(* Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling [*] *)
(* *)
(* [*] Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* Mozilla Public License Version 2.0, MPL-2.0 *)
In this small project, depending on Coq-Kruskal
in an essential way,
we build Harvey Friedman's tree(n)
and TREE(n)
fast growing functions.
Fixpoint list_sum {X} (f : X → nat) l :=
match l with
| [] => 0
| x :: l => f x + list_sum l
(** Reminder:
idx m ≃ {0,...,m-1}.
vec X m are vectors of carrier type X and length m
If v : vec X m and i : idx m, then vᵢ is the i-th component of v *)
Inductive idx : nat → Type.
Inductive vec : Type → nat → Type.
The Friedman tree(n)
function is informally defined
as the largest natural number m
for which there is a sequence of length m
of undecorated
rose trees [t₁;...;tₘ]
such that:
- the number of nodes of those trees are
respectivelly; - the sequence is bad for the homeomorphic embedding
Formally in Coq, this gives the following specification and the theorem Friedman_tree_spec
established in tree.v
Inductive rtree : Type := ⟨ _ ⟩ᵣ : list rtree → rtree.
Inductive rtree_homeo_embed : rtree → rtree → Prop :=
| rtree_homeo_embed_subt s t l : t ∈ l → s ≤ₕ t → s ≤ₕ ⟨l⟩ᵣ
| rtree_homeo_embed_root l m : list_embed rtree_homeo_embed l m → ⟨l⟩ᵣ ≤ₕ ⟨m⟩ᵣ
where "s ≤ₕ t" := (rtree_homeo_embed s t).
Definition rtree_size : rtree → nat.
Notation "⌊ t ⌋ᵣ" := (rtree_size t).
Fact rtree_size_fix l : ⌊⟨l⟩ᵣ⌋ᵣ = 1 + list_sum rtree_size l.
Definition Friedman_tree : nat → nat.
Theorem Friedman_tree_spec n :
∀m, m ≤ Friedman_tree n
↔ ∃ t : vec rtree m, (∀i, ⌊tᵢ⌋ᵣ = 1+i+n) ∧ (∀ i j, i < j → ¬ tᵢ ≤ₕ tⱼ).
The essential argument to built the value Friedman_tree n
is to show that there is a length m
such that any sequence
of trees [t₁;...;tₘ]
of increasing sizes (as specified above) is good for the homeomorphic embedding ≤ₕ
- first, using Kruskal's theorem in its (equivalent) formulation using inductive bars, any (ever expending)
sequence of trees is bound to become
-good; - second, at any given value
, the trees which have sizes
are finitely many; - hence, we build the "set" of size increasing sequences of trees as a finitary FAN, ie a finite collection of choice sequences;
- then, applying the FAN theorem for inductive bars, all the size increasing sequences are bound to
-good uniformly, ie all simultaneously; - the point
where all the size increasing sequences of lengthm
-good is the needed value.
Since, the spec of Friedman_tree n
is decidable, anti-monotonic and bounded (by the above m
the value Friedman_tree n
can be computed by linear search using a variant of Constructive Epsilon.
Notice that our implementation is axiom free, hence purely constructive. Compared to the argument developed in Wikipedia, we here use a constructive version of Kruskal's theorem from Kruskal-Theorems
, and we replace Koenig's lemma with the FAN theorem for inductive bars as established constructivelly also in Kruskal-FAN
The Friedman TREE(n)
function is insanely fast growing function of which the termination proof depends on the proof of Kruskal's tree theorem itself. The construction we perfom in Coq is similar to the previous one but operates on rose trees decorated with the finite type idx n ≃ [1,...,n]
where n
is the parameter of Friedman_TREE n
. The construction of Friedman_TREE
and the theorem Friedman_TREE_spec
are performed in TREE.v
Definition ntree (n : nat) := ltree (idx n).
Notation "⟨i|l⟩ₗ" := (ltree_node i l).
Definition ntree_size {n} : ntree n → nat := @ltree_size _.
Notation "⌊ t ⌋ₙ" := (ntree_size t).
Fact ntree_size_fix i l : ⌊⟨i,l⟩ₗ⌋ₙ = 1 + list_sum ntree_size l.
Definition ntree_embed {n} : rel₂ (ntree n) := ltree_homeo_embed (@eq _).
Notation "l ≤ₕ m" := (ntree_homeo_embed l m).
Definition Friedman_TREE : nat → nat.
Theorem Friedman_TREE_spec n :
∀m, m ≤ Friedman_TREE n
↔ ∃ t : vec (ntree n) m, (∀i, ⌊tᵢ⌋ₙ ≤ 1+i) ∧ (∀ i j, i < j → ¬ tᵢ ≤ₕ tⱼ).