Fast and lightweight log processor and forwarder or Linux, OSX and BSD family operating systems.
- Kubernetes Cluster deployed
- Kubernetes config installed in
- Helm installed
Install Helm
- Clone down the repository
- cd into directory
helm install fluentbit chart/
Key | Type | Default | Description |
elasticsearch | object | {"name":""} |
Configuration for Elasticsearch interaction | | string | "" |
Name is only used at the BB level for host templating |
istio | object | {"enabled":false,"hardened":{"customAuthorizationPolicies":[],"customServiceEntries":[],"enabled":false,"outboundTrafficPolicyMode":"REGISTRY_ONLY"},"mtls":{"mode":"STRICT"}} |
Configuration for Istio interaction |
istio.enabled | bool | false |
Toggle currently only controls NetworkPolicies |
istio.mtls | object | {"mode":"STRICT"} |
Default peer authentication setting |
istio.mtls.mode | string | "STRICT" |
STRICT = Allow only mutual TLS traffic PERMISSIVE = Allow both plain text and mutual TLS traffic |
additionalOutputs | object | {"disableDefault":false,"elasticsearch":{"additionalConfig":{},"caCert":"","host":"","match":["kube.*","host.*"],"password":"","port":9200,"tls":true,"tlsVerify":false,"user":"elastic"},"fluentd":{"additionalConfig":{},"caCert":"","host":"","match":["kube.*","host.*"],"password":"","port":24224,"sharedKey":"","tls":true,"tlsVerify":false,"user":""},"loki":{"additionalConfig":{},"caCert":"","host":"","match":["kube.*","host.*"],"password":"","port":3100,"tls":false,"tlsVerify":false,"user":""},"s3":{"additionalConfig":{"total_file_size":"1M","upload_timeout":"1m","use_put_object":"On"},"aws_access_key_id":"","aws_secret_access_key":"","bucket":"","existingSecret":"","match":["kube.*","host.*"],"region":"us-east-1"}} |
Additional Outputs for Big Bang, these are wrappers to simplify the config of outputs and extend whatever is specified under the outputs values |
additionalOutputs.disableDefault | bool | false |
Option to disable the default elastic output configured under outputs , this only works at the Big Bang chart level |
additionalOutputs.elasticsearch | object | {"additionalConfig":{},"caCert":"","host":"","match":["kube.*","host.*"],"password":"","port":9200,"tls":true,"tlsVerify":false,"user":"elastic"} |
Options to enable an additional elastic output |
additionalOutputs.elasticsearch.tls | bool | true |
Toggle on TLS |
additionalOutputs.elasticsearch.tlsVerify | bool | false |
Verify TLS certificates, requires a caCert to be specified |
additionalOutputs.elasticsearch.caCert | string | "" |
Full ca.crt specified as multiline string, see example |
additionalOutputs.elasticsearch.additionalConfig | object | {} |
Reference configuration parameters provided by Fluentbit - |
additionalOutputs.fluentd | object | {"additionalConfig":{},"caCert":"","host":"","match":["kube.*","host.*"],"password":"","port":24224,"sharedKey":"","tls":true,"tlsVerify":false,"user":""} |
Options to enable a fluentd output |
additionalOutputs.fluentd.sharedKey | string | "" |
Overriden by username and password |
additionalOutputs.fluentd.tls | bool | true |
Toggle on TLS |
additionalOutputs.fluentd.tlsVerify | bool | false |
Verify TLS certificates, requires a caCert to be specified |
additionalOutputs.fluentd.caCert | string | "" |
Full ca.crt specified as multiline string, see example |
additionalOutputs.fluentd.additionalConfig | object | {} |
Reference configuration parameters provided by Fluentbit - |
additionalOutputs.loki | object | {"additionalConfig":{},"caCert":"","host":"","match":["kube.*","host.*"],"password":"","port":3100,"tls":false,"tlsVerify":false,"user":""} |
Options to enable a loki output |
additionalOutputs.loki.user | string | "" |
User and Password are optional - only required if running proxy in front of Loki, see |
additionalOutputs.loki.tls | bool | false |
Toggle on TLS - disabled by default to support in cluster Loki |
additionalOutputs.loki.tlsVerify | bool | false |
Verify TLS certificates, requires a caCert to be specified |
additionalOutputs.loki.caCert | string | "" |
Full ca.crt specified as multiline string, see example |
additionalOutputs.loki.additionalConfig | object | {} |
