Grafana Tempo Single Binary Mode
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- Kubernetes Cluster deployed
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- Helm installed
Install Helm
- Clone down the repository
- cd into directory
helm install tempo chart/
Key | Type | Default | Description |
global.commonLabels | object | {} |
Common labels for all object directly managed by this chart. |
nameOverride | string | "" |
Overrides the chart's name |
fullnameOverride | string | "" |
Overrides the chart's computed fullname |
replicas | int | 1 |
Define the amount of instances |
labels | object | {} |
labels for tempo |
annotations | object | {} |
Annotations for the StatefulSet |
tempo.repository | string | "" |
Docker image repository |
tempo.tag | string | "2.7.0" |
Docker image tag |
tempo.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
Docker image pull policy |
tempo.updateStrategy | string | "RollingUpdate" |
tempo.resources.limits.cpu | string | "500m" |
tempo.resources.limits.memory | string | "4Gi" |
tempo.resources.requests.cpu | string | "500m" |
tempo.resources.requests.memory | string | "4Gi" |
tempo.memBallastSizeMbs | int | 1024 |
tempo.multitenancyEnabled | bool | false |
tempo.reportingEnabled | bool | false |
If true, Tempo will report anonymous usage data about the shape of a deployment to Grafana Labs |
tempo.metricsGenerator.enabled | bool | false |
If true, enables Tempo's metrics generator ( |
tempo.metricsGenerator.remoteWriteUrl | string | "http://prometheus.monitoring:9090/api/v1/write" |
tempo.ingester | object | {"max_block_bytes":1000000,"max_block_duration":"5m","trace_idle_period":"10s"} |
Configuration options for the ingester |
tempo.querier | object | {} |
Configuration options for the querier |
tempo.queryFrontend | object | {} |
Configuration options for the query-fronted. Refers to: |
tempo.retention | string | "336h" |
tempo.global_overrides.per_tenant_override_config | string | "/conf/overrides.yaml" |
tempo.overrides | object | {} |
tempo.server.http_listen_port | int | 3100 |
HTTP server listen port |
tempo.livenessProbe.httpGet.path | string | "/ready" |
tempo.livenessProbe.httpGet.port | int | 3100 |
tempo.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 30 |
tempo.livenessProbe.periodSeconds | int | 10 |
tempo.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 5 |
tempo.livenessProbe.failureThreshold | int | 3 |
tempo.livenessProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
tempo.readinessProbe.httpGet.path | string | "/ready" |
tempo.readinessProbe.httpGet.port | int | 3100 |
tempo.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 20 |
tempo.readinessProbe.periodSeconds | int | 10 |
tempo.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 5 |
tempo.readinessProbe.failureThreshold | int | 3 |
tempo.readinessProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
| | string | "local" |
| | string | "/var/tempo/traces" |
| | string | "/var/tempo/wal" |
tempo.receivers.jaeger.protocols.grpc.endpoint | string | "" |
tempo.receivers.jaeger.protocols.thrift_binary.endpoint | string | "" |
tempo.receivers.jaeger.protocols.thrift_compact.endpoint | string | "" |
tempo.receivers.jaeger.protocols.thrift_http.endpoint | string | "" |
tempo.receivers.zipkin.endpoint | string | "" |
tempo.receivers.opencensus | string | nil |
tempo.receivers.otlp.protocols.grpc.endpoint | string | "" |
tempo.receivers.otlp.protocols.http.endpoint | string | "" |
tempo.securityContext.capabilities.drop[0] | string | "ALL" |
tempo.extraArgs | object | {} |
tempo.extraEnv | list | [] |
Environment variables to add |
tempo.extraEnvFrom | list | [] |
Environment variables from secrets or configmaps to add to the ingester pods |
tempo.extraVolumeMounts | list | [] |
Volume mounts to add |
config | string | Dynamically generated tempo configmap | Tempo configuration file contents |
tempoQuery.repository | string | "" |
Docker image repository |
tempoQuery.tag | string | "2.7.0" |
Docker image tag |
tempoQuery.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
Docker image pull policy |
tempoQuery.enabled | bool | false |
if False the tempo-query container is not deployed |
tempoQuery.service.port | int | 16686 |
tempoQuery.ingress.enabled | bool | false |
tempoQuery.ingress.annotations | object | {} |
tempoQuery.ingress.labels | object | {} |
tempoQuery.ingress.path | string | "/" |
tempoQuery.ingress.pathType | string | "Prefix" |
tempoQuery.ingress.hosts[0] | string | "" |
tempoQuery.ingress.extraPaths | list | [] |
tempoQuery.ingress.tls | list | [] |
tempoQuery.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"300m","memory":"256Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"300m","memory":"256Mi"}} |
Resource for query container |
tempoQuery.extraArgs | object | {} |
tempoQuery.extraEnv | list | [] |
Environment variables to add |
tempoQuery.extraVolumeMounts | list | [] |
Volume mounts to add |
tempoQuery.securityContext.capabilities.drop[0] | string | "ALL" |
securityContext | object | {"fsGroup":1001,"runAsGroup":1001,"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":1001} |
securityContext for container |
serviceAccount.create | bool | true |
Specifies whether a ServiceAccount should be created | | string | nil |
