This vagrant is full stack environment for Sylius e-commerce build on top of Symfony 2 framework.
This full stack includes
- Apache 2
- php 5.3.10
- php mongo extension
- php intl extension
- phpmyadmin
- Mongo Server installed from 10gen repo
- git
- composer (installed globally)
- Sylius - It will clone Sylius project for you from github
user: root
password: iloverandompasswordsbutthiswilldo
You can change your mysql credential in Vagrantfile if you don't think it's creative enough
"mysql" => {
"server_root_password" => "iloverandompasswordsbutthiswilldo",
"server_repl_password" => "iloverandompasswordsbutthiswilldo",
"server_debian_password" => "iloverandompasswordsbutthiswilldo"
1 - Clone this repo
git clone
cd sylius-vagrant
vagrant up
2 - When vagrant is done with provisioning install Sylius
vagrant ssh
cd /var/www/Sylius
composer install
When all packages are installed install sylius application
php app/console sylius:install
Just answer on the questions from the cli and your app is ready on
To make it live on sylius.local
you need to set up you local hosts file like this.
If you are on Linux add this line into etc/hosts
sudo nano /etc/hosts
Add this line sylius.local
Save the file CTRL+O
and close CRTL+X
You are ready to rock now
If you're having issues with composer install
please try this:
$ COMPOSER_PROCESS_TIMEOUT=4000 composer install