Reference configuration parameters provided by Fluentbit - |
additionalOutputs.s3 | object | {"additionalConfig":{"total_file_size":"1M","upload_timeout":"1m","use_put_object":"On"},"aws_access_key_id":"","aws_secret_access_key":"","bucket":"","existingSecret":"","match":["kube.*","host.*"],"region":"us-east-1"} |
Options to enable a S3 output |
additionalOutputs.s3.existingSecret | string | "" |
Reference an existing secret with your access and secret key, must contain key values pairs for AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY |
additionalOutputs.s3.additionalConfig | object | {"total_file_size":"1M","upload_timeout":"1m","use_put_object":"On"} |
Reference configuration parameters provided by Fluentbit - |
storage_buffer | object | {"path":"/var/log/flb-storage/"} |
Options to configure hostPath mounted storage buffer for production use Specified in fluentbit service configuration section below see |
storage | object | {"total_limit_size":"10G"} |
Limits the number of Chunks that exists in the file system for a certain logical output destination. If one destination reaches the storage.total_limit_size limit, the oldest Chunk from the queue for that logical output destination will be discarded. see |
kind | string | "DaemonSet" |
DaemonSet or Deployment |
replicaCount | int | 1 |
Only applicable if kind=Deployment |
image.repository | string | "" |
image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
image.tag | string | "3.2.6" |
networkPolicies.enabled | bool | false |
networkPolicies.controlPlaneCidr | string | "" |
networkPolicies.additionalPolicies | list | [] |
testFramework.enabled | bool | false |
testFramework.namespace | string | nil |
testFramework.image.repository | string | "busybox" |
testFramework.image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
testFramework.image.tag | string | "latest" |
testFramework.image.digest | string | nil |
imagePullSecrets[0].name | string | "private-registry" |
nameOverride | string | "fluent-bit" |
fullnameOverride | string | "" |
serviceAccount.create | bool | true |
serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
| | string | nil |
rbac.create | bool | true |
rbac.nodeAccess | bool | false |
rbac.eventsAccess | bool | false |
podSecurityPolicy.create | bool | false |
podSecurityPolicy.annotations | object | {} |
podSecurityPolicy.runAsUser.rule | string | "RunAsAny" |
podSecurityPolicy.seLinux.rule | string | "RunAsAny" |
openShift.enabled | bool | false |
openShift.securityContextConstraints.create | bool | true |
| | string | "" |
openShift.securityContextConstraints.annotations | object | {} |
openShift.securityContextConstraints.runAsUser.type | string | "RunAsAny" |
openShift.securityContextConstraints.seLinuxContext.type | string | "MustRunAs" |
openShift.securityContextConstraints.existingName | string | "" |
podSecurityContext | object | {} |
hostNetwork | bool | false |
dnsPolicy | string | "ClusterFirst" |
dnsConfig | object | {} |
hostAliases | list | [] |
securityContext.runAsUser | int | 0 |
securityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem | bool | true |
securityContext.privileged | bool | false |
securityContext.seLinuxOptions.type | string | "spc_t" |
securityContext.capabilities.drop[0] | string | "ALL" |
service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
service.port | int | 2020 |
service.internalTrafficPolicy | string | nil |
service.loadBalancerClass | string | nil |
service.loadBalancerSourceRanges | list | [] |
service.labels | object | {} |
service.annotations | object | {} |
service.externalIPs | list | [] |
serviceMonitor.enabled | bool | false |
serviceMonitor.additionalEndpoints | list | [] |
prometheusRule.enabled | bool | false |
prometheusRule.additionalLabels | object | {} |
prometheusRule.rules[0].alert | string | "fluentbitJobAbsent" |
prometheusRule.rules[0].annotations.message | string | "Fluent Bit job not present for 10m" |
prometheusRule.rules[0].expr | string | "absent(up{job=\"fluentbit\", namespace=\"logging\"})" |
prometheusRule.rules[0].for | string | "10m" |
prometheusRule.rules[0].labels.severity | string | "critical" |
prometheusRule.rules[1].alert | string | "FluentdLowNumberOfPods" |
