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An open-source assembler for a custom 8bits cpu


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RSASM (Really Specific Assembly)

An open-source assembler for a really specific custom 8-bit cpu.


  • Build the project using premake
  • Install bin/release/assembler(.exe) in your path or wherever you want
  • Happy coding !


The CLI can be used with one of this two ways : - assembler (informational_flags) - assembler source_file_path (flags)

For the second variant, you must place the source_file_path first.

CPU architecture

The CPU is composed of 6 8-bits general purpose registers (a - f), an hl 16-bits register (h is the high part, l the low part) that is used to point to the 64kib RAM.

The stack proposed by RSASM is purely virtual. Thus, a choice had to be made concerning the stack pointer. The register f is choosen to be the stack pointer. Any stack-related operation will modify e. CALL will modify a too and RET d.

Function's paramaters are passed, in order, to b, c and d. If more paramaters are necessary, they are passed by the stack with the fourth paramater first pushed and the last paramater lastly pushed (on top of the stack). The return value of functions (if any) is passed through a.

Functions can and will modify registers. It is the responsability of the caller to save register's state to the RAM or stack (if needed) before calling a function.

Assembly language

Here lay the documentation of RSASM instructions :

opcode src argument dst argument effect
NOP set the current instruction to 0
ADD lreg, rreg lreg = lreg + rreg
SUB lreg, rreg lreg = lreg - rreg
LTEQ lreg, rreg lreg = lreg <= rreg
GTEQ lreg, rreg lreg = lreg >= rreg
LT lreg, rreg lreg = lreg < rreg
GT lreg, rreg lreg = lreg > rreg
EQ lreg, rreg lreg = lreg == rreg
AND lreg, rreg lreg = lreg & rreg
OR lreg, rreg lreg = lreg | rreg
XOR lreg, rreg lreg = lreg ^ rreg
NOT reg reg = ~reg
ADDS lreg, rreg dreg dreg = lreg + rreg
SUBS lreg, rreg dreg dreg = lreg - rreg
LTEQS lreg, rreg dreg dreg = lreg <= rreg
GTEQS lreg, rreg dreg dreg = lreg >= rreg
LTS lreg, rreg dreg dreg = lreg < rreg
GTS lreg, rreg dreg dreg = lreg > rreg
EQS lreg, rreg dreg dreg = lreg == rreg
ANDS lreg, rreg dreg dreg = lreg & rreg
ORS lreg, rreg dreg dreg = lreg | rreg
XORS lreg, rreg dreg dreg = lreg ^ rreg
NOTS reg dreg dreg = ~reg
LDX reg reg = value of next byte
RI sreg dreg dreg = IO[sreg] DOES NOTHING RIGHT NOW
CARRY dreg dreg = carry bit
WI lreg, rreg IO[lreg] = rreg DOES NOTHING RIGHT NOW
COPY sreg dreg dreg = sreg
JHL pc = hl
JIHL sreg if sreg == 0xff then pc = hl
JZHL sreg if sreg == 0 then pc = hl
JCHL if carry bit == 1 then pc = hl
MWRITE sreg RAM[hl] = sreg
MREAD dreg dreg = RAM[hl]
BYTE number set the current instruction to number
MOV number dreg dreg = number
PUSH sreg stack.push(sreg)
POP dreg dreg = stack.pop()
CALL tag push pc; jmp tag
RET pop pc
JMP tag pc = addr(tag)
JI tag, sreg if sreg == 0xff then pc = addr(tag)
JZ tag, sreg if sreg == 0 then pc = addr(tag)
JC tag if carry bit == 1 then pc = addr(tag)


An open-source assembler for a custom 8bits cpu







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