermi-Operator expansion method (SP2) and is tailored for density functional based tight-binding calculations of material systems. The SP2 algorithm variants are part of the Los Alamos Transferable Tight-binding for Energetics (LATTE) code, based on a matrix expansion of the Fermi operator in a recursive series of generalized matrix-matrix multiplications. It is created and maintained by Co-Design Center for Particle Applications (CoPA). The code is intended to serve as a vehicle for co-design by allowing others to extend and/or reimplement as needed to test performance of new architectures, programming models, etc.

ExaSP2 has been written to use the data structures and matrix operations in the Basic Matrix Library (BML). It is a composable and extensible framework for SP2 algorithms. A set of application programming interfaces (APIs) (under development) are available for SP2 solvers, data decomposition (BML), data exchange (BML), matrix operations (BML), and parallel communications. New implementations can be added easily. New data structures, decompositions, and matrix operations are added through the BML.

At build time, one can compose an SP2 test program by choosing the implementation for the SP2 solver (ex. BASIC) and parallel communication (ex. MPI). At run time choices can be made as input parameters for the matrix type (ex. dense, sparse), data decomposition (ex. 1-D, 2-D, GRAPH), and data exchange (ex. HALO).

Current Capabilities

Electronic Structure Solvers:

  • BASIC - original SP2 algorithm for calculation of the density matrix at zero temperature (default)
  • FERMI - truncated SP2 for finite temperature and partial occupation
  • IMP - implicit recursive expansion for finite temperature and partial occupation
  • RESPONSE - quantum perturbation theory for response properties at zero and finite temperature (future)
  • KERNEL - fast Newton solver for non-linear equations (future))
  • CHEBYSHEV- Chebyshev kernel polynomial method (future)

Data Decomposition:

  • 1-D - chunks of rows/columns (default)
  • 2-D - blocks (future)
  • GRAPH - graph-partitioned sub-matrices (future)

Data Exchange:

  • HALO - exchange halo data (future)

Matrix Type: representations and operations

  • SPARSE - using BML ELLPACK format (default)
  • DENSE - using BML DENSE format

Parallel Communication:

  • NONE - serial (default)
  • MPI - parallel

Hamiltonian Matrix Input:

  • In *.mtx format



  • Required: C
  • Required: BML (
  • Required: BLAS/LAPACK (ex. MKL)
  • Optional: MPI, other libraries (per implementation choices)

Build in the src directory. Copy and modify Makefile for the architecture and environment.

cp Makefile.vanilla Makefile

Build default version.

make clean;make

Build custom version.



Run the default serial version: (generates random sparse Hamiltonian)

export OMP_NUM_THREADS=16; ./bin/ExaSP2-serial

Run the default parallel version: (generates random sparse Hamiltonian)

export OMP_NUM_THREADS=16; mpirun -np 16 --map-by node -x OMP_NUM_THREADS ./bin/ExaSP2-parallel

Run the parallel version with input arguments: (Hamiltonian from file, sparse matrix type)

export OMP_NUM_THREADS=16; mpirun -np 16 --map-by node -x OMP_NUM_THREADS ./bin/ExaSP2-parallel --hmatName ./data/hmatrix.1024.mtx --mtype 2 --N 12288 --M 256


Second Order Spectral Projection (SP2) for Electronic Structure Calculations.







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