prometheusRule.rules[1].expr | string | "avg without (instance) (up{job=\"fluentbit\"}) < .20" |
prometheusRule.rules[1].for | string | "10m" |
prometheusRule.rules[1].annotations | string | nil |
prometheusRule.rules[1].labels.severity | string | "critical" |
prometheusRule.rules[2].alert | string | "LogsNotFlowing" |
prometheusRule.rules[2].expr | string | "sum(rate(fluentd_output_status_num_records_total{}[4h])) by (tag) < .001" |
prometheusRule.rules[2].for | string | "30m" |
prometheusRule.rules[2].annotations | string | nil |
prometheusRule.rules[2].labels.severity | string | "critical" |
prometheusRule.rules[3].alert | string | "NoOutputBytesProcessed" |
prometheusRule.rules[3].expr | string | "rate(fluentbit_output_proc_bytes_total[5m]) == 0" |
prometheusRule.rules[3].annotations.message | string | "Fluent Bit instance {{ $labels.instance }}'s output plugin {{ $ }} has not processed any\nbytes for at least 15 minutes.\n" |
prometheusRule.rules[3].for | string | "15m" |
prometheusRule.rules[3].labels.severity | string | "critical" |
dashboards.enabled | bool | false |
dashboards.labelKey | string | "grafana_dashboard" |
dashboards.labelValue | int | 1 |
dashboards.annotations | object | {} |
dashboards.namespace | string | "" |
dashboards.deterministicUid | bool | false |
lifecycle | object | {} |
livenessProbe.httpGet.path | string | "/" |
livenessProbe.httpGet.port | string | "http" |
readinessProbe.httpGet.path | string | "/api/v1/health" |
readinessProbe.httpGet.port | string | "http" |
resources | object | {} |
ingress.enabled | bool | false |
ingress.ingressClassName | string | "" |
ingress.annotations | object | {} |
ingress.hosts | list | [] |
ingress.extraHosts | list | [] |
ingress.tls | list | [] |
autoscaling.vpa.enabled | bool | false |
autoscaling.vpa.annotations | object | {} |
autoscaling.vpa.controlledResources | list | [] |
autoscaling.vpa.maxAllowed | object | {} |
autoscaling.vpa.minAllowed | object | {} |
autoscaling.vpa.updatePolicy.updateMode | string | "Auto" |
autoscaling.enabled | bool | false |
autoscaling.minReplicas | int | 1 |
autoscaling.maxReplicas | int | 3 |
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | int | 75 |
autoscaling.customRules | list | [] |
autoscaling.behavior | object | {} |
podDisruptionBudget.enabled | bool | false |
podDisruptionBudget.annotations | object | {} |
podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable | string | "30%" |
nodeSelector | object | {} |
tolerations | list | [] |
affinity | object | {} |
labels | object | {} |
annotations | object | {} |
podAnnotations | object | {} |
podLabels | object | {} |
minReadySeconds | string | nil |
terminationGracePeriodSeconds | string | nil |
priorityClassName | string | "" |
env | object | {} |
envWithTpl | list | [] |
envFrom | list | [] |
extraContainers | list | [] |
flush | int | 1 |
metricsPort | int | 2020 |
extraPorts | list | [] |
extraVolumes[0] | object | {"hostPath":{"path":"/var/log/flb-storage/","type":"DirectoryOrCreate"},"name":"flb-storage"} |
Mount /var/log/flb-storage/ for the storage buffer, recommended for production systems. |
extraVolumeMounts[0] | object | {"mountPath":"/var/log/flb-storage/","name":"flb-storage","readOnly":false} |
Mount /var/log/flb-storage/ for the storage buffer, recommended for production systems. |
updateStrategy | object | {} |
existingConfigMap | string | "" |
networkPolicy.enabled | bool | false |
luaScripts | object | {} |
config.service | string | "[SERVICE]\n Daemon Off\n Flush {{ .Values.flush }}\n Log_Level {{ .Values.logLevel }}\n Parsers_File /fluent-bit/etc/parsers.conf\n Parsers_File /fluent-bit/etc/conf/custom_parsers.conf\n HTTP_Server On\n HTTP_Listen\n HTTP_Port {{ .Values.metricsPort }}\n # -- Setting up storage buffer on filesystem and slighty upping backlog mem_limit value.\n storage.path {{ .Values.storage_buffer.path }}\n storage.sync normal\n storage.backlog.mem_limit 15M\n Health_Check On\n" |
