An implementation of a distributed ledger using AT2 (Asynchronous Trustworthy Transfers). It you allows to send a certain amount of an asset to a chosen identity provided that you have enough in your account, while being byzantine resistant.
There are two binaries, one for the server and one for the client, both in rust.
You can install both with cargo install --path .
You can find more technical informations in
# generate a server config
server config new{1,2} > server-config
# extract your shareable node information
server config get-node < server-config
# get the others nodes information
cat other nodes informations >> server-config
# start the node
server run < server-config
# generate a client config
client config new > client-config
# get the recipient public key
# send some asset
client send-asset $recipient 99 < client-config
See the issues for up-to-date advances.
- confirm transaction
- handle account per client
- catchup mechanism for the accounts
- store state on disk to restart after crash
- add observability
- deploy network of node