ABU R0b0c0n 2O24 navigator node. Using 3 VL53L1X ToF sensors.
- geometry_msgs
- rclcpp
- std_msgs
- mecanum_controller
- Linux based PC with GPIO control
- x3 VL53L1X ToF sensor
- mecanum_controller compatible odom
- /teammode (std_msgs/msg/String)
- /cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/msg/Twist)
- /abu_nav_stat (std_msgs/msg/String)
ros2 topic pub --once /teammode std_msgs/msg/String 'data: Red,Start'
ros2 topic pub --once /teammode std_msgs/msg/String 'data: Blue,RETRY'
ros2 topic pub --once /teammode std_msgs/msg/String 'data: stop,stop'
on topic /abu_nav_stat
will publish the string DONE
when the robot reached the area 3. This will be used to trigger the Area 3 node to start the ball mission.