This project is about comparing and analyzing the performance of different heuristic optimization algorithms including GAT, GA, CGWO, PSO and AOA. The efficiency and effectiveness of each algorithm is evaluated mainly through the number of iterations and convergence curves. The code in the project is written in MATLAB and contains implementations of the various algorithms as well as visualizations of the results. This project is very helpful in understanding and comparing different meta-heuristic optimization algorithms.
这个项目是关于比较和分析不同启发式优化算法(包括 GAT、GA、CGWO、PSO 和 AOA)的性能。主要通过迭代次数和收敛曲线来评估每种算法的效率和效果。项目中的代码使用 MATLAB 编写,包含了各种算法的实现以及结果的可视化。这个项目对于理解和比较不同的元启发式优化算法非常有帮助。
In this project, we evaluate the performance of various optimization algorithms by examining their convergence curves. The convergence curve represents the change in the objective function value over iterations, providing insights into the optimization process and the effectiveness of different algorithms.
The algorithms compared in this project are:
Improved Genetic Algorithm (GAT)
Genetic Algorithm (GA)
Improved Grey Wolf Optimizer (CGWO)
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
Archimedes optimization algorithm (AOA)
The objective function has been encapsulated as an obj.m function, which is indicated here to solve the following optimization problem:
目标函数被封装为一个 obj.m 函数,在此用于解决以下优化问题:
The objective of the optimization function is to minimize the procurement cost to ensure that the cost of purchasing the ABLVR vascular robot and operators is minimized while meeting the treatment needs of the hospital, i.e., to find the optimal procurement strategy for the vascular robot and operators in order to minimize the cost while meeting the treatment needs.
This file can be modified and replaced for other issues.
The main code for this project is written in MATLAB and can be found in the file "main.m". Below is a brief overview of the code structure:
本项目的主要代码使用MATLAB编写,可以在 "main.m" 文件中找到。以下是代码结构的简要说明:
Data Initialization: The code initializes the necessary variables and parameters, such as the number of weeks, dimensionality, number of search agents, and maximum number of iterations.
Algorithm Execution and Time Measurement: The code executes each algorithm (GA, CGWO, PSO, and AOA) and measures the execution time for each algorithm.
Convergence Curve Calculation: The code records the convergence curve for each algorithm, which represents the objective function value at each iteration.
Results Visualization: The code plots the convergence curves for all algorithms on a single graph, using different line styles and colors for each algorithm. The graph helps in visualizing and comparing the convergence characteristics of different optimization algorithms.
To run the code and generate the convergence curves, follow these steps: 按照以下步骤运行代码并生成收敛曲线:
Make sure you have MATLAB installed on your system.
Clone the GitHub repository:
Open MATLAB and navigate to the project directory.
Run the "main.m" script.
运行 "main.m" 脚本。
The convergence curves will be generated and displayed in a MATLAB figure.
The results of this project provide insights into the convergence characteristics of different optimization algorithms. By analyzing the convergence curves, you can observe the convergence speed and stability of each algorithm. The comparison helps in selecting the most suitable algorithm for specific optimization problems.
The comparison and analysis of convergence curves for different optimization algorithms allow researchers and practitioners to gain a deeper understanding of algorithm performance. This project provides a starting point for further research and exploration of optimization algorithms.
Wang, Z., Huang, Y., Fan, C., Lai, X., Song, Q., & Lu, P. (2023). Improved Genetic Algorithm Based on Greedy and Simulated Annealing Ideas for Vascular Robot Ordering Strategy. Journal of Medical Robotics, 10(3), 123-145.
Please note that this project is for educational and research purposes only.