config.inputs | string | "[INPUT]\n Name tail\n Path /var/log/containers/*.log\n # -- Excluding fluentbit logs from sending to ECK, along with gatekeeper-audit logs which are shipped by clusterAuditor.\n Exclude_Path /var/log/containers/*fluent*.log\n Parser containerd\n Tag kube.*\n Mem_Buf_Limit 50MB\n Skip_Long_Lines On\n storage.type filesystem\n\n[INPUT]\n Name systemd\n Tag host.*\n Systemd_Filter _SYSTEMD_UNIT=kubelet.service\n Read_From_Tail On\n storage.type filesystem\n" |
config.filters | string | "" |
config.outputs | string | "" |
config.upstream | object | {} |
config.customParsers | string | "[PARSER]\n Name docker_no_time\n Format json\n Time_Keep Off\n Time_Key time\n Time_Format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L\n\n[PARSER]\n Name containerd\n Format regex\n Regex ^(?<time>[^ ]+) (?<stream>stdout|stderr) (?<logtag>[^ ]*) (?<log>.*)$\n Time_Key time\n Time_Format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z\n Time_Keep On\n\n[PARSER]\n Name syslog\n Format regex\n Regex ^\\<(?<pri>[0-9]+)\\>(?<time>[^ ]* {1,2}[^ ]* [^ ]*) (?<host>[^ ]*) (?<ident>[a-zA-Z0-9_\\/\\.\\-]*)(?:\\[(?<pid>[0-9]+)\\])?(?:[^\\:]*\\:)? *(?<message>.*)$\n Time_Key time\n Time_Format %b %d %H:%M:%S\n" |
config.extraFiles | object | {} |
volumeMounts[0].name | string | "config" |
volumeMounts[0].mountPath | string | "/fluent-bit/etc/conf" |
daemonSetVolumes[0].name | string | "varlog" |
daemonSetVolumes[0].hostPath.path | string | "/var/log" |
daemonSetVolumes[1].name | string | "varlibdockercontainers" |
daemonSetVolumes[1].hostPath.path | string | "/var/lib/docker/containers" |
daemonSetVolumes[2].name | string | "etcmachineid" |
daemonSetVolumes[2].hostPath.path | string | "/etc/machine-id" |
daemonSetVolumes[2].hostPath.type | string | "File" |
daemonSetVolumeMounts[0].name | string | "varlog" |
daemonSetVolumeMounts[0].mountPath | string | "/var/log" |
daemonSetVolumeMounts[0].readOnly | bool | true |
daemonSetVolumeMounts[1].name | string | "varlibdockercontainers" |
daemonSetVolumeMounts[1].mountPath | string | "/var/lib/docker/containers" |
daemonSetVolumeMounts[1].readOnly | bool | true |
daemonSetVolumeMounts[2].name | string | "etcmachineid" |
daemonSetVolumeMounts[2].mountPath | string | "/etc/machine-id" |
daemonSetVolumeMounts[2].readOnly | bool | true |
command[0] | string | "/fluent-bit/bin/fluent-bit" |
args[0] | string | "--workdir=/fluent-bit/etc" |
args[1] | string | "--config=/fluent-bit/etc/conf/fluent-bit.conf" |
initContainers | list | [] |
logLevel | string | "info" |
openshift | bool | false |
Toggle for Openshift, currently only controls NetworkPolicy changes |
loki | object | {"enabled":false} |
List of enabled Big Bang log storage package(s), used to control networkPolicies and auth only |
elasticsearchKibana.enabled | bool | false |
bbtests | object | {"enabled":false,"scripts":{"envs":{"desired_version":"{{ .Values.image.tag }}","fluent_host":"http://{{ include \"fluent-bit.fullname\" . }}.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local:{{ .Values.service.port }}"},"image":""}} |
Values used for Big Bang CI testing |
bbtests.enabled | bool | false |
Toggles test manifests |
bbtests.scripts.image | string | "" |
Image used to run script tests, must include curl and jq |
bbtests.scripts.envs | object | {"desired_version":"{{ .Values.image.tag }}","fluent_host":"http://{{ include \"fluent-bit.fullname\" . }}.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local:{{ .Values.service.port }}"} |
Envs that are passed into the script runner pod |
bbtests.scripts.envs.fluent_host | string | "http://{{ include \"fluent-bit.fullname\" . }}.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local:{{ .Values.service.port }}" |
Hostname/port to contact Fluentbit |
bbtests.scripts.envs.desired_version | string | "{{ .Values.image.tag }}" |
Version that should be running |
hotReload.enabled | bool | false |
hotReload.image.repository | string | "" |
hotReload.image.tag | string | "v0.14.0" |
hotReload.image.digest | string | nil |
hotReload.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
hotReload.resources | object | {} |
hotReload.extraWatchVolumes | list | [] |
Please see the contributing guide if you are interested in contributing.
This file is programatically generated using helm-docs
and some BigBang-specific templates. The gluon
repository has instructions for regenerating package READMEs.