GrassSV is a command-line interface (CLI) tool used for detecting structural variants in genomic data.
usage: [-h] {rsvsim2bed,find_sv,find_roi,roi_statistics,quast2bed,
filter_reads,slurm_dispatch,find_hdr,run_standalone,utils} ...
positional arguments:
GrassSV consits of multiple scripts:
rsvsim2bed converts sequences from rsvsims's csv format to bed
find_sv finds structural variations based on contig's alignments
find_roi finds regions of intrest based on mapping coverage
roi_statistics confronts found regions with generated mutations
quast2bed converts sequences from quast tsv format to bed
filter_reads Filter reads by regions of interest
find_hdr finds regions of high depth coverage
run_standalone Runs GrassSV pipeline in a single run
utils Utilities [csv2bed, sv_check]
To detect structural variants (SVs) using GrassSV, follow these steps:
- Map your reads to the reference genome and calculate the depth of coverage.
- Run GrassSV find_roi – this will identify regions where SV breakpoints are suspected.
- Run GrassSV filter_reads – this will filter out reads that are unlikely to provide information about SVs.
- Assemble the filtered reads into contigs (e.g., using the ALGA assembler).
- Map the filtered contigs to the reference genome.
- Run GrassSV find_sv – this will produce SV calls with annotated variant types.
Steps 1-6 can be simplified as one call. run_standalone -g ${CX_REFERENCE} -i ${CX_INDEX} -l ${CX_REFERENCE_LENGTH} -r ${CX_READS_1} -R ${CX_READS_2}
leading to reference genome file (.fai), CX_INDEX
leading to genoe index file, CX_REFERENCE_LENGTH
leading to genome lengths file. CX_READS_1
and CX_READS_1
should lead to FASTQ (.fq) formated reads.
The script is available in origin/docker
branch of this repository.
ALGA, samtools(1.6.0), bowtie1(1.0.0), bowtie2(2.2.3), gcc(7.4.0), quast(5.0.2)
Running GrassSV is simpler with SLURM, only one command is needed.
usage: slurm_dispatch [-h]
[-G {none,dup,del,tra,ins,inv,all}] -g path -o path
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
[Optional] Select the job to start from:
Defaults to CALC_DEPTH.
-G {none,dup,del,tra,ins,inv,all}
[Optional] You may generate mutations using our fastaDNA generator.
To do so specify what mutations do you want to generate:
[none, dup, del, tra, ins, inv, all]
-g path, --genome path
The genome file that will be copied to output folder.
-o path, --output path
The output folder where GrassSv output will be generated.
Do not store multiple outputs in the same folder as they would overwrite eachother.
To run GrassSV on your data type: slurm_dispatch -S CALC_DEPTH
GrassSV was tested against following SV Callers: Pindel, Lumpy and GRIDSS. Benchmark code alongside benchmarking data can be found at GrassBenchmark repository: