Thanos is a highly available metrics system that can be added on top of existing Prometheus deployments, providing a global query view across all Prometheus installations.
- Find upstream chart's release notes and CHANGELOG here
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- Kubernetes Cluster deployed
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- Helm installed
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helm install thanos chart/
Key | Type | Default | Description |
global.imageRegistry | string | "" |
global.imagePullSecrets | list | [] |
global.defaultStorageClass | string | "" |
global.storageClass | string | "" |
| | bool | false |
global.compatibility.openshift.adaptSecurityContext | string | "auto" |
kubeVersion | string | "" |
nameOverride | string | "" |
fullnameOverride | string | "" |
commonLabels | object | {} |
commonAnnotations | object | {} |
clusterDomain | string | "cluster.local" |
extraDeploy | list | [] |
sso.enabled | bool | false |
image.registry | string | "" |
image.repository | string | "ironbank/opensource/thanos/thanos" |
image.tag | string | "v0.37.2" |
image.digest | string | "" |
image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
image.pullSecrets[0] | string | "private-registry" |
objstoreConfig | string | "" |
indexCacheConfig | string | "" |
bucketCacheConfig | string | "" |
existingObjstoreSecret | string | "" |
existingObjstoreSecretItems | list | [] |
httpConfig | string | "" |
existingHttpConfigSecret | string | "" |
https.enabled | bool | false |
https.autoGenerated | bool | false |
https.existingSecret | string | "" |
https.certFilename | string | "tls.crt" |
https.keyFilename | string | "tls.key" |
https.caFilename | string | "ca.crt" |
https.key | string | "" |
https.cert | string | "" |
| | string | "" |
https.clientAuthType | string | "" |
https.extraTlsServerConfig | object | {} |
auth.basicAuthUsers | object | {} |
query.enabled | bool | true |
query.logLevel | string | "info" |
query.logFormat | string | "logfmt" |
query.replicaLabel[0] | string | "replica" |
query.dnsDiscovery.enabled | bool | true |
query.dnsDiscovery.sidecarsService | string | "" |
query.dnsDiscovery.sidecarsNamespace | string | "" |
query.stores | list | [] |
query.sdConfig | string | "" |
query.existingSDConfigmap | string | "" |
query.extraEnvVars | list | [] |
query.extraEnvVarsCM | string | "" |
query.extraEnvVarsSecret | string | "" |
query.extraFlags | list | [] |
query.command | list | [] |
query.args | list | [] |
query.replicaCount | int | 1 |
query.revisionHistoryLimit | int | 10 |
query.updateStrategy.type | string | "RollingUpdate" |
query.containerPorts.http | int | 10902 |
query.containerPorts.grpc | int | 10901 |
query.podSecurityContext.enabled | bool | true |
query.podSecurityContext.fsGroupChangePolicy | string | "Always" |
query.podSecurityContext.sysctls | list | [] |
query.podSecurityContext.supplementalGroups | list | [] |
query.podSecurityContext.fsGroup | int | 1001 |
query.containerSecurityContext.enabled | bool | true |
query.containerSecurityContext.seLinuxOptions | object | {} |
query.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser | int | 1001 |
query.containerSecurityContext.runAsGroup | int | 1001 |
query.containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot | bool | true |
query.containerSecurityContext.privileged | bool | false |
query.containerSecurityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem | bool | true |
query.containerSecurityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation | bool | false |
query.containerSecurityContext.capabilities.drop[0] | string | "ALL" |
query.containerSecurityContext.seccompProfile.type | string | "RuntimeDefault" |
query.resources.limits.cpu | string | "300m" |
query.resources.limits.memory | string | "5Gi" |
query.resources.requests.cpu | string | "300m" |
query.resources.requests.memory | string | "5Gi" |
query.resourcesPreset | string | "nano" |
query.livenessProbe.enabled | bool | true |
query.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 30 |
query.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 30 |
query.livenessProbe.periodSeconds | int | 10 |
query.livenessProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
query.livenessProbe.failureThreshold | int | 6 |
query.readinessProbe.enabled | bool | true |
query.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 30 |
query.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 30 |
query.readinessProbe.periodSeconds | int | 10 |
query.readinessProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
query.readinessProbe.failureThreshold | int | 6 |
query.startupProbe.enabled | bool | false |
query.startupProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 5 |
query.startupProbe.periodSeconds | int | 5 |
query.startupProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 1 |
query.startupProbe.failureThreshold | int | 15 |
query.startupProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
query.customLivenessProbe | object | {} |
query.customReadinessProbe | object | {} |
query.customStartupProbe | object | {} |
query.initContainers | list | [] |
query.sidecars | list | [] |
query.extraVolumes | list | [] |
query.extraVolumeMounts | list | [] |
query.podAffinityPreset | string | "" |
query.podAntiAffinityPreset | string | "soft" |
query.podAntiAffinityPresetTopologyKey | string | "" |
query.nodeAffinityPreset.type | string | "" |
query.nodeAffinityPreset.key | string | "" |
query.nodeAffinityPreset.values | list | [] |
query.affinity | object | {} |
query.nodeSelector | object | {} |
query.tolerations | list | [] |
query.podLabels | object | {} |
query.podAnnotations | object | {} |
query.dnsConfig | object | {} |
query.dnsPolicy | string | "" |
query.hostAliases | list | [] |
query.lifecycleHooks | object | {} |
query.priorityClassName | string | "" |
query.schedulerName | string | "" |
query.topologySpreadConstraints | list | [] |
query.grpc.server.tls.enabled | bool | false |
query.grpc.server.tls.autoGenerated | bool | false |
query.grpc.server.tls.cert | string | "" |
query.grpc.server.tls.key | string | "" |
| | string | "" |
query.grpc.server.tls.clientAuthEnabled | bool | true |
query.grpc.server.tls.existingSecret | object | {} |
query.grpc.client.serverName | string | "" |
query.grpc.client.tls.enabled | bool | false |
query.grpc.client.tls.autoGenerated | bool | false |
query.grpc.client.tls.cert | string | "" |
query.grpc.client.tls.key | string | "" |
| | string | "" |
query.grpc.client.tls.existingSecret | object | {} |
query.networkPolicy.enabled | bool | true |
query.networkPolicy.allowExternal | bool | true |
query.networkPolicy.allowExternalEgress | bool | true |
query.networkPolicy.extraIngress | list | [] |
query.networkPolicy.extraEgress | list | [] |
query.networkPolicy.ingressNSMatchLabels | object | {} |
query.networkPolicy.ingressNSPodMatchLabels | object | {} |
query.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
query.service.ports.http | int | 9090 |
query.service.nodePorts.http | string | "" |
query.service.clusterIP | string | "" |
query.service.loadBalancerIP | string | "" |
query.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges | list | [] |
query.service.externalTrafficPolicy | string | "Cluster" |
query.service.labels | object | {} |
query.service.annotations | object | {} |
query.service.extraPorts | list | [] |
query.service.labelSelectorsOverride | object | {} |
query.service.additionalHeadless | bool | false |
query.service.headless.annotations | object | {} |
query.serviceGrpc.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
query.serviceGrpc.ports.grpc | int | 10901 |
query.serviceGrpc.nodePorts.grpc | string | "" |
query.serviceGrpc.clusterIP | string | "" |
query.serviceGrpc.loadBalancerIP | string | "" |
query.serviceGrpc.loadBalancerSourceRanges | list | [] |
query.serviceGrpc.externalTrafficPolicy | string | "Cluster" |
query.serviceGrpc.labels | object | {} |
query.serviceGrpc.annotations | object | {} |
query.serviceGrpc.extraPorts | list | [] |
query.serviceGrpc.labelSelectorsOverride | object | {} |
query.serviceGrpc.additionalHeadless | bool | false |
query.serviceGrpc.headless.annotations | object | {} |
query.automountServiceAccountToken | bool | true |
query.serviceAccount.create | bool | true |
| | string | "" |
query.serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
query.serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken | bool | false |
query.rbac.create | bool | false |
query.rbac.rules | list | [] |
query.pspEnabled | bool | false |
query.autoscaling.enabled | bool | false |
query.autoscaling.minReplicas | string | "" |
query.autoscaling.maxReplicas | string | "" |
query.autoscaling.targetCPU | string | "" |
query.autoscaling.targetMemory | string | "" |
query.autoscaling.targetPodMetrics | list | [] |
query.pdb.create | bool | false |
query.pdb.minAvailable | int | 1 |
query.pdb.maxUnavailable | int | 1 |
query.ingress.enabled | bool | false |
query.ingress.hostname | string | "thanos.local" |
query.ingress.secretName | string | "" |
query.ingress.ingressClassName | string | "" |
query.ingress.annotations | object | {} |
query.ingress.extraHosts | list | [] |
query.ingress.extraTls | list | [] |
query.ingress.secrets | list | [] |
query.ingress.extraRules | list | [] |
query.ingress.tls | bool | false |
query.ingress.selfSigned | bool | false |
query.ingress.apiVersion | string | "" |
query.ingress.path | string | "/" |
query.ingress.pathType | string | "ImplementationSpecific" |
query.ingress.grpc.enabled | bool | false |
query.ingress.grpc.hostname | string | "thanos-grpc.local" |
query.ingress.grpc.secretName | string | "" |
query.ingress.grpc.ingressClassName | string | "" |
query.ingress.grpc.annotations | object | {} |
query.ingress.grpc.extraHosts | list | [] |
query.ingress.grpc.extraTls | list | [] |
query.ingress.grpc.secrets | list | [] |
query.ingress.grpc.extraRules | list | [] |
query.ingress.grpc.tls | bool | false |
query.ingress.grpc.selfSigned | bool | false |
query.ingress.grpc.apiVersion | string | "" |
query.ingress.grpc.path | string | "/" |
query.ingress.grpc.pathType | string | "ImplementationSpecific" |
queryFrontend.enabled | bool | true |
queryFrontend.logLevel | string | "info" |
queryFrontend.logFormat | string | "logfmt" |
queryFrontend.config | string | "" |
queryFrontend.existingConfigmap | string | "" |
queryFrontend.extraEnvVars | list | [] |
queryFrontend.extraEnvVarsCM | string | "" |
queryFrontend.extraEnvVarsSecret | string | "" |
queryFrontend.extraFlags | list | [] |
queryFrontend.command | list | [] |
queryFrontend.args | list | [] |
queryFrontend.replicaCount | int | 1 |
queryFrontend.revisionHistoryLimit | int | 10 |
queryFrontend.updateStrategy.type | string | "RollingUpdate" |
queryFrontend.containerPorts.http | int | 9090 |
queryFrontend.podSecurityContext.enabled | bool | true |
queryFrontend.podSecurityContext.fsGroupChangePolicy | string | "Always" |
queryFrontend.podSecurityContext.sysctls | list | [] |
queryFrontend.podSecurityContext.supplementalGroups | list | [] |
queryFrontend.podSecurityContext.fsGroup | int | 1001 |
queryFrontend.containerSecurityContext.enabled | bool | true |
queryFrontend.containerSecurityContext.seLinuxOptions | object | {} |
queryFrontend.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser | int | 1001 |
queryFrontend.containerSecurityContext.runAsGroup | int | 1001 |
queryFrontend.containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot | bool | true |
queryFrontend.containerSecurityContext.privileged | bool | false |
queryFrontend.containerSecurityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem | bool | true |
queryFrontend.containerSecurityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation | bool | false |
queryFrontend.containerSecurityContext.capabilities.drop[0] | string | "ALL" |
queryFrontend.containerSecurityContext.seccompProfile.type | string | "RuntimeDefault" |
queryFrontend.resources.limits.cpu | string | "100m" |
queryFrontend.resources.limits.memory | string | "100Mi" |
queryFrontend.resources.requests.cpu | string | "100m" |
queryFrontend.resources.requests.memory | string | "100Mi" |
queryFrontend.resourcesPreset | string | "nano" |
queryFrontend.livenessProbe.enabled | bool | true |
queryFrontend.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 30 |
queryFrontend.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 30 |
queryFrontend.livenessProbe.periodSeconds | int | 10 |
queryFrontend.livenessProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
queryFrontend.livenessProbe.failureThreshold | int | 6 |
queryFrontend.readinessProbe.enabled | bool | true |
queryFrontend.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 30 |
queryFrontend.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 30 |
queryFrontend.readinessProbe.periodSeconds | int | 10 |
queryFrontend.readinessProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
queryFrontend.readinessProbe.failureThreshold | int | 6 |
queryFrontend.startupProbe.enabled | bool | false |
queryFrontend.startupProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 5 |
queryFrontend.startupProbe.periodSeconds | int | 5 |
queryFrontend.startupProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 1 |
queryFrontend.startupProbe.failureThreshold | int | 15 |
queryFrontend.startupProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
queryFrontend.customLivenessProbe | object | {} |
queryFrontend.customReadinessProbe | object | {} |
queryFrontend.customStartupProbe | object | {} |
queryFrontend.initContainers | list | [] |
queryFrontend.sidecars | list | [] |
queryFrontend.extraVolumes | list | [] |
queryFrontend.extraVolumeMounts | list | [] |
queryFrontend.podAffinityPreset | string | "" |
queryFrontend.podAntiAffinityPreset | string | "soft" |
queryFrontend.nodeAffinityPreset.type | string | "" |
queryFrontend.nodeAffinityPreset.key | string | "" |
queryFrontend.nodeAffinityPreset.values | list | [] |
queryFrontend.affinity | object | {} |
queryFrontend.nodeSelector | object | {} |
queryFrontend.tolerations | list | [] |
queryFrontend.podLabels | object | {} |
queryFrontend.podAnnotations | object | {} |
queryFrontend.dnsConfig | object | {} |
queryFrontend.dnsPolicy | string | "" |
queryFrontend.hostAliases | list | [] |
queryFrontend.lifecycleHooks | object | {} |
queryFrontend.priorityClassName | string | "" |
queryFrontend.schedulerName | string | "" |
queryFrontend.topologySpreadConstraints | list | [] |
queryFrontend.networkPolicy.enabled | bool | true |
queryFrontend.networkPolicy.allowExternal | bool | true |
queryFrontend.networkPolicy.allowExternalEgress | bool | true |
queryFrontend.networkPolicy.extraIngress | list | [] |
queryFrontend.networkPolicy.extraEgress | list | [] |
queryFrontend.networkPolicy.ingressNSMatchLabels | object | {} |
queryFrontend.networkPolicy.ingressNSPodMatchLabels | object | {} |
queryFrontend.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
queryFrontend.service.ports.http | int | 9090 |
queryFrontend.service.nodePorts.http | string | "" |
queryFrontend.service.clusterIP | string | "" |
queryFrontend.service.loadBalancerIP | string | "" |
queryFrontend.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges | list | [] |
queryFrontend.service.externalTrafficPolicy | string | "Cluster" |
queryFrontend.service.annotations | object | {} |
queryFrontend.service.labels | object | {} |
queryFrontend.service.extraPorts | list | [] |
queryFrontend.service.labelSelectorsOverride | object | {} |
queryFrontend.automountServiceAccountToken | bool | true |
queryFrontend.serviceAccount.create | bool | true |
| | string | "" |
queryFrontend.serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
queryFrontend.serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken | bool | false |
queryFrontend.rbac.create | bool | false |
queryFrontend.rbac.rules | list | [] |
queryFrontend.pspEnabled | bool | false |
queryFrontend.autoscaling.enabled | bool | false |
queryFrontend.autoscaling.minReplicas | string | "" |
queryFrontend.autoscaling.maxReplicas | string | "" |
queryFrontend.autoscaling.targetCPU | string | "" |
queryFrontend.autoscaling.targetMemory | string | "" |
