Simple Java Spring Boot application using Thymeleaf as a template engine for view creation. Mustache as a template engine for HTML response and HTMX for adding additional Hypertext behaviors to HTML tags. You can also read Hypermedia Systems for more information.
Local execution of the application expects a redis service at the default host and port defined in the file.
You can use docker compose to start a redis service from the compose file scripts/docker-compose.yml
- Start the local container for Redis via docker-compose
docker-compose -f scripts/docker-compose.yml up
You can build the docker image using the following maven command The version if NOT specified will default to 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.
mvn spring-boot:build-image -Dversion=1.1.0
- Build the docker container for execution
The application was tested on a local Orbstack Kubernetes cluster.
The kubernetes configuration requires that a Gateway controller be installed. The Gateway controller is a custom controller that manages the creation of Gateway access into the cluster. Orbstack allows for local routing of *.k8s.orb.local at port 80 or 443 into the cluster and can be used with host matching for routing to specific services. Gateway Ingress Controller Installation
- Install the Redis Service
kubectl apply -f scripts/k8s/redis-service.yml
- Install the application and the service
kubectl apply -f scripts/k8s/todosomething.yml
- Install the ingress for the service
kubectl apply -f scripts/k8s/todosomething-ingress.yml