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Version: 2.0.2 Type: application AppVersion: 2.0.2

Remote development environments on your infrastructure

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  • Kubernetes Cluster deployed
  • Kubernetes config installed in ~/.kube/config
  • Helm installed

Kubernetes: >= 1.19.0-0

Install Helm


  • Clone down the repository
  • cd into directory
helm install coder chart/


Key Type Default Description
coder object {"affinity":{"podAntiAffinity":{"preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution":[{"podAffinityTerm":{"labelSelector":{"matchExpressions":[{"key":"","operator":"In","values":["coder"]}]},"topologyKey":""},"weight":1}]}},"annotations":{},"certs":{"secrets":[]},"command":["/opt/coder"],"commandArgs":[],"env":[],"image":{"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","pullSecrets":[],"repo":"","tag":"2.0.2"},"ingress":{"annotations":{},"className":"","enable":false,"host":"","tls":{"enable":false,"secretName":"","wildcardSecretName":""},"wildcardHost":""},"initContainers":[],"labels":{},"lifecycle":{},"nodeSelector":{},"podAnnotations":{},"podLabels":{},"replicaCount":1,"resources":{},"securityContext":{"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"readOnlyRootFilesystem":null,"runAsGroup":1000,"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":1000,"seccompProfile":{"type":"RuntimeDefault"}},"service":{"annotations":{},"enable":true,"externalTrafficPolicy":"Cluster","loadBalancerIP":"","sessionAffinity":"ClientIP","type":"LoadBalancer"},"serviceAccount":{"annotations":{},"enableDeployments":true,"name":"coder","workspacePerms":true},"tls":{"secretNames":[]},"tolerations":{},"volumeMounts":[],"volumes":[],"workspaceProxy":false} Primary configuration for coder server.
coder.env list [] The environment variables to set for Coder. These can be used to configure all aspects of coder server. Please see coder server --help for information about what environment variables can be set. Note: The following environment variables are set by default and cannot be overridden: - CODER_HTTP_ADDRESS: set to and cannot be changed. - CODER_TLS_ADDRESS: set to if tls.secretName is not empty. - CODER_TLS_ENABLE: set if tls.secretName is not empty. - CODER_TLS_CERT_FILE: set if tls.secretName is not empty. - CODER_TLS_KEY_FILE: set if tls.secretName is not empty. - CODER_PROMETHEUS_ADDRESS: set to and cannot be changed. Prometheus must still be enabled by setting CODER_PROMETHEUS_ENABLE. - KUBE_POD_IP - CODER_DERP_SERVER_RELAY_URL We will additionally set CODER_ACCESS_URL if unset to the cluster service URL.
coder.image object {"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","pullSecrets":[],"repo":"","tag":"2.0.2"} The image to use for Coder.
coder.image.repo string "" The repository of the image.
coder.image.tag string "2.0.2" The tag of the image, defaults to {{.Chart.AppVersion}} if not set. If you're using the chart directly from git, the default app version will not work and you'll need to set this value. The helm chart helpfully fails quickly in this case.
coder.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" The pull policy to use for the image. See:
coder.image.pullSecrets list [] The secrets used for pulling the Coder image from a private registry.
coder.initContainers list [] Init containers for the deployment. See:
coder.annotations object {} The Deployment annotations. See:
coder.labels object {} The Deployment labels. See:
coder.podAnnotations object {} The Coder pod annotations. See:
coder.podLabels object {} The Coder pod labels. See:
coder.serviceAccount object {"annotations":{},"enableDeployments":true,"name":"coder","workspacePerms":true} Configuration for the automatically created service account. Creation of the service account cannot be disabled.
coder.serviceAccount.workspacePerms bool true Whether or not to grant the coder service account permissions to manage workspaces. This includes permission to manage pods and persistent volume claims in the deployment namespace. It is recommended to keep this on if you are using Kubernetes templates within Coder.
coder.serviceAccount.enableDeployments bool true Provides the service account permission to manage Kubernetes deployments.
coder.serviceAccount.annotations object {} The Coder service account annotations. string "coder" The service account name
coder.securityContext object {"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"readOnlyRootFilesystem":null,"runAsGroup":1000,"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":1000,"seccompProfile":{"type":"RuntimeDefault"}} Fields related to the container's security context (as opposed to the pod). Some fields are also present in the pod security context, in which case these values will take precedence.
coder.securityContext.runAsNonRoot bool true Requires that the coder container runs as an unprivileged user. If setting runAsUser to 0 (root), this will need to be set to false.
coder.securityContext.runAsUser int 1000 Sets the user id of the container. For security reasons, we recommend using a non-root user.
coder.securityContext.runAsGroup int 1000 Sets the group id of the container. For security reasons, we recommend using a non-root group.
coder.securityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem string nil Mounts the container's root filesystem as read-only.
coder.securityContext.seccompProfile object {"type":"RuntimeDefault"} Sets the seccomp profile for the coder container.
coder.securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation bool false Controls whether the container can gain additional privileges, such as escalating to root. It is recommended to leave this setting disabled in production.
coder.volumes list [] A list of extra volumes to add to the Coder pod.
coder.volumeMounts list [] A list of extra volume mounts to add to the Coder pod.