queryFrontend.pdb.create | bool | false |
queryFrontend.pdb.minAvailable | int | 1 |
queryFrontend.pdb.maxUnavailable | int | 1 |
queryFrontend.ingress.enabled | bool | false |
queryFrontend.ingress.hostname | string | "thanos.local" |
queryFrontend.ingress.overrideAlertQueryURL | bool | true |
queryFrontend.ingress.ingressClassName | string | "" |
queryFrontend.ingress.annotations | object | {} |
queryFrontend.ingress.extraHosts | list | [] |
queryFrontend.ingress.extraTls | list | [] |
queryFrontend.ingress.secrets | list | [] |
queryFrontend.ingress.extraRules | list | [] |
queryFrontend.ingress.tls | bool | false |
queryFrontend.ingress.selfSigned | bool | false |
queryFrontend.ingress.apiVersion | string | "" |
queryFrontend.ingress.path | string | "/" |
queryFrontend.ingress.pathType | string | "ImplementationSpecific" |
bucketweb.enabled | bool | false |
bucketweb.logLevel | string | "info" |
bucketweb.logFormat | string | "logfmt" |
bucketweb.refresh | string | "30m" |
bucketweb.timeout | string | "5m" |
bucketweb.extraEnvVars | list | [] |
bucketweb.extraEnvVarsCM | string | "" |
bucketweb.extraEnvVarsSecret | string | "" |
bucketweb.extraFlags | list | [] |
bucketweb.command | list | [] |
bucketweb.args | list | [] |
bucketweb.replicaCount | int | 1 |
bucketweb.revisionHistoryLimit | int | 10 |
bucketweb.updateStrategy.type | string | "RollingUpdate" |
bucketweb.containerPorts.http | int | 8080 |
bucketweb.podSecurityContext.enabled | bool | true |
bucketweb.podSecurityContext.fsGroupChangePolicy | string | "Always" |
bucketweb.podSecurityContext.sysctls | list | [] |
bucketweb.podSecurityContext.supplementalGroups | list | [] |
bucketweb.podSecurityContext.fsGroup | int | 1001 |
bucketweb.containerSecurityContext.enabled | bool | true |
bucketweb.containerSecurityContext.seLinuxOptions | object | {} |
bucketweb.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser | int | 1001 |
bucketweb.containerSecurityContext.runAsGroup | int | 1001 |
bucketweb.containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot | bool | true |
bucketweb.containerSecurityContext.privileged | bool | false |
bucketweb.containerSecurityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem | bool | true |
bucketweb.containerSecurityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation | bool | false |
bucketweb.containerSecurityContext.capabilities.drop[0] | string | "ALL" |
bucketweb.containerSecurityContext.seccompProfile.type | string | "RuntimeDefault" |
bucketweb.resources.limits.cpu | string | "100m" |
bucketweb.resources.limits.memory | string | "100Mi" |
bucketweb.resources.requests.cpu | string | "100m" |
bucketweb.resources.requests.memory | string | "100Mi" |
bucketweb.resourcesPreset | string | "nano" |
bucketweb.livenessProbe.enabled | bool | true |
bucketweb.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 30 |
bucketweb.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 30 |
bucketweb.livenessProbe.periodSeconds | int | 10 |
bucketweb.livenessProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
bucketweb.livenessProbe.failureThreshold | int | 6 |
bucketweb.readinessProbe.enabled | bool | true |
bucketweb.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 30 |
bucketweb.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 30 |
bucketweb.readinessProbe.periodSeconds | int | 10 |
bucketweb.readinessProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
bucketweb.readinessProbe.failureThreshold | int | 6 |
bucketweb.startupProbe.enabled | bool | false |
bucketweb.startupProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 5 |
bucketweb.startupProbe.periodSeconds | int | 5 |
bucketweb.startupProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 1 |
bucketweb.startupProbe.failureThreshold | int | 15 |
bucketweb.startupProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
bucketweb.customLivenessProbe | object | {} |
bucketweb.customReadinessProbe | object | {} |
bucketweb.customStartupProbe | object | {} |
bucketweb.initContainers | list | [] |
bucketweb.sidecars | list | [] |
bucketweb.extraVolumes | list | [] |
bucketweb.extraVolumeMounts | list | [] |
bucketweb.podAffinityPreset | string | "" |
bucketweb.podAntiAffinityPreset | string | "soft" |
bucketweb.nodeAffinityPreset.type | string | "" |
bucketweb.nodeAffinityPreset.key | string | "" |
bucketweb.nodeAffinityPreset.values | list | [] |
bucketweb.affinity | object | {} |
bucketweb.nodeSelector | object | {} |
bucketweb.tolerations | list | [] |
bucketweb.podLabels | object | {} |
bucketweb.podAnnotations | object | {} |
bucketweb.dnsConfig | object | {} |
bucketweb.dnsPolicy | string | "" |
bucketweb.hostAliases | list | [] |
bucketweb.lifecycleHooks | object | {} |
bucketweb.priorityClassName | string | "" |
bucketweb.schedulerName | string | "" |
bucketweb.topologySpreadConstraints | list | [] |
bucketweb.networkPolicy.enabled | bool | true |
bucketweb.networkPolicy.allowExternal | bool | true |
bucketweb.networkPolicy.allowExternalEgress | bool | true |
bucketweb.networkPolicy.extraIngress | list | [] |
bucketweb.networkPolicy.extraEgress | list | [] |
bucketweb.networkPolicy.ingressNSMatchLabels | object | {} |
bucketweb.networkPolicy.ingressNSPodMatchLabels | object | {} |
bucketweb.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
bucketweb.service.ports.http | int | 8080 |
bucketweb.service.nodePorts.http | string | "" |
bucketweb.service.clusterIP | string | "" |
bucketweb.service.loadBalancerIP | string | "" |
bucketweb.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges | list | [] |
bucketweb.service.externalTrafficPolicy | string | "Cluster" |
bucketweb.service.labels | object | {} |
bucketweb.service.annotations | object | {} |
bucketweb.service.extraPorts | list | [] |
bucketweb.service.labelSelectorsOverride | object | {} |
bucketweb.automountServiceAccountToken | bool | true |
bucketweb.serviceAccount.create | bool | true |
| | string | "" |
bucketweb.serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
bucketweb.serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken | bool | false |
bucketweb.autoscaling.enabled | bool | false |
bucketweb.autoscaling.minReplicas | string | "" |
bucketweb.autoscaling.maxReplicas | string | "" |
bucketweb.autoscaling.targetCPU | string | "" |
bucketweb.autoscaling.targetMemory | string | "" |
bucketweb.pdb.create | bool | false |
bucketweb.pdb.minAvailable | int | 1 |
bucketweb.pdb.maxUnavailable | int | 1 |
bucketweb.ingress.enabled | bool | false |
bucketweb.ingress.hostname | string | "thanos-bucketweb.local" |
bucketweb.ingress.ingressClassName | string | "" |
bucketweb.ingress.annotations | object | {} |
bucketweb.ingress.extraHosts | list | [] |
bucketweb.ingress.extraTls | list | [] |
bucketweb.ingress.secrets | list | [] |
bucketweb.ingress.extraRules | list | [] |
bucketweb.ingress.tls | bool | false |
bucketweb.ingress.selfSigned | bool | false |
bucketweb.ingress.apiVersion | string | "" |
bucketweb.ingress.path | string | "/" |
bucketweb.ingress.pathType | string | "ImplementationSpecific" |
compactor.enabled | bool | false |
compactor.logLevel | string | "info" |
compactor.logFormat | string | "logfmt" |
compactor.dataDir | string | "/data" |
compactor.retentionResolutionRaw | string | "0s" |
compactor.retentionResolution5m | string | "0s" |
compactor.retentionResolution1h | string | "0s" |
compactor.consistencyDelay | string | "30m" |
compactor.extraEnvVars | list | [] |
compactor.extraEnvVarsCM | string | "" |
compactor.extraEnvVarsSecret | string | "" |
compactor.extraFlags | list | [] |
compactor.command | list | [] |
compactor.args | list | [] |
compactor.revisionHistoryLimit | int | 10 |
compactor.cronJob.enabled | bool | false |
compactor.cronJob.schedule | string | "0 */6 * * *" |
compactor.cronJob.timeZone | string | "" |
compactor.cronJob.startingDeadlineSeconds | string | "" |
compactor.cronJob.concurrencyPolicy | string | "Forbid" |
compactor.cronJob.suspend | string | "" |
compactor.cronJob.successfulJobsHistoryLimit | string | "" |
compactor.cronJob.failedJobsHistoryLimit | string | "" |