The name of the ServiceAccount to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template |
serviceAccount.imagePullSecrets | list | [{"name":"private-registry"}] |
Image pull secrets for the service account |
serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
Annotations for the service account |
serviceAccount.labels | object | {} |
Labels for the service account |
serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken | bool | false |
service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
service.clusterIP | string | "" |
service.loadBalancerIP | string | nil |
IP address, in case of 'type: LoadBalancer' |
service.protocol | string | "TCP" |
If service type is LoadBalancer, the exposed protocol can either be "UDP", "TCP" or "UDP,TCP" |
service.annotations | object | {} |
service.labels | object | {} |
service.targetPort | string | "" |
serviceMonitor.enabled | bool | false |
serviceMonitor.interval | string | "" |
serviceMonitor.additionalLabels | object | {} |
serviceMonitor.annotations | object | {} |
serviceMonitor.scheme | string | "" |
serviceMonitor.tlsConfig | object | {} |
persistence.enabled | bool | true |
persistence.enableStatefulSetAutoDeletePVC | bool | true |
Enable StatefulSetAutoDeletePVC feature |
persistence.accessModes[0] | string | "ReadWriteOnce" |
persistence.size | string | "15Gi" |
podAnnotations | object | {"":"3100,4317,4318"} |
Pod Annotations |
podLabels | object | {} |
Pod (extra) Labels |
extraLabels | object | {} |
extraVolumes | list | [] |
Volumes to add |
nodeSelector | object | {} |
Node labels for pod assignment. See: |
tolerations | list | [] |
Tolerations for pod assignment. See: |
affinity | object | {} |
Affinity for pod assignment. See: |
priorityClassName | string | nil |
The name of the PriorityClass |
hostAliases | list | [] |
hostAliases to add |
networkPolicy.enabled | bool | false |
networkPolicy.ingress | bool | true |
networkPolicy.allowExternal | bool | true |
networkPolicy.explicitNamespacesSelector | object | {} |
networkPolicy.egress.enabled | bool | false |
networkPolicy.egress.blockDNSResolution | bool | false |
networkPolicy.egress.ports | list | [] |
| | list | [] |
domain | string | "" |
Domain used for BigBang created exposed services |
istio | object | {"enabled":false,"hardened":{"customAuthorizationPolicies":[],"customServiceEntries":[],"enabled":false,"outboundTrafficPolicyMode":"REGISTRY_ONLY"},"mtls":{"mode":"STRICT"}} |
Toggle istio integration. Intended to be controlled via BigBang passthrough of istio package status |
istio.hardened | object | {"customAuthorizationPolicies":[],"customServiceEntries":[],"enabled":false,"outboundTrafficPolicyMode":"REGISTRY_ONLY"} |
Default peer authentication values |
istio.mtls.mode | string | "STRICT" |
STRICT = Allow only mutual TLS traffic, PERMISSIVE = Allow both plain text and mutual TLS traffic |
objectStorage.access_key_id | string | "" |
AWS access_key_id for External ObjectStorage configuration |
objectStorage.secret_access_key | string | "" |
AWS secret_access_key for External ObjectStorage configuration |
networkPolicies | object | {"additionalPolicies":[],"controlPlaneCidr":"","enabled":false,"ingressLabels":{"app":"istio-ingressgateway","istio":"ingressgateway"}} |
Toggle for BigBang specific NetworkPolicies. If disabled no NetworkPolicies will be installed with package ref: |
networkPolicies.ingressLabels | object | {"app":"istio-ingressgateway","istio":"ingressgateway"} |
Istio IngressGateway labels for VirtualService external routing to app UI |
networkPolicies.controlPlaneCidr | string | "" |
Use kubectl cluster-info and then resolve to IP for kube-api. Review value description in BigBang |
monitoring | object | {"enabled":false} |
Toggle monitoring integration. Intended to be controlled via BigBang passthrough of monitoring package status |
sso | object | {"enabled":false} |
SSO toggle. Intended to be controlled via BigBang passthrough, only affects network/auth policies. |
bbtests.enabled | bool | false |
bbtests.cypress.artifacts | bool | true |
bbtests.cypress.envs.cypress_url | string | "http://{{ template \"tempo.fullname\" . }}.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local:16686" |
bbtests.cypress.envs.cypress_tempo_datasource | string | "http://{{ template \"tempo.fullname\" . }}.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc:3100" |
bbtests.cypress.envs.cypress_check_datasource | string | "false" |
bbtests.cypress.envs.cypress_grafana_url | string | "http://monitoring-grafana.monitoring.svc.cluster.local" |
bbtests.cypress.resources.requests.cpu | string | "1" |
bbtests.cypress.resources.requests.memory | string | "1Gi" |
bbtests.cypress.resources.limits.cpu | string | "2" |
bbtests.cypress.resources.limits.memory | string | "2Gi" |
bbtests.scripts.enabled | bool | true |
bbtests.scripts.image | string | "" |
bbtests.scripts.envs.TEMPO_METRICS_URL | string | "http://{{ template \"tempo.fullname\" . }}.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc:3100" |
openshift | bool | false |
Toggle or openshift specific config |
Please see the contributing guide if you are interested in contributing.
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