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Version: 1.19.0-bb.0 AppVersion: 1.19.0 Maintenance Track: unknown

Crossplane is an open source Kubernetes add-on that enables platform teams to assemble infrastructure from multiple vendors, and expose higher level self-service APIs for application teams to consume.

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  • Kubernetes Cluster deployed
  • Kubernetes config installed in ~/.kube/config
  • Helm installed

Install Helm


  • Clone down the repository
  • cd into directory
helm install crossplane chart/


Key Type Default Description
replicas int 1 The number of Crossplane pod replicas to deploy.
revisionHistoryLimit string nil The number of Crossplane ReplicaSets to retain.
deploymentStrategy string "RollingUpdate" The deployment strategy for the Crossplane and RBAC Manager pods.
image.repository string "" Repository for the Crossplane pod image.
image.tag string "" The Crossplane image tag. Defaults to the value of appVersion in Chart.yaml.
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" The image pull policy used for Crossplane and RBAC Manager pods.
nodeSelector object {} Add nodeSelectors to the Crossplane pod deployment.
tolerations list [] Add tolerations to the Crossplane pod deployment.
affinity object {} Add affinities to the Crossplane pod deployment.
topologySpreadConstraints list [] Add topologySpreadConstraints to the Crossplane pod deployment.
hostNetwork bool false Enable hostNetwork for the Crossplane deployment. Caution: enabling hostNetwork grants the Crossplane Pod access to the host network namespace. Consider setting dnsPolicy to ClusterFirstWithHostNet.
dnsPolicy string "" Specify the dnsPolicy to be used by the Crossplane pod.
customLabels object {} Add custom labels to the Crossplane pod deployment.
customAnnotations object {} Add custom annotations to the Crossplane pod deployment.
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether Crossplane ServiceAccount should be created string "" Provide the name of an already created Crossplane ServiceAccount. Required when serviceAccount.create is false
serviceAccount.customAnnotations object {} Add custom annotations to the Crossplane ServiceAccount.
leaderElection bool true Enable leader election for the Crossplane pod.
args list [] Add custom arguments to the Crossplane pod.
provider.packages list [] A list of Provider packages to install.
configuration.packages list [] A list of Configuration packages to install.
function.packages list [] A list of Function packages to install
imagePullSecrets list ["private-registry"] The imagePullSecret names to add to the Crossplane ServiceAccount. imagePullSecrets: [] string "" The ConfigMap name containing a custom CA bundle to enable fetching packages from registries with unknown or untrusted certificates.
registryCaBundleConfig.key string "" The ConfigMap key containing a custom CA bundle to enable fetching packages from registries with unknown or untrusted certificates.
service.customAnnotations object {} Configure annotations on the service object. Only enabled when webhooks.enabled = true
webhooks.enabled bool true Enable webhooks for Crossplane and installed Provider packages.
webhooks.port string "" The port the webhook server listens on.
rbacManager.deploy bool true Deploy the RBAC Manager pod and its required roles.
rbacManager.skipAggregatedClusterRoles bool false Don't install aggregated Crossplane ClusterRoles.
rbacManager.replicas int 1 The number of RBAC Manager pod replicas to deploy.
rbacManager.revisionHistoryLimit string nil The number of RBAC Manager ReplicaSets to retain.
rbacManager.leaderElection bool true Enable leader election for the RBAC Manager pod.
rbacManager.args list [] Add custom arguments to the RBAC Manager pod.
rbacManager.nodeSelector object {} Add nodeSelectors to the RBAC Manager pod deployment.
rbacManager.tolerations list [] Add tolerations to the RBAC Manager pod deployment.
rbacManager.affinity object {} Add affinities to the RBAC Manager pod deployment.
rbacManager.topologySpreadConstraints list [] Add topologySpreadConstraints to the RBAC Manager pod deployment.
packageManager.enableAutomaticDependencyDowngrade bool false Enable automatic dependency version downgrades. This configuration is only used when --enable-dependency-version-upgrades flag is passed.
priorityClassName string "" The PriorityClass name to apply to the Crossplane and RBAC Manager pods.
resourcesCrossplane.limits.cpu string "500m" CPU resource limits for the Crossplane pod.
resourcesCrossplane.limits.memory string "1024Mi" Memory resource limits for the Crossplane pod.
resourcesCrossplane.requests.cpu string "100m" CPU resource requests for the Crossplane pod.
resourcesCrossplane.requests.memory string "256Mi" Memory resource requests for the Crossplane pod.
securityContextCrossplane.runAsUser int 65532 The user ID used by the Crossplane pod.
securityContextCrossplane.runAsGroup int 65532 The group ID used by the Crossplane pod.
securityContextCrossplane.allowPrivilegeEscalation bool false Enable allowPrivilegeEscalation for the Crossplane pod.
securityContextCrossplane.readOnlyRootFilesystem bool true Set the Crossplane pod root file system as read-only.
packageCache.medium string "" Set to Memory to hold the package cache in a RAM backed file system. Useful for Crossplane development.
packageCache.sizeLimit string "20Mi" The size limit for the package cache. If medium is Memory the sizeLimit can't exceed Node memory.
packageCache.pvc string "" The name of a PersistentVolumeClaim to use as the package cache. Disables the default package cache emptyDir Volume.
packageCache.configMap string "" The name of a ConfigMap to use as the package cache. Disables the default package cache emptyDir Volume.
resourcesRBACManager.limits.cpu string "100m" CPU resource limits for the RBAC Manager pod.
resourcesRBACManager.limits.memory string "512Mi" Memory resource limits for the RBAC Manager pod.
resourcesRBACManager.requests.cpu string "100m" CPU resource requests for the RBAC Manager pod.
resourcesRBACManager.requests.memory string "256Mi" Memory resource requests for the RBAC Manager pod.
securityContextRBACManager.runAsUser int 65532 The user ID used by the RBAC Manager pod.
securityContextRBACManager.runAsGroup int 65532 The group ID used by the RBAC Manager pod.
securityContextRBACManager.allowPrivilegeEscalation bool false Enable allowPrivilegeEscalation for the RBAC Manager pod.
securityContextRBACManager.readOnlyRootFilesystem bool true Set the RBAC Manager pod root file system as read-only.
metrics.enabled bool false Enable Prometheus path, port and scrape annotations and expose port 8080 for both the Crossplane and RBAC Manager pods.
metrics.port string "" The port the metrics server listens on.
readiness.port string "" The port the readyz server listens on.
extraEnvVarsCrossplane object {} Add custom environmental variables to the Crossplane pod deployment. Replaces any . in a variable name with _. For example, SAMPLE.KEY=value1 becomes SAMPLE_KEY=value1.
extraEnvVarsRBACManager object {} Add custom environmental variables to the RBAC Manager pod deployment. Replaces any . in a variable name with _. For example, SAMPLE.KEY=value1 becomes SAMPLE_KEY=value1.
podSecurityContextCrossplane object {} Add a custom securityContext to the Crossplane pod.
podSecurityContextRBACManager object {} Add a custom securityContext to the RBAC Manager pod.
extraVolumesCrossplane object {} Add custom volumes to the Crossplane pod.
extraVolumeMountsCrossplane object {} Add custom volumeMounts to the Crossplane pod.
extraObjects list [] To add arbitrary Kubernetes Objects during a Helm Install
istio.enabled bool false Toggle istio integration
istio.mtls object {"mode":"STRICT"} Default Crossplane peer authentication
istio.mtls.mode string "STRICT" STRICT = Allow only mutual TLS traffic, PERMISSIVE = Allow both plain text and mutual TLS traffic
networkPolicies.enabled bool false Toggle network policies


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