compactor.cronJob.backoffLimit | string | "" |
compactor.cronJob.ttlSecondsAfterFinished | string | "" |
compactor.restartPolicy | string | "" |
compactor.updateStrategy.type | string | "Recreate" |
compactor.containerPorts.http | int | 10902 |
compactor.podSecurityContext.enabled | bool | true |
compactor.podSecurityContext.fsGroupChangePolicy | string | "Always" |
compactor.podSecurityContext.sysctls | list | [] |
compactor.podSecurityContext.supplementalGroups | list | [] |
compactor.podSecurityContext.fsGroup | int | 1001 |
compactor.containerSecurityContext.enabled | bool | true |
compactor.containerSecurityContext.seLinuxOptions | object | {} |
compactor.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser | int | 1001 |
compactor.containerSecurityContext.runAsGroup | int | 1001 |
compactor.containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot | bool | true |
compactor.containerSecurityContext.privileged | bool | false |
compactor.containerSecurityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem | bool | true |
compactor.containerSecurityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation | bool | false |
compactor.containerSecurityContext.capabilities.drop[0] | string | "ALL" |
compactor.containerSecurityContext.seccompProfile.type | string | "RuntimeDefault" |
compactor.resources.limits.cpu | string | "100m" |
compactor.resources.limits.memory | string | "100Mi" |
compactor.resources.requests.cpu | string | "100m" |
compactor.resources.requests.memory | string | "100Mi" |
compactor.resourcesPreset | string | "nano" |
compactor.livenessProbe.enabled | bool | true |
compactor.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 30 |
compactor.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 30 |
compactor.livenessProbe.periodSeconds | int | 10 |
compactor.livenessProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
compactor.livenessProbe.failureThreshold | int | 6 |
compactor.readinessProbe.enabled | bool | true |
compactor.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 30 |
compactor.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 30 |
compactor.readinessProbe.periodSeconds | int | 10 |
compactor.readinessProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
compactor.readinessProbe.failureThreshold | int | 6 |
compactor.startupProbe.enabled | bool | false |
compactor.startupProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 5 |
compactor.startupProbe.periodSeconds | int | 5 |
compactor.startupProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 1 |
compactor.startupProbe.failureThreshold | int | 15 |
compactor.startupProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
compactor.customLivenessProbe | object | {} |
compactor.customReadinessProbe | object | {} |
compactor.customStartupProbe | object | {} |
compactor.initContainers | list | [] |
compactor.sidecars | list | [] |
compactor.extraVolumes | list | [] |
compactor.extraVolumeMounts | list | [] |
compactor.podAffinityPreset | string | "" |
compactor.podAntiAffinityPreset | string | "soft" |
compactor.nodeAffinityPreset.type | string | "" |
compactor.nodeAffinityPreset.key | string | "" |
compactor.nodeAffinityPreset.values | list | [] |
compactor.affinity | object | {} |
compactor.nodeSelector | object | {} |
compactor.tolerations | list | [] |
compactor.podLabels | object | {} |
compactor.podAnnotations | object | {} |
compactor.dnsConfig | object | {} |
compactor.dnsPolicy | string | "" |
compactor.hostAliases | list | [] |
compactor.lifecycleHooks | object | {} |
compactor.priorityClassName | string | "" |
compactor.schedulerName | string | "" |
compactor.topologySpreadConstraints | list | [] |
compactor.networkPolicy.enabled | bool | true |
compactor.networkPolicy.allowExternal | bool | true |
compactor.networkPolicy.allowExternalEgress | bool | true |
compactor.networkPolicy.extraIngress | list | [] |
compactor.networkPolicy.extraEgress | list | [] |
compactor.networkPolicy.ingressNSMatchLabels | object | {} |
compactor.networkPolicy.ingressNSPodMatchLabels | object | {} |
compactor.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
compactor.service.ports.http | int | 9090 |
compactor.service.nodePorts.http | string | "" |
compactor.service.clusterIP | string | "" |
compactor.service.loadBalancerIP | string | "" |
compactor.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges | list | [] |
compactor.service.externalTrafficPolicy | string | "Cluster" |
compactor.service.labels | object | {} |
compactor.service.annotations | object | {} |
compactor.service.extraPorts | list | [] |
compactor.service.labelSelectorsOverride | object | {} |
compactor.automountServiceAccountToken | bool | true |
compactor.serviceAccount.create | bool | true |
| | string | "" |
compactor.serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
compactor.serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken | bool | false |
compactor.ingress.enabled | bool | false |
compactor.ingress.hostname | string | "thanos-compactor.local" |
compactor.ingress.ingressClassName | string | "" |
compactor.ingress.annotations | object | {} |
compactor.ingress.extraHosts | list | [] |
compactor.ingress.extraTls | list | [] |
compactor.ingress.secrets | list | [] |
compactor.ingress.extraRules | list | [] |
compactor.ingress.tls | bool | false |
compactor.ingress.selfSigned | bool | false |
compactor.ingress.apiVersion | string | "" |
compactor.ingress.path | string | "/" |
compactor.ingress.pathType | string | "ImplementationSpecific" |
compactor.persistence.enabled | bool | true |
compactor.persistence.ephemeral | bool | false |
compactor.persistence.defaultEmptyDir | bool | true |
compactor.persistence.storageClass | string | "" |
compactor.persistence.accessModes[0] | string | "ReadWriteOnce" |
compactor.persistence.size | string | "8Gi" |
compactor.persistence.labels | object | {} |
compactor.persistence.annotations | object | {} |
compactor.persistence.existingClaim | string | "" |
storegateway.enabled | bool | false |
storegateway.logLevel | string | "info" |
storegateway.logFormat | string | "logfmt" |
storegateway.useEndpointGroup | bool | false |
storegateway.config | string | "" |
storegateway.existingConfigmap | string | "" |
storegateway.grpc.server.tls.enabled | bool | false |
storegateway.grpc.server.tls.autoGenerated | bool | false |
storegateway.grpc.server.tls.cert | string | "" |
storegateway.grpc.server.tls.key | string | "" |
| | string | "" |
storegateway.grpc.server.tls.clientAuthEnabled | bool | true |
storegateway.grpc.server.tls.existingSecret | object | {} |
storegateway.extraEnvVars | list | [] |
storegateway.extraEnvVarsCM | string | "" |
storegateway.extraEnvVarsSecret | string | "" |
storegateway.extraFlags | list | [] |
storegateway.command | list | [] |
storegateway.args | list | [] |
storegateway.replicaCount | int | 1 |
storegateway.revisionHistoryLimit | int | 10 |
storegateway.updateStrategy.type | string | "RollingUpdate" |
storegateway.podManagementPolicy | string | "OrderedReady" |
storegateway.containerPorts.http | int | 10902 |
storegateway.containerPorts.grpc | int | 10901 |
storegateway.podSecurityContext.enabled | bool | true |
storegateway.podSecurityContext.fsGroupChangePolicy | string | "Always" |
storegateway.podSecurityContext.sysctls | list | [] |
storegateway.podSecurityContext.supplementalGroups | list | [] |
storegateway.podSecurityContext.fsGroup | int | 1001 |
storegateway.containerSecurityContext.enabled | bool | true |
storegateway.containerSecurityContext.seLinuxOptions | object | {} |
storegateway.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser | int | 1001 |
storegateway.containerSecurityContext.runAsGroup | int | 1001 |
storegateway.containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot | bool | true |
storegateway.containerSecurityContext.privileged | bool | false |
storegateway.containerSecurityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem | bool | true |
storegateway.containerSecurityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation | bool | false |
storegateway.containerSecurityContext.capabilities.drop[0] | string | "ALL" |
