A project consisting of many small services that connect to each other.
It is made like a stock broking application - it allows it's users to buy&sell some stocks/instruments.
Of course it is all fake data and the price has a 24 hour cycle...
EasyTrade consists of the following services/components:
Service | Proxy port | Proxy endpoint |
Account service | 80 | /accountservice |
Aggregator service | 80 | --- |
Broker service | 80 | /broker-service |
Calculation service | 80 | --- |
Content creator | 80 | --- |
Credit card order service | 80 | /credit-card-order-service |
Db | 80 | --- |
Engine | 80 | /engine |
Feature flag service | 80 | /feature-flag-service |
Frontend | 80 | / |
Frontend reverse-proxy | 80 | --- |
Loadgen | -- | --- |
Login service | 80 | /loginservice |
Manager | 80 | /manager |
Offer service | 80 | /offerservice |
Pricing service | 80 | /pricing-service |
Problem operator | 80 | --- |
RabbitMQ | 80 | --- |
Third party service | 80 | /third-party-service |
To learn more about endpoints / swagger for the services go to their respective readmes
To run the easytrade using docker you can use provided compose.yaml
To use it you need to have:
- Docker with minimal version v20.10.13
- you can follow this guide to update Docker
- this guide also covers installing Docker Compose Plugin
- Docker Compose Plugin
sudo apt update sudo apt install docker-compose-plugin
- more information in this guide
With this you can run
docker compose up
# or to run in the background
docker compose up -d
You should be able to access the app at localhost:80
or simply localhost
NOTE: It make take a few minutes for the app to stabilize, you may experience errors in the frontend or see missing data before that happens.
NOTE: Docker Compose V1 which came as a separate binary (
) will not work with this version. You can check this guide on how to upgrade.
To deploy Easytrade in kubernetes you need to have:
tool installed- here's a guide on how to get it
to access the cluster you want to deploy it on- more info on it here
# first create the namespace for it
kubectl create namespace easytrade
# then use the manifests to deploy
kubectl -n easytrade apply -f ./kubernetes-manifests/release
# Optional: if you want the problem patterns to be automatically
# enabled once a day, deploy these manifests too
kubectl -n easytrade apply -f ./kubernetes-manifests/problem-patterns
# to get the ip of reverse proxy
# look for EXTERNAL-IP of frontendreverseproxy
# it may take some time before it gets assigned
kubectl -n easytrade get svc
# to delete the deployment
kubectl delete namespace easytrade
After starting easyTrade application you can:
- go to the frontend and try it out. Just go to the machines IP address, or "localhost" and you should see the login page. You can either create a new user, or use one of superusers (with easy passwords) like "demouser/demopass" or "specialuser/specialpass". Remember that in order to buy stocks you need money, so visit the deposit page first.
- go to some services swagger endpoint - you will find proper instructions in the dedicated service readmes.
- after some time go to dynatrace to configure your application and see what is going on in easyTrade - to have it work you will need an agent on the machine where you started easyTrade :P
If you want to use easyTrade, then you will need a user. You can either:
use the existing user - he has some preinserted data and new data is being generated from time to time:
- login: james_norton
- pass: pass_james_123
create a new user - click on "Sign up" on the login page and create a new user.
NOTE: After creating a new user there is no confirmation given, no email sent and you are not redirected... Just go back to login page and try to login. It should work :)
Currently there are 4 problem patterns supported in easyTrade:
DbNotResponding - after turning it on no new trades can be created as the database will throw an error. This problem pattern is kind of proof on concept that problem patterns work. Running it for around 20 minutes should generate a problem in dynatrace.
ErgoAggregatorSlowdown - after turning it on 2 of the aggregators will start receiving slower responses which will make them stop sending requests after some time. A potential run could take:
- 15 min - then we will notice a small slowdown (for 150 seconds) followed by 40% lower traffic for 15 minutes on some requests
- 20 min - then we will notice a small slowdown (for 150 seconds) followed by 40% lower traffic for 30 minutes on some requests
FactoryCrisis - when enabled, the factory won't produce new cards, which will cause the Third party service not to process credit card orders. This will block the Credit Card Order service.
HighCpuUsage - this problem pattern causes a slowdown of broker-service response time and highly increases CPU usage during that time. If the app is deployed on K8s, a CPU resource limit is also applied by the problem operator. This should generate CPU throttling on the pod.
To turn a plugin on/off send a request similar to the following:
curl -X PUT "http://{IP_ADDRESS}/feature-flag-service/v1/flags/{FEATURE_ID}/" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-d '{"enabled": {VALUE}}'
You can also manage enabled problem patterns via the easyTrade frontend.
NOTE: More information on the feature flag service's parameters available in feature flag service's doc.
If you are deploying easyTrade on K8s, you can also apply these cronjobs, which will enable the problem patterns once a day.
All Dynatrace configuration required for Easytrade should be applied using Monaco. More information on how to deploy it can be found in the monaco
EasyTrade application has been developed in order to showcase business events. Usually business events can be created in two ways:
- directly - using one of Dynatrace SDKs in the code - so for example in Javascript or Java
- indirectly - configure catch rules for request that are monitored by Dynatrace
If you want to learn more about business events then we suggest looking at the information on our website: Business event capture. There you will find information on how to create events directly (with OpenKit, Javascript, Android and more) and indirectly with capture rules in Dynatrace.
For those interested in creating capturing rules for easyTrade we suggest to have a look at the configuration exported with Monaco in this repository. Have a look at the README
EasyTrade network traffic is handled by REST requests using mostly JSON payloads. However, some of the services
can also handle XML requests. Data types are negotiated based on Accept
and Content-Type
Service | Accepted XML MIME types |
LoginService | application/xml ; text/xml ; application/*+xml |
CreditCardOrderService | application/xml |
OfferService | application/xml ; text/xml |
PricingService | application/xml |