coder.tls object {"secretNames":[]} The TLS configuration for Coder.
coder.tls.secretNames list [] A list of TLS server certificate secrets to mount into the Coder pod. The secrets should exist in the same namespace as the Helm deployment and should be of type "". The secrets will be automatically mounted into the pod if specified, and the correct "CODER_TLS_*" environment variables will be set for you.
coder.replicaCount int 1 The number of Kubernetes deployment replicas. This should only be increased if High Availability is enabled. This is an Enterprise feature. Contact [email protected].
coder.workspaceProxy bool false Whether or not this deployment of Coder is a Coder Workspace Proxy. Workspace Proxies reduce the latency between the user and their workspace for web connections (workspace apps and web terminal) and proxied connections from the CLI. Workspace Proxies are optional and only recommended for geographically sparse teams. Make sure you set CODER_PRIMARY_ACCESS_URL and CODER_PROXY_SESSION_TOKEN in the environment below. You can get a proxy token using the CLI: coder wsproxy create \ --name "proxy-name" \ --display-name "Proxy Name" \ --icon "/emojis/xyz.png" This is an Enterprise feature. Contact [email protected] Docs:
coder.lifecycle object {} container lifecycle handlers for the Coder container, allowing for lifecycle events such as postStart and preStop events See:
coder.resources object {} The resources to request for Coder. These are optional and are not set by default.
coder.certs object {"secrets":[]} CA bundles to mount inside the Coder pod.
coder.certs.secrets list [] A list of CA bundle secrets to mount into the Coder pod. The secrets should exist in the same namespace as the Helm deployment. The given key in each secret is mounted at /etc/ssl/certs/{secret_name}.crt.
coder.affinity object {"podAntiAffinity":{"preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution":[{"podAffinityTerm":{"labelSelector":{"matchExpressions":[{"key":"","operator":"In","values":["coder"]}]},"topologyKey":""},"weight":1}]}} Allows specifying an affinity rule for the coder deployment. The default rule prefers to schedule coder pods on different nodes, which is only applicable if coder.replicaCount is greater than 1.
coder.tolerations object {} Tolerations for tainted nodes. See:
coder.nodeSelector object {} Node labels for constraining coder pods to nodes. See:
coder.service object {"annotations":{},"enable":true,"externalTrafficPolicy":"Cluster","loadBalancerIP":"","sessionAffinity":"ClientIP","type":"LoadBalancer"} The Service object to expose for Coder.
coder.service.enable bool true Whether to create the Service object.
coder.service.type string "LoadBalancer" The type of service to expose. See:
coder.service.sessionAffinity string "ClientIP" Must be set to ClientIP or None AWS ELB does not support session stickiness based on ClientIP, so you must set this to None. The error message you might see: "Unsupported load balancer affinity: ClientIP"
coder.service.externalTrafficPolicy string "Cluster" The external traffic policy to use. You may need to change this to "Local" to preserve the source IP address in some situations.
coder.service.loadBalancerIP string "" The IP address of the LoadBalancer. If not specified, a new IP will be generated each time the load balancer is recreated. It is recommended to manually create a static IP address in your cloud and specify it here in production to avoid accidental IP address changes.
coder.service.annotations object {} The service annotations. See:
coder.ingress object {"annotations":{},"className":"","enable":false,"host":"","tls":{"enable":false,"secretName":"","wildcardSecretName":""},"wildcardHost":""} The Ingress object to expose for Coder.
coder.ingress.enable bool false Whether to create the Ingress object. If using an Ingress, we recommend not specifying coder.tls.secretNames as the Ingress will handle TLS termination.
coder.ingress.className string "" The name of the Ingress class to use. string "" The hostname to match on. Be sure to also set CODER_ACCESS_URL within coder.env[]
coder.ingress.wildcardHost string "" The wildcard hostname to match on. Should be in the form "" or "". If you are using a suffix after the wildcard, the suffix will be stripped from the created ingress to ensure that it is a legal ingress host. Optional if not using applications over subdomains. Be sure to also set CODER_WILDCARD_ACCESS_URL within coder.env[]
coder.ingress.annotations object {} The ingress annotations.
coder.ingress.tls object {"enable":false,"secretName":"","wildcardSecretName":""} The TLS configuration to use for the Ingress.
coder.ingress.tls.enable bool false Whether to enable TLS on the Ingress.
coder.ingress.tls.secretName string "" The name of the TLS secret to use.
coder.ingress.tls.wildcardSecretName string "" The name of the TLS secret to use for the wildcard host.
coder.command list ["/opt/coder"] The command to use when running the Coder container. Used for customizing the location of the coder binary in your image.
coder.commandArgs list [] Set arguments for the entrypoint command of the Coder pod.
provisionerDaemon object {"pskSecretName":""} Configuration for external provisioner daemons. This is an Enterprise feature. Contact [email protected].
provisionerDaemon.pskSecretName string "" The name of the Kubernetes secret that contains the Pre-Shared Key (PSK) to use to authenticate external provisioner daemons with Coder. The secret must be in the same namespace as the Helm deployment, and contain an item called "psk" which contains the pre-shared key.
extraTemplates string nil Array of extra objects to deploy with the release. Strings are evaluated as a template and can use template expansions and functions. All other objects are used as yaml.


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