storegateway.containerSecurityContext.seccompProfile.type | string | "RuntimeDefault" |
storegateway.resources.limits.cpu | string | "100m" |
storegateway.resources.limits.memory | string | "100Mi" |
storegateway.resources.requests.cpu | string | "100m" |
storegateway.resources.requests.memory | string | "100Mi" |
storegateway.resourcesPreset | string | "nano" |
storegateway.livenessProbe.enabled | bool | true |
storegateway.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 30 |
storegateway.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 30 |
storegateway.livenessProbe.periodSeconds | int | 10 |
storegateway.livenessProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
storegateway.livenessProbe.failureThreshold | int | 6 |
storegateway.readinessProbe.enabled | bool | true |
storegateway.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 30 |
storegateway.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 30 |
storegateway.readinessProbe.periodSeconds | int | 10 |
storegateway.readinessProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
storegateway.readinessProbe.failureThreshold | int | 6 |
storegateway.startupProbe.enabled | bool | false |
storegateway.startupProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 5 |
storegateway.startupProbe.periodSeconds | int | 5 |
storegateway.startupProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 1 |
storegateway.startupProbe.failureThreshold | int | 15 |
storegateway.startupProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
storegateway.customLivenessProbe | object | {} |
storegateway.customReadinessProbe | object | {} |
storegateway.customStartupProbe | object | {} |
storegateway.initContainers | list | [] |
storegateway.sidecars | list | [] |
storegateway.extraVolumes | list | [] |
storegateway.extraVolumeMounts | list | [] |
storegateway.podAffinityPreset | string | "" |
storegateway.podAntiAffinityPreset | string | "soft" |
storegateway.nodeAffinityPreset.type | string | "" |
storegateway.nodeAffinityPreset.key | string | "" |
storegateway.nodeAffinityPreset.values | list | [] |
storegateway.affinity | object | {} |
storegateway.nodeSelector | object | {} |
storegateway.tolerations | list | [] |
storegateway.podLabels | object | {} |
storegateway.podAnnotations | object | {} |
storegateway.dnsConfig | object | {} |
storegateway.dnsPolicy | string | "" |
storegateway.hostAliases | list | [] |
storegateway.lifecycleHooks | object | {} |
storegateway.priorityClassName | string | "" |
storegateway.topologySpreadConstraints | list | [] |
storegateway.schedulerName | string | "" |
storegateway.networkPolicy.enabled | bool | true |
storegateway.networkPolicy.allowExternal | bool | true |
storegateway.networkPolicy.allowExternalEgress | bool | true |
storegateway.networkPolicy.extraIngress | list | [] |
storegateway.networkPolicy.extraEgress | list | [] |
storegateway.networkPolicy.ingressNSMatchLabels | object | {} |
storegateway.networkPolicy.ingressNSPodMatchLabels | object | {} |
storegateway.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
storegateway.service.ports.http | int | 9090 |
storegateway.service.ports.grpc | int | 10901 |
storegateway.service.nodePorts.http | string | "" |
storegateway.service.nodePorts.grpc | string | "" |
storegateway.service.clusterIP | string | "" |
storegateway.service.loadBalancerIP | string | "" |
storegateway.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges | list | [] |
storegateway.service.externalTrafficPolicy | string | "Cluster" |
storegateway.service.labels | object | {} |
storegateway.service.annotations | object | {} |
storegateway.service.extraPorts | list | [] |
storegateway.service.labelSelectorsOverride | object | {} |
storegateway.service.additionalHeadless | bool | false |
storegateway.service.headless.annotations | object | {} |
storegateway.persistence.enabled | bool | true |
storegateway.persistence.storageClass | string | "" |
storegateway.persistence.accessModes[0] | string | "ReadWriteOnce" |
storegateway.persistence.size | string | "8Gi" |
storegateway.persistence.labels | object | {} |
storegateway.persistence.annotations | object | {} |
storegateway.persistence.existingClaim | string | "" |
storegateway.persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy.enabled | bool | false |
storegateway.persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy.whenScaled | string | "Retain" |
storegateway.persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy.whenDeleted | string | "Retain" |
storegateway.automountServiceAccountToken | bool | true |
storegateway.serviceAccount.create | bool | true |
| | string | "" |
storegateway.serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
storegateway.serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken | bool | false |
storegateway.autoscaling.enabled | bool | false |
storegateway.autoscaling.minReplicas | string | "" |
storegateway.autoscaling.maxReplicas | string | "" |
storegateway.autoscaling.targetCPU | string | "" |
storegateway.autoscaling.targetMemory | string | "" |
storegateway.pdb.create | bool | false |
storegateway.pdb.minAvailable | int | 1 |
storegateway.pdb.maxUnavailable | int | 1 |
storegateway.ingress.enabled | bool | false |
storegateway.ingress.hostname | string | "thanos-storegateway.local" |
storegateway.ingress.ingressClassName | string | "" |
storegateway.ingress.annotations | object | {} |
storegateway.ingress.extraHosts | list | [] |
storegateway.ingress.extraTls | list | [] |
storegateway.ingress.secrets | list | [] |
storegateway.ingress.extraRules | list | [] |
storegateway.ingress.tls | bool | false |
storegateway.ingress.selfSigned | bool | false |
storegateway.ingress.apiVersion | string | "" |
storegateway.ingress.path | string | "/" |
storegateway.ingress.pathType | string | "ImplementationSpecific" |
storegateway.ingress.grpc.enabled | bool | false |
storegateway.ingress.grpc.hostname | string | "thanos-grpc.local" |
storegateway.ingress.grpc.ingressClassName | string | "" |
storegateway.ingress.grpc.annotations | object | {} |
storegateway.ingress.grpc.extraHosts | list | [] |
storegateway.ingress.grpc.extraTls | list | [] |
storegateway.ingress.grpc.secrets | list | [] |
storegateway.ingress.grpc.extraRules | list | [] |
storegateway.ingress.grpc.tls | bool | false |
storegateway.ingress.grpc.selfSigned | bool | false |
storegateway.ingress.grpc.apiVersion | string | "" |
storegateway.ingress.grpc.path | string | "/" |
storegateway.ingress.grpc.pathType | string | "ImplementationSpecific" |
storegateway.sharded.enabled | bool | false |
storegateway.sharded.hashPartitioning.shards | string | "" |
storegateway.sharded.hashPartitioning.extraRelabelingConfigs | list | [] |
storegateway.sharded.timePartitioning[0].min | string | "" |
storegateway.sharded.timePartitioning[0].max | string | "" |
storegateway.sharded.service.clusterIPs | list | [] |
storegateway.sharded.service.loadBalancerIPs | list | [] |
storegateway.sharded.service.http.nodePorts | list | [] |
storegateway.sharded.service.grpc.nodePorts | list | [] |
ruler.enabled | bool | false |
ruler.logLevel | string | "info" |
ruler.logFormat | string | "logfmt" |
ruler.replicaLabel | string | "replica" |
ruler.dnsDiscovery.enabled | bool | true |
ruler.queryURL | string | "" |
ruler.alertmanagers | list | [] |
ruler.alertmanagersConfig | string | "" |
ruler.evalInterval | string | "1m" |
ruler.clusterName | string | "" |
ruler.config | string | "" |
ruler.dataPath | string | "" |
ruler.existingConfigmap | string | "" |
ruler.extraEnvVars | list | [] |
ruler.extraEnvVarsCM | string | "" |
ruler.extraEnvVarsSecret | string | "" |
ruler.extraFlags | list | [] |
ruler.command | list | [] |
ruler.args | list | [] |
ruler.replicaCount | int | 1 |
ruler.revisionHistoryLimit | int | 10 |
ruler.updateStrategy.type | string | "RollingUpdate" |
ruler.podManagementPolicy | string | "OrderedReady" |
ruler.containerPorts.http | int | 10902 |
ruler.containerPorts.grpc | int | 10901 |
ruler.podSecurityContext.enabled | bool | true |
ruler.podSecurityContext.fsGroupChangePolicy | string | "Always" |
