Python script to crawl Web of Science retrieved papers based on selenium package.
基于selenium包,爬取Web of Science检索的论文信息的Python脚本
The idea of this crawler is inherited and taken off from CNKI Knowledge Web Crawler. The new version of Web of Science does not require an account to search as CNKI does, and Web of Science generally requires the purchase of an account or the use of library databases to jump. Because the many and varied ways of accessing can only be handled manually, and thus thinking: can we interrupt the program to manually control the browser, and later give control to the program to do so? And then came the code.
In summary, this crawler has the following enhancements:
- Retrieval method: ability to manually do the retrieval in any way by itself, as long as it ends up on the paper page
- Speed: using BeautifulSoup to process the html of the web page as crawling data, compared to Selenium to crawl each data much faster
- Stability: Web of Science is unstable to access in China because of the change of [way], you can solve the problem manually after the webpage has problems, or you can start crawling from a custom page
这个爬虫的思路继承和脱胎自CNKI知网爬虫。新版Web of Science并不像知网一样不需要账号也能检索,而Web of Science一般需要购买账号或者使用图书馆数据库转跳。因为多种多样的的进入方式只能通过手动处理,进而思考:我们是否可以中断程序手动控制浏览器,之后再把控制权交给程序进行?然后就有了这样的代码。
- 检索方式:能自己手动进行任意方式检索,只要最后能进入论文页面
- 速度:使用BeautifulSoup对网页html处理为爬取数据,相比Selenium对每个数据抓取快得多
- 稳定性:Web of Science在国内访问不稳定,因为[方式]的改变,可以在网页出现问题后手动解决,也可以从自定义页面开始爬取
The whole program implements automatic traversal of Web of Science paper detail pages, extracts key information, and saves the results in an orderly manner in a CSV file.
Define the
function, which receives an HTML string as an argument. The function parses the HTML content with BeautifulSoup, extracts relevant information about the paper (e.g., title, number of citations, address/country, journal name, etc.), and stores this information in a dictionary. It also tries to get the page number from the HTML where the current paper is located. -
in the
part of the main function:- Initializes the Chrome driver and opens the specified URL (Web of Science's base search page).
- Ask the user to manually navigate the browser to the paper details page.
- Switch to the browser window corresponding to the paper details page.
- Enter a loop that processes the paper details page one paper at a time:
- Wait for the page elements to finish loading using Selenium's WebDriverWait.
- Get the HTML source code of the page and pass it to the
function to process it and get a dictionary of the paper's information and the current page number. - Add the paper information to a pandas DataFrame and update the data if the index already exists, otherwise add a new row.
- After each paper is processed, save its data to a CSV file.
- Try to click the "Next" button to scroll to the next article's detail page, if it fails prompt the user to manually fix the possible problem.
- Add a pause time to wait for the page to load. 3.
close the browser driver when the loop is complete.
整个程序实现了自动遍历Web of Science论文详情页面,抽取关键信息,并将结果有序地保存在CSV文件中。
函数,接收一个HTML字符串作为参数。该函数通过BeautifulSoup解析HTML内容,提取出论文的相关信息(如标题、引用次数、地址/国家、期刊名等),并将这些信息存入一个字典中。同时,它还尝试从HTML中获取当前论文所在的页码。 -
部分:- 初始化Chrome浏览器驱动并打开指定的URL(Web of Science的基础搜索页面)。
- 要求用户手动操作浏览器至论文详情页面。
- 切换到论文详情页面对应的浏览器窗口。
- 进入循环,每次循环处理一篇论文的详情页面:
- 使用Selenium的WebDriverWait等待页面元素加载完成。
- 获取页面的HTML源代码并传给
函数处理,得到论文信息字典以及当前页码。 - 将论文信息添加到一个pandas DataFrame中,如果索引已存在则更新数据,否则新增一行。
- 每处理完一篇论文后,就将其数据保存到CSV文件中。
- 尝试点击“下一页”按钮以滚动到下一篇文章的详情页面,若点击失败则提示用户手动解决可能的问题。
- 添加暂停时间以等待页面加载。
本地环境:Python 3.11.5,selenium 4.15.2,pandas 2.0.3,beautifulsoup4 4.12.2
url_root = ''
papers_need = 100000
file_path = 'result.csv'
wait_time = 10
pause_time = 3
- EN
: is the page that is opened automatically (can be any page, as it has to be done manually)papers_need
: automatically stop crawling the number of pagesfile_path
: the path to store the crawl result table filewait_time
: time (in seconds) to wait for an element of the page to load, can be shortenedpause_time
: wait time after each page turn (in seconds), balance speed and stability, can be shortened
- CN
Optional: whether or not to open excel. used to choose whether or not to continue to run next to the last crawled data, if it is the first time to use input n can be.
- Run the program. It will automatically open Google Chrome, (make sure Google chromedriver is installed)
- Manually.
- enter Web of Science (the new version of the interface), use your own way to enter (no can Taobao buy account)
- Select the database you want by your own way, enter the keywords, and click Search.
- Click the first article to enter the article page
- Crawl automatically. Input any key to continue in the program terminal, the program will automatically crawl the page information and store it in the csv table.
- *Exception Handling: If the web page is accessed abnormally, click "Back" to go back to the previous interface, then input any key to continue, and continue crawling.
- 运行程序。会自动打开谷歌浏览器,(确保安装了谷歌chromedriver,可以参考Selenium安装WebDriver最新Chrome驱动)
- 手动操作。
- 进入Web of Science(新版界面),使用自己的方式进入(没有可以淘宝买账号)
- 通过自己想要的方式,选择想要的数据库,输入关键词,点击检索
- 点击第一篇文章,进入文章页面
- 自动爬取。在程序终端输入任意键继续,程序会自动爬取页面信息,并存储在csv表格中。
- *异常处理:网页访问异常,点击“后退”回到上个界面,再输入任意键继续,继续爬取。