- Geyser compatibility
- Scoreboard full configurable
- All messages full configurable
- 1.13 - 1.19.4 Server support
- Database support (SQLite, MySQL, MongoDB)
- Custom place time with permission ("rplace-permission-time-<seconds>")
This is a default config.
"blockCooldown": 21,
"worldBorderSize": 313.0, //The worldBorderSize must be an odd number. (1, 7, 15, 31, 101, 1001...)
"scoreboardEnabled": true,
"scoreboardTitle": "§aServer §8| §7r/Place",
"scoreboard": [
" §8§l» §7Progress§3",
" §8» §a %progress%%",
" §8§l» §7Countdown§3",
" §8» §a %cooldown%",
" §8§l» §7Your blocks§3",
" §8» §a %blocks%",
" §8§l» §7Players§3",
" §8»§a %onlinePlayers%§7/%maxPlayers%",
" §8§l» §7Your ranking§3",
" §8»§a #%ranking%"
"enableOldPluginWarning": true,
"blockHasNoHistorySound": "ENTITY_STRIDER_EAT", //List of sounds: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Sound.html
"itemRemoverMaterial": "STICK", //List of materials: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
"itemCheckerMaterial": "END_ROD"
This is a default messages config.
"prefix": "§8〣§ar/Place §8» §7",
"blockPlaceNotAllow": "%prefix%You may §cnot §7place this block!",
"blockAlreadyPlaced": "%prefix%This block has already been placed here!",
"blockWaiteSeconds": "%prefix%You still have to wait §c%cooldowen% §7seconds!",
"blockWaiteSecond": "%prefix%You still have to wait §c%cooldowen% §7second!",
"blockHasNoHistory": "%prefix%This block has no change!",
"blockInformation": "%prefix%This block has been set by §a%name%§7. §8(§a%date%§8)",
"blockRemoveSuccessfully": "%prefix%You have removed this block!",
"oldPluginWarning": "%prefix%You are using an old version of this plugin. You can download a newer version here: %link%",
"rPlaceCommandHelp": "%prefix%§c/rplace reload",
"rPlaceCommandReloadTry": "%prefix%§cTrying to reload all configs...",
"rPlaceCommandReloadSuccessfully": "%prefix%§7All configs wars §asuccessfully §7reloaded.",
"seconds": "seconds", //This is for the scoreboard and not for player messages.
"second": "second",
"ready": "Ready",
"itemBlockRemoverName": "§cBlock remover §8«",
"itemBlockCheckerName": "§eBlock Investigate §8«"
Permissions | Features |
place.item.remover | Add a block remover to the inventory. |
place.item.checker | Add a block remover in the inventory. |
place.command.remove.block | Permission to execute the /removeBlock command |
place.command.check.block | Permission to execute the /checkBlock command |
place.command.rplace | Permission to execute the /rplace command |