ruler.podSecurityContext.sysctls | list | [] |
ruler.podSecurityContext.supplementalGroups | list | [] |
ruler.podSecurityContext.fsGroup | int | 1001 |
ruler.containerSecurityContext.enabled | bool | true |
ruler.containerSecurityContext.seLinuxOptions | object | {} |
ruler.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser | int | 1001 |
ruler.containerSecurityContext.runAsGroup | int | 1001 |
ruler.containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot | bool | true |
ruler.containerSecurityContext.privileged | bool | false |
ruler.containerSecurityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem | bool | true |
ruler.containerSecurityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation | bool | false |
ruler.containerSecurityContext.capabilities.drop[0] | string | "ALL" |
ruler.containerSecurityContext.seccompProfile.type | string | "RuntimeDefault" |
ruler.resources.limits.cpu | string | "100m" |
ruler.resources.limits.memory | string | "100Mi" |
ruler.resources.requests.cpu | string | "100m" |
ruler.resources.requests.memory | string | "100Mi" |
ruler.resourcesPreset | string | "nano" |
ruler.livenessProbe.enabled | bool | true |
ruler.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 30 |
ruler.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 30 |
ruler.livenessProbe.periodSeconds | int | 10 |
ruler.livenessProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
ruler.livenessProbe.failureThreshold | int | 6 |
ruler.readinessProbe.enabled | bool | true |
ruler.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 30 |
ruler.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 30 |
ruler.readinessProbe.periodSeconds | int | 10 |
ruler.readinessProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
ruler.readinessProbe.failureThreshold | int | 6 |
ruler.startupProbe.enabled | bool | false |
ruler.startupProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 5 |
ruler.startupProbe.periodSeconds | int | 5 |
ruler.startupProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 1 |
ruler.startupProbe.failureThreshold | int | 15 |
ruler.startupProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
ruler.customLivenessProbe | object | {} |
ruler.customReadinessProbe | object | {} |
ruler.customStartupProbe | object | {} |
ruler.initContainers | list | [] |
ruler.sidecars | list | [] |
ruler.extraVolumes | list | [] |
ruler.extraVolumeMounts | list | [] |
ruler.podAffinityPreset | string | "" |
ruler.podAntiAffinityPreset | string | "soft" |
ruler.nodeAffinityPreset.type | string | "" |
ruler.nodeAffinityPreset.key | string | "" |
ruler.nodeAffinityPreset.values | list | [] |
ruler.affinity | object | {} |
ruler.nodeSelector | object | {} |
ruler.tolerations | list | [] |
ruler.podLabels | object | {} |
ruler.podAnnotations | object | {} |
ruler.dnsConfig | object | {} |
ruler.dnsPolicy | string | "" |
ruler.hostAliases | list | [] |
ruler.lifecycleHooks | object | {} |
ruler.priorityClassName | string | "" |
ruler.schedulerName | string | "" |
ruler.topologySpreadConstraints | list | [] |
ruler.networkPolicy.enabled | bool | true |
ruler.networkPolicy.allowExternal | bool | true |
ruler.networkPolicy.allowExternalEgress | bool | true |
ruler.networkPolicy.extraIngress | list | [] |
ruler.networkPolicy.extraEgress | list | [] |
ruler.networkPolicy.ingressNSMatchLabels | object | {} |
ruler.networkPolicy.ingressNSPodMatchLabels | object | {} |
ruler.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
ruler.service.ports.http | int | 9090 |
ruler.service.ports.grpc | int | 10901 |
ruler.service.nodePorts.http | string | "" |
ruler.service.nodePorts.grpc | string | "" |
ruler.service.clusterIP | string | "" |
ruler.service.loadBalancerIP | string | "" |
ruler.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges | list | [] |
ruler.service.externalTrafficPolicy | string | "Cluster" |
ruler.service.labels | object | {} |
ruler.service.annotations | object | {} |
ruler.service.extraPorts | list | [] |
ruler.service.labelSelectorsOverride | object | {} |
ruler.service.additionalHeadless | bool | false |
ruler.service.headless.annotations | object | {} |
ruler.persistence.enabled | bool | true |
ruler.persistence.storageClass | string | "" |
ruler.persistence.accessModes[0] | string | "ReadWriteOnce" |
ruler.persistence.size | string | "8Gi" |
ruler.persistence.annotations | object | {} |
ruler.persistence.existingClaim | string | "" |
ruler.persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy.enabled | bool | false |
ruler.persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy.whenScaled | string | "Retain" |
ruler.persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy.whenDeleted | string | "Retain" |
ruler.automountServiceAccountToken | bool | true |
ruler.serviceAccount.create | bool | true |
| | string | "" |
ruler.serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
ruler.serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken | bool | false |
ruler.autoscaling.enabled | bool | false |
ruler.autoscaling.minReplicas | string | "" |
ruler.autoscaling.maxReplicas | string | "" |
ruler.autoscaling.targetCPU | string | "" |
ruler.autoscaling.targetMemory | string | "" |
ruler.pdb.create | bool | false |
ruler.pdb.minAvailable | int | 1 |
ruler.pdb.maxUnavailable | int | 1 |
ruler.ingress.enabled | bool | false |
ruler.ingress.hostname | string | "thanos-ruler.local" |
ruler.ingress.ingressClassName | string | "" |
ruler.ingress.annotations | object | {} |
ruler.ingress.extraHosts | list | [] |
ruler.ingress.extraTls | list | [] |
ruler.ingress.secrets | list | [] |
ruler.ingress.extraRules | list | [] |
ruler.ingress.apiVersion | string | "" |
ruler.ingress.path | string | "/" |
ruler.ingress.pathType | string | "ImplementationSpecific" |
receive.enabled | bool | false |
receive.mode | string | "standalone" |
receive.logLevel | string | "info" |
receive.logFormat | string | "logfmt" |
receive.tsdbRetention | string | "15d" |
receive.replicationFactor | int | 1 |
receive.config | list | [] |
receive.tsdbPath | string | "" |
receive.existingConfigmap | string | "" |
receive.replicaLabel | string | "replica" |
receive.grpc.server.tls.enabled | bool | false |
receive.grpc.server.tls.autoGenerated | bool | false |
receive.grpc.server.tls.cert | string | "" |
receive.grpc.server.tls.key | string | "" |
| | string | "" |
receive.grpc.server.tls.clientAuthEnabled | bool | true |
receive.grpc.server.tls.existingSecret | object | {} |
receive.extraEnvVars | list | [] |
receive.extraEnvVarsCM | string | "" |
receive.extraEnvVarsSecret | string | "" |
receive.extraFlags | list | [] |
receive.command | list | [] |
receive.args | list | [] |
receive.replicaCount | int | 1 |
receive.revisionHistoryLimit | int | 10 |
receive.updateStrategy.type | string | "RollingUpdate" |
receive.podManagementPolicy | string | "OrderedReady" |
receive.minReadySeconds | int | 0 |
receive.containerPorts.http | int | 10902 |
receive.containerPorts.grpc | int | 10901 |
receive.containerPorts.remote | int | 19291 |
receive.podSecurityContext.enabled | bool | true |
receive.podSecurityContext.fsGroupChangePolicy | string | "Always" |
receive.podSecurityContext.sysctls | list | [] |
receive.podSecurityContext.supplementalGroups | list | [] |
receive.podSecurityContext.fsGroup | int | 1001 |
receive.containerSecurityContext.enabled | bool | true |
receive.containerSecurityContext.seLinuxOptions | object | {} |
receive.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser | int | 1001 |
receive.containerSecurityContext.runAsGroup | int | 1001 |
receive.containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot | bool | true |
receive.containerSecurityContext.privileged | bool | false |
receive.containerSecurityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem | bool | true |
receive.containerSecurityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation | bool | false |
receive.containerSecurityContext.capabilities.drop[0] | string | "ALL" |
receive.containerSecurityContext.seccompProfile.type | string | "RuntimeDefault" |
receive.resources.limits.cpu | string | "100m" |
receive.resources.limits.memory | string | "100Mi" |
receive.resources.requests.cpu | string | "100m" |
receive.resources.requests.memory | string | "100Mi" |
receive.resourcesPreset | string | "nano" |
receive.livenessProbe.enabled | bool | true |
receive.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 30 |
receive.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 30 |
receive.livenessProbe.periodSeconds | int | 10 |
receive.livenessProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
receive.livenessProbe.failureThreshold | int | 6 |
receive.readinessProbe.enabled | bool | true |
receive.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 30 |
receive.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 30 |
receive.readinessProbe.periodSeconds | int | 10 |
receive.readinessProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
receive.readinessProbe.failureThreshold | int | 6 |
receive.startupProbe.enabled | bool | false |
receive.startupProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 5 |
receive.startupProbe.periodSeconds | int | 5 |
receive.startupProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 1 |
receive.startupProbe.failureThreshold | int | 15 |
receive.startupProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
receive.customLivenessProbe | object | {} |
receive.customReadinessProbe | object | {} |
receive.customStartupProbe | object | {} |
receive.initContainers | list | [] |
receive.sidecars | list | [] |
receive.extraVolumes | list | [] |
receive.extraVolumeMounts | list | [] |
receive.podAffinityPreset | string | "" |
receive.podAntiAffinityPreset | string | "soft" |
receive.nodeAffinityPreset.type | string | "" |
receive.nodeAffinityPreset.key | string | "" |
receive.nodeAffinityPreset.values | list | [] |
receive.affinity | object | {} |
receive.nodeSelector | object | {} |
receive.tolerations | list | [] |
receive.statefulsetLabels | object | {} |
receive.podLabels | object | {} |
receive.podAnnotations | object | {} |
receive.dnsConfig | object | {} |
receive.dnsPolicy | string | "" |
receive.hostAliases | list | [] |
receive.terminationGracePeriodSeconds | string | "" |
receive.lifecycleHooks | object | {} |
receive.priorityClassName | string | "" |
receive.schedulerName | string | "" |
receive.topologySpreadConstraints | list | [] |
receive.networkPolicy.enabled | bool | true |
receive.networkPolicy.allowExternal | bool | true |
receive.networkPolicy.allowExternalEgress | bool | true |
receive.networkPolicy.extraIngress | list | [] |
receive.networkPolicy.extraEgress | list | [] |
receive.networkPolicy.ingressNSMatchLabels | object | {} |
receive.networkPolicy.ingressNSPodMatchLabels | object | {} |
receive.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
receive.service.ports.http | int | 10902 |
receive.service.ports.grpc | int | 10901 |
receive.service.ports.remote | int | 19291 |
receive.service.nodePorts.http | string | "" |
receive.service.nodePorts.grpc | string | "" |
receive.service.nodePorts.remote | string | "" |
receive.service.clusterIP | string | "" |
receive.service.loadBalancerIP | string | "" |
receive.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges | list | [] |
receive.service.externalTrafficPolicy | string | "Cluster" |
receive.service.labels | object | {} |
receive.service.annotations | object | {} |
receive.service.extraPorts | list | [] |
receive.service.labelSelectorsOverride | object | {} |
receive.service.additionalHeadless | bool | false |
receive.service.headless.annotations | object | {} |
receive.automountServiceAccountToken | bool | true |
receive.serviceAccount.create | bool | true |
| | string | "" |
receive.serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
receive.serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken | bool | false |
receive.autoscaling.enabled | bool | false |
receive.autoscaling.minReplicas | string | "" |
receive.autoscaling.maxReplicas | string | "" |
receive.autoscaling.targetCPU | string | "" |
receive.autoscaling.targetMemory | string | "" |
receive.pdb.create | bool | false |
receive.pdb.minAvailable | int | 1 |
receive.pdb.maxUnavailable | int | 1 |
receive.persistence.enabled | bool | true |
receive.persistence.storageClass | string | "" |
receive.persistence.accessModes[0] | string | "ReadWriteOnce" |
receive.persistence.size | string | "8Gi" |
receive.persistence.labels | object | {} |
receive.persistence.annotations | object | {} |
receive.persistence.existingClaim | string | "" |
receive.persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy.enabled | bool | false |
receive.persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy.whenScaled | string | "Retain" |
receive.persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy.whenDeleted | string | "Retain" |
receive.ingress.enabled | bool | false |
receive.ingress.hostname | string | "thanos-receive.local" |
receive.ingress.ingressClassName | string | "" |
receive.ingress.annotations | object | {} |
receive.ingress.extraHosts | list | [] |
receive.ingress.extraTls | list | [] |
receive.ingress.secrets | list | [] |
receive.ingress.extraRules | list | [] |
receive.ingress.tls | bool | false |
receive.ingress.selfSigned | bool | false |
receive.ingress.apiVersion | string | "" |
receive.ingress.path | string | "/" |
receive.ingress.pathType | string | "ImplementationSpecific" |
receiveDistributor.enabled | bool | false |
receiveDistributor.logLevel | string | "info" |
receiveDistributor.logFormat | string | "logfmt" |
receiveDistributor.replicaLabel | string | "replica" |
receiveDistributor.replicationFactor | int | 1 |
receiveDistributor.extraEnvVars | list | [] |
receiveDistributor.extraEnvVarsCM | string | "" |
receiveDistributor.extraEnvVarsSecret | string | "" |
receiveDistributor.extraFlags | list | [] |
receiveDistributor.command | list | [] |
receiveDistributor.args | list | [] |
receiveDistributor.replicaCount | int | 1 |
receiveDistributor.revisionHistoryLimit | int | 10 |
receiveDistributor.updateStrategy.type | string | "RollingUpdate" |
receiveDistributor.podSecurityContext.enabled | bool | true |
receiveDistributor.podSecurityContext.fsGroupChangePolicy | string | "Always" |
receiveDistributor.podSecurityContext.sysctls | list | [] |
receiveDistributor.podSecurityContext.supplementalGroups | list | [] |
receiveDistributor.podSecurityContext.fsGroup | int | 1001 |
receiveDistributor.containerSecurityContext.enabled | bool | true |
receiveDistributor.containerSecurityContext.seLinuxOptions | object | {} |
receiveDistributor.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser | int | 1001 |
receiveDistributor.containerSecurityContext.runAsGroup | int | 1001 |
receiveDistributor.containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot | bool | true |
receiveDistributor.containerSecurityContext.privileged | bool | false |
receiveDistributor.containerSecurityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem | bool | true |
receiveDistributor.containerSecurityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation | bool | false |
receiveDistributor.containerSecurityContext.capabilities.drop[0] | string | "ALL" |
receiveDistributor.containerSecurityContext.seccompProfile.type | string | "RuntimeDefault" |
receiveDistributor.resources.limits.cpu | string | "100m" |
receiveDistributor.resources.limits.memory | string | "100Mi" |
receiveDistributor.resources.requests.cpu | string | "100m" |
receiveDistributor.resources.requests.memory | string | "100Mi" |
receiveDistributor.resourcesPreset | string | "nano" |
receiveDistributor.livenessProbe.enabled | bool | true |
receiveDistributor.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 30 |
receiveDistributor.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 30 |
receiveDistributor.livenessProbe.periodSeconds | int | 10 |
receiveDistributor.livenessProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
receiveDistributor.livenessProbe.failureThreshold | int | 6 |
receiveDistributor.readinessProbe.enabled | bool | true |
receiveDistributor.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 30 |
receiveDistributor.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 30 |
receiveDistributor.readinessProbe.periodSeconds | int | 10 |
receiveDistributor.readinessProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
receiveDistributor.readinessProbe.failureThreshold | int | 6 |
receiveDistributor.startupProbe.enabled | bool | false |
receiveDistributor.startupProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 5 |
receiveDistributor.startupProbe.periodSeconds | int | 5 |
receiveDistributor.startupProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 1 |
receiveDistributor.startupProbe.failureThreshold | int | 15 |
receiveDistributor.startupProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
receiveDistributor.customLivenessProbe | object | {} |
receiveDistributor.customReadinessProbe | object | {} |
receiveDistributor.customStartupProbe | object | {} |
receiveDistributor.terminationGracePeriodSeconds | string | "" |
receiveDistributor.initContainers | list | [] |
receiveDistributor.sidecars | list | [] |
receiveDistributor.extraVolumes | list | [] |
receiveDistributor.extraVolumeMounts | list | [] |
receiveDistributor.podAffinityPreset | string | "" |
receiveDistributor.podAntiAffinityPreset | string | "soft" |
receiveDistributor.nodeAffinityPreset.type | string | "" |
receiveDistributor.nodeAffinityPreset.key | string | "" |
receiveDistributor.nodeAffinityPreset.values | list | [] |
receiveDistributor.affinity | object | {} |
receiveDistributor.nodeSelector | object | {} |
receiveDistributor.tolerations | list | [] |
receiveDistributor.podLabels | object | {} |
receiveDistributor.podAnnotations | object | {} |
receiveDistributor.dnsConfig | object | {} |
receiveDistributor.dnsPolicy | string | "" |
receiveDistributor.hostAliases | list | [] |
receiveDistributor.lifecycleHooks | object | {} |
receiveDistributor.priorityClassName | string | "" |
receiveDistributor.schedulerName | string | "" |
receiveDistributor.topologySpreadConstraints | list | [] |
receiveDistributor.automountServiceAccountToken | bool | true |
receiveDistributor.serviceAccount.create | bool | true |
| | string | "" |
receiveDistributor.serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
receiveDistributor.serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken | bool | false |
receiveDistributor.autoscaling.enabled | bool | false |
receiveDistributor.autoscaling.minReplicas | string | "" |
receiveDistributor.autoscaling.maxReplicas | string | "" |
receiveDistributor.autoscaling.targetCPU | string | "" |
receiveDistributor.autoscaling.targetMemory | string | "" |
receiveDistributor.pdb.create | bool | false |
receiveDistributor.pdb.minAvailable | int | 1 |
receiveDistributor.pdb.maxUnavailable | int | 1 |
metrics.enabled | bool | false |
metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled | bool | false |
metrics.serviceMonitor.namespace | string | "" |
metrics.serviceMonitor.labels | object | {} |
metrics.serviceMonitor.jobLabel | string | "" |
metrics.serviceMonitor.interval | string | "" |
metrics.serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout | string | "" |
metrics.serviceMonitor.metricRelabelings | list | [] |
metrics.serviceMonitor.relabelings | list | [] |
metrics.serviceMonitor.selector | object | {} |
metrics.serviceMonitor.extraParameters | object | {} |
metrics.prometheusRule.enabled | bool | false |
metrics.prometheusRule.default.sidecarJobRegex | string | ".*thanos-sidecar.*" |
metrics.prometheusRule.default.create | bool | false |
metrics.prometheusRule.default.disabled | object | {} |
metrics.prometheusRule.runbookUrl | string | "" |
metrics.prometheusRule.namespace | string | "" |
metrics.prometheusRule.additionalLabels | object | {} |
metrics.prometheusRule.groups | list | [] |
volumePermissions.enabled | bool | false |
volumePermissions.image.registry | string | "" |
volumePermissions.image.repository | string | "ironbank/big-bang/base" |
volumePermissions.image.tag | string | "2.1.0" |
volumePermissions.image.digest | string | "" |
volumePermissions.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
volumePermissions.image.pullSecrets | list | [] |
minio.enabled | bool | false |
minio.tenant.configSecret | object | {"accessKey":"minio","name":"thanos-objstore-creds","secretKey":"minio123"} |
Minio root credentials |
minio.tenant.buckets | list | [{"name":"thanos"}] |
Buckets to be provisioned to for tenant |
minio.tenant.users | list | [{"name":"minio-user"}] |
Users to to be provisioned to for tenant |
minio.tenant.defaultUserCredentials | object | {"password":"","username":"minio-user"} |
User credentials to create for above user. Otherwise password is randomly generated. This auth is not required to be set or reclaimed for minio use with Loki |
minio.tenant.pools[0].name | string | "pool-0" |
minio.tenant.pools[0] | string | "minio" |
minio.tenant.pools[0].servers | int | 1 |
minio.tenant.pools[0].volumesPerServer | int | 4 |
minio.tenant.pools[0].size | string | "750Mi" |
minio.tenant.pools[0].securityContext.runAsUser | int | 1001 |
minio.tenant.pools[0].securityContext.runAsGroup | int | 1001 |
minio.tenant.pools[0].securityContext.fsGroup | int | 1001 |
minio.tenant.pools[0].securityContext.runAsNonRoot | bool | true |
minio.tenant.pools[0].containerSecurityContext.runAsUser | int | 1001 |
minio.tenant.pools[0].containerSecurityContext.runAsGroup | int | 1001 |
minio.tenant.pools[0].containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot | bool | true |
minio.tenant.pools[0].containerSecurityContext.capabilities.drop[0] | string | "ALL" |
minio.tenant.metrics.enabled | bool | false |
minio.tenant.metrics.port | int | 9000 |
minio.tenant.metrics.memory | string | "128M" |
minio.waitJob.enabled | bool | false |
networkPolicy.enabled | bool | false |
networkPolicy.allowExternal | bool | true |
networkPolicy.explicitNamespacesSelector | object | {} |
domain | string | "" |
Domain to service Thanos virtualService |
istio.enabled | bool | false |
istio.hardened.enabled | bool | false |
istio.hardened.outboundTrafficPolicyMode | string | "REGISTRY_ONLY" |
istio.hardened.customServiceEntries | list | [] |
istio.hardened.customAuthorizationPolicies | list | [] |
istio.hardened.minioOperator.enabled | bool | true |
istio.hardened.minioOperator.namespaces[0] | string | "minio-operator" |
istio.hardened.minioOperator.principals[0] | string | "cluster.local/ns/minio-operator/sa/minio-operator" |
istio.hardened.prometheus.enabled | bool | true |
istio.hardened.prometheus.namespaces[0] | string | "monitoring" |
istio.hardened.prometheus.principals[0] | string | "cluster.local/ns/monitoring/sa/monitoring-grafana" |
istio.mtls.mode | string | "STRICT" |
istio.thanos.enabled | bool | true |
istio.thanos.labels | object | {} |
istio.thanos.annotations | object | {} |
istio.thanos.gateways[0] | string | "istio-system/main" |
istio.thanos.hosts[0] | string | "thanos.{{ .Values.domain }}" |
networkPolicies.enabled | bool | false |
| | string | "istio-ingressgateway" |
networkPolicies.ingressLabels.istio | string | "ingressgateway" |
networkPolicies.additionalPolicies | list | [] |
| | string | "thanos-upgrade-job" |
upgradeJob.image.repository | string | "" |
upgradeJob.image.tag | string | "v1.30.9" |
upgradeJob.image.imagePullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
upgradeJob.image.pullSecrets | string | "private-registry" |
upgradeJob.serviceAccount | string | "upgrade-job-svc-account" |
upgradeJob.role | string | "upgrade-role" |
upgradeJob.roleBinding | string | "upgrade-rolebinding" |
bbtests.enabled | bool | false |
bbtests.cypress.artifacts | bool | true |
bbtests.cypress.envs.cypress_thanos_url | string | "http://thanos-query:9090" |
bbtests.cypress.envs.cypress_minio_url | string | "http://thanos-minio-console:9090" |
bbtests.cypress.envs.prometheus_integration_enabled | string | "false" |
bbtests.cypress.envs.objstorage_integration_enabled | string | "false" |
bbtests.defaultBuckets | string | "thanos" |
bbtests.resourcesPreset | string | "micro" |
bbtests.resources | object | {} |
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